Print for Lenders
Print book straps or stickers
Follow these instructions to:
- Print book straps/stickers before you mark the request as Shipped, allowing you to use them for both pull slips and shipping
- Add book straps/stickers to the print queue
- Print book straps/stickers for items you are lending
To use book straps or stickers for both pull slip and shipping:
- On the left navigation, click Lending Requests.
- Click Can You Supply?
- On the Can You Supply? screen, click the request ID or Title to display the request.
- At the top of the request, click on the arrow next to the Print Now button.
- Select Add to Book Strap/Sticker Print Queue. The request is added to the Book Straps/Stickers queue.
To add book straps or stickers to the Print Queue for Lending requests:
- On the left navigation, click Lending Requests.
- Click Can You Supply?
- On the Can You Supply? screen, click the request ID or Title to display the request.
- Process the request as normal.
- At the top of the request, select Print Book Straps/Stickers and, optionally, Print Shipping Labels.
- Click Yes to respond yes to the request.
If you have turned on Advanced Lending, you can use batch processing to print book straps or stickers. Please see Advanced Lending for additional information.
To print book straps or stickers:
- On the left navigation, click Print Queue.
- Click Book Straps/Stickers.
- On the Lending Book Straps/Stickers screen, select the check boxes next to the items you want to print book straps or stickers for. Select the check box at the top of the table to select all items in the table.
- In the Format list, select 2 per page to print book straps, or select 6 per page to print stickers.
- If you have selected to print stickers, a template appears underneath the table. To start at a different label position, select the number in the template, or enter the number in the Start at label position field.
- Click Print.
- On the Print Preview window, click the Print icon or links to print the book straps or stickers.
To reprint book straps or stickers:
- Open the request for which you need to reprint book straps or stickers.
- At the top of the request, click on the arrow next to the Print Now button.
- Select Add to Book Strap/Sticker Print Queue. The request is added to the Book Straps/Stickers queue.
Customize book straps
Borrowers and Lenders can have customized book straps. Customized book straps can include your library's logo and any notes. You can customize your book straps in OCLC Service Configuration. See Print Settings for more information.
To customize lender book straps:
- Sign in to Service Configuration.
- On the left navigation, click WorldShare ILL > Print Settings.
- On the Print Settings page, under Logo Image Settings, enter the URL of the logo you want to appear on your books straps.
- Under Book Strap Settings, select Use customized book straps under Lender Strap to use a customized book strap.
- Enter any notes you want to include on the book strap in the Notes field.
- Fare clic su Salva.
Guarda un video
Lender: Print book straps/stickers and shipping labels
Run time: 8:50
This video shows how to print book straps or stickers, and shipping labels (5:10 in video), when you're the lending library.
Print shipping labels
Follow the instructions below to print shipping and return labels.
Shipping labels can be printed for items you are lending to another library. Follow the instructions below to add shipping labels to the Print Queue and print the shipping labels.
To add shipping labels to the Print Queue:
- On the left navigation, click Lending Requests.
- Click Can You Supply?
- On the Can You Supply? screen, click the request ID or Title to display the request.
- Process the request as normal.
- At the top of the request, select Print Shipping Labels and, optionally, Print Book Straps/Stickers.
- Click Yes to respond yes to the request.
To print shipping labels:
- On the left navigation, click Print Queue.
- Under Lending, click Shipping Labels.
- On the Lending Shipping Labels screen, select the check boxes next to the requests you want to print shipping labels for. Select the check box at the top of the table to select all items in the table.
In the Format list, select 6 per page or 30 per page.
A template is displayed underneath the table. To start at a different label position, select the number in the template, or enter the number in the Start at label position field.
- Optional, when 6 per page is selected. Select the check boxes under Include on labels to include the following on the labels:
- Request ID barcode
- Click Print.
- On the Print Preview window, click the print icon or links to print the return labels.
To reprint shipping and return labels:
- Open the request for which you need to reprint shipping or return labels.
- At the top of the request, click on the arrow next to the Print Now button.
- Select Add to Shipping Label Print Queue. The request is added to the Shipping Labels queue.