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Advanced Workflows

Use this screen to turn on Tipasa advanced settings including advanced lending, lending priorities, document delivery, proven senders, US copyright management, article exchange and OPAC integration.

Use this screen to turn on Tipasa advanced settings.

Advanced Lending

This setting turns on Advanced Lending. If you turn on Advance Lending, you will see four additional lending queues in Tipasa: Verifying, Retrieving, Scanning, and Packaging. 

Note: If you have also enabled Document Delivery and/or Lending Priorities, you will see the Advanced Lending queues in the Document Delivery and/or Lending Priorities categories.

To select your Advanced Lending setting:

  1. Select the On check box to turn Advanced Lending queues on.
  2. Optionally, deselect the On check box to turn Advanced Lending queues off.
  3. Fare clic su Salva.

Lending Priorities

This setting turns on Lending Priorities. Lending Priorities is a separate category at the bottom of the left navigation in Tipasa dedicated to your priority borrowers (for example, a consortium your library is in). For every group you add as a lending priority, there will be separate lending queues dedicated to that group. You can have up to five groups defined as lending priorities.

To turn on Lending Priorities:

  1. Select the On check box.
  2. In the Display Name field, enter a display name for the group. The display name appears in the Tipasa interface, at the bottom of the left navigation.
  3. In the Filter by fields, from the first list, select Profiled Group or Custom Holdings Group, depending on the group you want to add.
  4. From the second list, select the group you want to add as a lending priority.
  5. To add additional groups to your lending priorities, click Add Row and repeat steps 2-4. For each row you add, a separate set of queues for that group will display in Tipasa. You can have up to five rows (five sets of lending priorities groups).
  6. To delete a row, click Delete Row.
  7. Click Save.

To turn off Lending Priorities:

  1. Click Delete Row for all rows you have configured. All rows must be cleared before you can disable Lending Priorities.
  2. Deselect the On check box.
  3. Click Save.

Consegna dei documenti

This setting turns on Document Delivery. Document Delivery allows you to manage patron requests for materials your library holds.

To select your Document Delivery setting:

  1. Select the On check box to turn Document Delivery on.
  2. Optionally, deselect the On check box to turn Document Delivery off.
  3. Click Save.

Proven Senders

This setting turns on Proven Senders. When Proven Senders is enabled, copy requests filled by a library designated as a proven sender will be automatically processed by the system. Copy requests from the proven sender will be marked as Received and sent to the patron who submitted the request. Proven senders should consist of lenders who supply good, quality documents. Proven senders can include all lenders, only a specific custom holdings group, or all lenders except for a specified custom holdings group to be excluded.

Create new custom holdings groups on the Custom Holdings Groups screen (WorldShare ILL > Custom Holdings Groups).

 Note: Turning on Proven Senders does not affect any requests that are already In Transit.

To turn on Proven Senders:

  1. Select the On check box.
  2. Select who should be included as a proven sender. Options include:
    • Include ALL Lenders
    • Include only this Custom Holdings Group
    • Exclude only this Custom Holdings Group (All other lenders are proven senders)
  3. If applicable, select the Custom Holdings Group to include or exclude.
  4. Click Save.

To turn off Proven Senders:

  1. Deselect the On check box.
  2. The proven senders group you had selected will be saved if you decide to re-enable the feature.
  3. Click Save.

US Copyright Management

These settings turn on and manage copyright. The Copyright feature allows borrowing libraries to keep track of royalty payments for copies from journals.

Copyright settings

There are four Copyright settings that can be enabled.





Select whether you want to manage copyright for requested copies

This setting turns on copyright management in Tipasa. When turned on, the Copyright Clearance accordion appears in borrowing requests when Copy is selected as the Type.

If this setting is not selected, copyright management is turned off completely and the below settings do not apply. Additionally, the system reverts to the WorldShare Interlibrary Loan copyright options for borrowers in constant data and on request forms.

To enable copyright:

  1. Select the On check box.
  2. Click Save.


View copyright clearing in a separate queue

This setting turns on the Copyright queue. If enabled, copy requests that have not been marked with copyright clearance will also appear in the Copyright queue. For more information, see Copyright queue.

To enable Copyright queue:

  1. Select the On check box.
  2. Click Save.


Number of years required for copyright

This setting determines the number of years required for copyright, depending on your library's interpretation of the CONTU guidelines. This number is referred to as your "copyright time frame." The default setting is 5 calendar years.

For example, if you have 5 calendar years selected, and you are processing a borrowing request that has an issue date within five years of the current year, you will have to select a copyright clearance. If the issue date is over five years old, you will not have to select a copyright clearance.

If the number of years required changed, new requests will be evaluated based on the new setting. Existing requests will maintain the previously selected setting.

To change the number of years required for copyright:

  1. From the list, select 5 calendar years or 6 calendar years.
  2. Click Save.


Clear patron-initiated requests for copyright automatically if they match titles used less than 5 times

If enabled, this setting allows automations to clear as Fair Use and to be sent to lenders if the title is matched exactly to a copyright WorldCat record and the use count is less than five. This setting will only work if you have at least one automation configured with Copy selected as the Request Type under Matches. For more information, see Using automations with Tipasa.

In order to clear as Fair Use, the following must be true:

  • The request must have an Issue Date.
    • If there is no Issue Date or the year cannot be determined from the value in the field, the request is treated as being within your library's copyright time frame and routed to New for Review for copyright evaluation.
  • The data in the request can be used to make exactly one match to a copyright WorldCat record in your library's copyright table.
    • If there are multiple matches, library staff will need to select the most appropriate match in the request in the WorldShare interface.
  • The Use Count for the matched title must be less than five.

If this setting is turned off, but copyright management is turned on:

  • Copy requests with an Issue Date within your copyright time frame will not be automatically cleared or sent to lenders.
  • Note: Since automations that require copyright clearance will be halted, if your library is using copyright management, you may see an increase in the number of requests that are routed to New for Review. These requests will need to be evaluated by library staff and assigned a copyright selection before being submitted to lenders.
  • Any constant data records that contain a selection of Conforms to CONTU Guidelines (CCG), CCL, or None will not be applied. These values are only set directly when copyright management is turned off.

To enable the clearing of requests via automation:

  1. Select the On check box.
  2. Click Save.

Article Exchange

If fulfilling a request using an Article Exchange-connected scanner, use the check-box to determine whether to:

  • Automatically supply copy requests fulfilled with an Article Exchange-connected scanner.  Requests will automatically move to Shipped status when the scanner uploads the article.
  • Automatically complete document delivery requests fulfilled with an Article Exchange-connected scanner. Please see document delivery for information on enabling document delivery.  

Please see Scannx and BSCAN integration, for additional information on scanner integration.  

OPAC Integration

Enable automatic local holdings lookup during request profiling:  During automation, determine whether to retrieve local holdings and availability information from your OPAC for borrowing and document delivery requests.  For more information, please see View local holdings and availability.  

Enable automatic local holdings lookup on lender assignment:  Display local holdings and availability information from your OPAC for lending requests.  See View local holdings and availability for lending requests for more information.  

Off System Borrowing Request Settings

Allow inclusion of off-system partners in lender strings: Turn On to include off-system partners in lender strings built by the Automated Request Manager

  • The off-system partner must have an OCLC symbol included in the Address Book record and the OCLC symbol must appear in a Custom Holdings Group and Custom Holdings Path.
  • The Automated Request Manager must include an automation with the action of sending requests to lenders.

Refer to Off-system borrowing for more information.