Tipasa provides new functionality that speeds fulfillment of interlibrary loan requests to save time for your staff and users.
- Borrowing Requests
- Create, manage and process borrowing requests.
- OCLC Service Configuration - Tipasa
- Administrative settings for Tipasa are maintained in OCLC Service Configuration. In Service Configuration, you can set your interlibrary loan options, print settings, borrower and lender constant data, custom holdings groups, automations, and purchase options. As a Tipasa user, you can also turn on or off additional Tipasa settings.
- Interlibrary Loan Options
- Borrower Data
- Lender Data
- Custom Holdings Groups
- Custom Holdings Paths
- Automated Request Manager
- Impostazioni di conservazione di Article Exchange
- Purchase Options
- Request Forms
- Print Settings
- Circulation Integration
- Advanced Workflows
- Patron Settings
- Address Book
- Notifications
- External System Settings
- WMS Acquisitions Integration
- Policies Directory guide
- The OCLC Policies Directory is the repository of lending and copying policies of libraries participating in WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa.
- Smart fulfillment
- Find information about Smart fulfillment features, which increase the speed of delivery of materials based on policy data, lending history, licensing agreements, format preferences, and more.
- Article Exchange
- Article Exchange provides a single secure location where lending libraries can place requested articles for interlibrary loan. It allows users to upload files for pickup anywhere in the world. Only authorized users will be able to download the file.
- Copyright
- Find information about managing copyright.
- Consegna dei documenti
- The Document Delivery features allow your library to fulfill requests from patrons with items from your own collection.
- Interlibrary Loan Fee Management
- The Interlibrary Loan Fee Management (IFM) feature lets libraries reconcile resource-sharing charges and payments through their monthly OCLC invoice. IFM helps libraries save money on fee-based transactions and simplify the transaction process.
- Il mio account
- My Account is the interface for users at libraries with Tipasa, WorldShare Circulation, or WorldCat Discovery. Features available to the user vary depending on the service(s) to which your library subscribes.
- Off-System Requesting
- Learn how to track all requests using off-system request workflows in Tipasa.
- Gestione dei patroni
- With Tipasa, you can access your library's patron accounts for viewing, editing, and approving.
- With Tipasa, you can print individual requests, all requests in a queue, add requests to the print queue to print out later, and queue book straps and shipping and return labels to be printed.
- Purchasing Requests
- The Purchase option allows you to track items you may wish to purchase, instead of borrowing via interlibrary loan.
- WMS integrations
- Find information about integrating Tipasa with other WorldShare Management Services applications.
- Third-party integrations
- Find information about integrating third-party applications with Tipasa.
- Tag
- Tags are custom labels that can be applied to active and closed requests. Your library can use tags as a way to group and keep track of requests. Tags are only visible to your library. The system maintains all tags created and saved to a request, and you can search for active and closed requests using tags. You can create up to 200 unique tags.
- Document suppliers
- The documentation in this section explains how to receive articles from document suppliers such as Get It Now and MyBib.
- Reports
- Reports are available to Tipasa users through OCLC Usage Statistics, WorldShare Reports, and Report Designer.
- Tipasa release notes and known issues
- Find Tipasa release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- Tipasa training
- Find training on Tipasa here.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- Are autodeflections included in the Lender Activity Overview Report?
- Are inline links possible within Tipasa notifications?
- Are weekends included in ILL days to respond, request aging, or due dates?
- Call numbers are not populating on incoming lending requests, even though we have enabled this integration
- Can I request part of a book through Article Galaxy from Reprints Desk?
- Can I retrieve an unfilled lending request in Tipasa?
- Can a WorldShare library send and receive documents to and from ILLiad libraries?
- Can the search box and search links be disabled in MyAccount?
- Can we disable the patron's alternative email field in My Account?
- Custom holdings group error: "there seems to be a problem with the module you are accessing"
- Does a patron need an ILL account in order to submit an ILL request?
- Do you have a list of recommended models of Barcode Readers and printers for Tipasa and WMS?
- Error filling request NCIP CheckoutItem call failed error in ReShare
- Error Message "Get it Now Request is using an invalid IFM payment token"
- Why are we getting an error and a string of text when processing a request in Tipasa or WorldShare ILL?
- Featured Tipasa Troubleshooting articles
- How are the status and department fields used in Tipasa patron information?
- Why am I receiving a "Failed to send email. A system error has occurred" error when sending Article Exchange emails?
