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Policies Directory overview

Find an overview of the Policies Directory.


The OCLC Policies Directory is located at There is also a link to the Policies Directory from WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa.

The Policies Directory provides two main functions to enhance your workflow. First, it provides a way to search resource sharing libraries by OCLC institution symbol or name and group symbol or name. Note: The Policies Directory contains only groups profiled by OCLC.

The second function of the Policies Directory is to enable you to enter and display information about:

  • Your lending, copying and deflection policies
  • Your resource sharing supplier status
  • Your library collections
  • Your library schedules
  • Contacts at your library

Guarda un video

Establish ILL Policies in OCLC Policies Directory

Run time: 22:47

Libraries using OCLC interlibrary loan services will learn how to set up and/or edit policies in OCLC Policies Directory.


Establish ILL Policies video transcript

Other related video: Deflections