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Borrowing Requests

Create, manage and process borrowing requests.

After creating requests, they appear in the left navigation under Borrowing Requests and under Quick Links on home screen. The major queues are listed first, followed by minor queues for easier organization. Click a queue to see all requests in that queue. See the Categories and Queues table for a detailed description of each queue. Note: Queues with no current requests will not appear in the list.

Refer to Off-system borrowing for information about creating off-system borrowing requests.

  Reinforce your understanding with an interactive tutorial: Borrowing workflows course.

  • Borrowing Request fields
    Find details about the fields which appear in borrowing requests in Tipasa.
  • Create and edit requests
    Learn how to create borrowing requests, create requests from an existing requests, create book club requests, edit borrowing requests, and link patron accounts to requests in Tipasa.
  • Search for requests
    Learn how to search for active and closed requests from the home screen in Tipasa.
  • Process requests
    Learn how to process New For Review and Open Access requests, how to receive items from In Transit and Received status, the options for unfilled requests, and how to respond to conditionals from lenders in Tipasa.
  • Return items
    Find instructions about returning an item to a lender in Tipasa.
  • Use automation to mail items to library users
    Use Tipasa automation to setup and provide home delivery through automated tagging of requests and the document delivery module.
  • Proven Senders
    Find details about setting up proven senders in Tipasa.  Proven senders allow borrowing libraries to have requests from individual lenders, who have proven to provide quality documents, to automatically be received for the borrower.
  • Send notifications to borrowers
    Learn how to send an email notification to a patron and find details about standard borrowing library to patron notifications in Tipasa.
  • Batch processing for borrowers
    Learn how to use batch processing to receive and return items in Tipasa.
  • Create book club requests
    Learn how to make book club requests, or linked requests, by creating multiple requests for a single item using a single request screen in Tipasa.