- How can we pull a patron report in Tipasa?
- How can we view all lending requests, including deflections?
- How does IFM handle various currencies in different requests?
- How does Tipasa and WorldShare ILL handle duplicate requests?
- How do I create a link directly to the patron request workform?
- How do I grant someone access to approve patrons?
- How do I make a renewal request in Tipasa?
- How do I release stuck or hung requests?
- How do I submit a copyright payment report using Tipasa?
- How do I transfer a patron's ILL requests to the patron's new library card number?
- How do we setup OPAC availability in Tipasa?
- How is billing handled for the Article Galaxy/Tipasa integration?
- How long does it take for delivery confirmation to show in the Notification Log of a request?
- How to get a report of ILL requests in Tipasa that includes patron information
- If we switch to provision on demand, how will that affect current users in our ILL system?
- I’m trying to purchase this article through Get it Now, but I received an error message "An error occurred processing the request"
- Is it possible to apply more than one Custom Holdings Path to a request?
- Is there anyway to prioritize the “standard action” Knowledge base holdings check before RAPIDILL?
- Is there any way to have user status information auto populate based on the patron's information?
- Is there a way to delete or cancel requests that sit in the Not Received or AE Alert queue?
- Is there a way to enter temporary barcode after item is marked "received?"
- Is Tipasa TX-Ramp certified?
- I am seeing the error message: "Shipped date is out of bounds"
- I am unable to upload a file to Article Exchange. Is there a file size limit?
- I cannot remove the Need Before Date from Borrower Constant Data.
- I can't see the Create Request button in the User Portal.
- There are requests in the New for Review queue but I am unable to display them.
- I do not want to lend to a specific group of libraries, how do I configure my deflection policy?
- I receive a system error page when clicking my Tipasa OpenURL in my OPAC, but the form opens correctly when I refresh
- I want to make sure that users will receive notifications. How can I safelist the notification servers?
- Patron ID field not in the request form
- Sometimes we do not see the option to pick a date when asking for a renewal.
- The default pickup location is not displayed correctly in the patron request workform
- The return to and return via information is missing from our ILL print outs
- Tipasa user portal error - Request form not enabled. Contact library.
- I'm trying to add roles to a Tipasa user account and I don't see the Roles accordion
- Users are not receiving Article Exchange emails
- What are Linked Requests?
- What are the differences between Tipasa and WorldShare ILL?
- What changes do I need to make for the auto-no feature to deflect requests based on my library's availability?
- What guidelines does the copyright module follow for copyright management?
- What vendors are available in the Purchase Options section within an ILL request?
- When I open our Tipasa request form, I get the error, "Information is not available at this time. Try again later."
- When we try to open the Tipasa ILL request form a different ILL template displays instead.
- Where can I change the Reply To Email in Notifications?
- Why are my e-periodical requests coming back unfilled
- Why are my off campus patrons receiving an error message that says "Null Relay: HTTP session was not found" when they try to access My Account?
- Why are patrons able to make ILL requests and renew items when they are expired
- Why are patrons not receiving automated email notifications about their ILL requests?
- Why are Patron Requests for articles and chapters not matching with the parent's journal or book record?
- Why are requests deflected with the reason MFHD Acquisitions Status - On Order?
- Why are there spikes in our Turnaround time graph?
- Why are we getting a "Missing or invalid Status" error in the Tipasa User Portal?
- Why can't I mark an article exchange request received?
- Why is the Due Date field missing from an ILL request?
- Why did I get the error message "Direct request processing failed"?
- Why doesn't my custom notification autopopulate the patron's email address?
- Why do some article requests match onto an article while others match onto the journal the article is published in?
- Why do I see the message "Search results did not contain a valid ISSN" in the Request History?
- Why do some article requests match onto an article while others match onto the journal the article is published in?
- Why is my new custom notification template not appearing as an option in Tipasa?
- Why is there a charge for insurance on my interlibrary loan request
- Why is there a request in the AE Alert queue with no Article Exchange link?
- Why is the error incomplete contact information for patron appearing when I try to send an email?
- Why is the LinkUserPortal data insert not pulling in the correct URL for our Tipasa My Account page?
- Why is the Patron ID field not in populating in the Tipasa request form?
- Why is the return address incorrect on our library's shipping labels?
- Will an approved ILL renewal automatically update in WorldShare Circulation?
- Will an Automated Request go through if there is no metadata on the request?
- OCLC Community Center
- Find more information the Community Center.