WorldShare Gestione Collezioni
WorldShare Collection Manager vi aiuta a gestire i metadati della vostra biblioteca per le risorse elettroniche e cartacee a livello di collezione. Cinque tipi di raccolta (knowledge base, query, partner di catalogazione, sincronizzazione dei dati e aggiornamenti WorldCat) consentono di ricevere e modificare le informazioni necessarie per far risparmiare tempo al personale e aiutare gli utenti a trovare e accedere alle risorse attraverso il catalogo.
- Trovate le istruzioni per creare un account di Collection Manager.
- Scegliere il flusso di lavoro di Collection Manager. Determinare la collezione da utilizzare. Trovate istruzioni passo passo per le raccolte di knowledge base, le raccolte di query, le raccolte di partner di catalogazione, le raccolte di sincronizzazione dei dati, gli aggiornamenti di WorldCat e altro ancora.
Consultate la guida al rilascio della riarchitettura della base di conoscenza di WorldCat per conoscere le nuove funzionalità e i miglioramenti installati di recente, trovare informazioni su come OCLC migra i dati delle biblioteche e vedere le sezioni evidenziate con i suggerimenti da ricordare per i vostri flussi di lavoro.
- Iniziare
- Trovate il modulo di richiesta e le istruzioni per gestire il vostro account WorldShare Collection Manager e visualizzare i requisiti di abbonamento alla catalogazione.
- I ruoli per gli account in Gestione Collezioni
- Aggiungere un’informativa sulla privacy
- Scegliere il flusso di lavoro di Collection Manager
- Creare un account di Collection Manager
- Ricerca in Collection Manager
- Impostare o reimpostare la password
- Accedere a Collection Manager
- Caricare e scaricare file
- WorldCat holdings audience levels
- Impostazioni dell'istituzione Collection Manager
- Trovate le descrizioni di tutte le impostazioni dell'istituzione in Collection Manager. Le impostazioni dell'istituzione si applicano a tutte le collezioni. Usare la documentazione di un tipo di raccolta per configurare le impostazioni come parte di un flusso di lavoro.
- Record MARC
- Scopri come configurare la fornitura dei Record MARC in Gestione Collezioni per tutte le tue collezioni. Con una sola configurazione, le impostazioni a livello di istituzione permettono l’acquisizione di record MARC personalizzati per tutte le collezioni possedute.
- Cronologia delle attività del Collection Manager
- Informazioni sulla ricerca e sull'uso della Cronologia attività in WorldShare Collection Manager.
- Knowledge base collections
- Utilizzate Collection Manager per gestire le vostre risorse elettroniche e mantenere automaticamente i possedimenti di WorldCat. Utilizzate i dati della vostra collezione con altri servizi OCLC, visualizzate i link full-text e ottenete i record WorldCat.
- Informazioni sulle collezioni knowledge base in Collection Manager
- Scegliere un metodo per aggiungere o creare una raccolta di basi di conoscenze
- Configurare le impostazioni dell'istituzione
- Ottenere i record MARC di WorldCat per le collezioni di basi di conoscenza
- Utilizzo dei dati di raccolta con altri servizi
- Mantenere le raccolte di conoscenze della base
- Gestione cooperativa
- Raccolta della Knowledge Base Cronologia attività
- Raccolte di query
- Utilizzare Collection Manager per migliorare la qualità del catalogo locale con una serie di record MARC di WorldCat. Creare una raccolta di query per i seriali elettronici e cartacei, per i nuovi titoli aggiunti con CONTENTdm o per creare un foglio di calcolo del proprio patrimonio WorldCat.
- Catalogazione delle collezioni dei partner
- Utilizzate Collection Manager per mettere in circolazione rapidamente i nuovi materiali stampati. Chiedete al vostro fornitore di inviare a OCLC le informazioni sull'ordine elettronico. Creare una collezione partner di catalogazione per impostare i possedimenti di WorldCat e ottenere le etichette dei dorsi dei libri e i record MARC di WorldCat che includono i dati del fornitore.
- Collezioni di sincronizzazione dei dati
- Utilizzare Collection Manager per sincronizzare il catalogo con WorldCat. Creare una collezione di sincronizzazione dei dati per mantenere il proprio patrimonio, i dati bibliografici locali e i record del patrimonio locale in WorldCat. Abbinate i record brevi del vostro sistema locale ai record attuali di WorldCat per ottenere una rappresentazione più completa del vostro patrimonio.
- Informazioni sulle raccolte di sincronizzazione dei dati in Collection Manager
- Preparare i dati
- Creare una collezione bibliografica per una bonifica
- Creare una raccolta continua di dati sincronizzati
- Linee guida del fornitore di terze parti e del partner consortile/capo per la sincronizzazione dei dati
- Riferimento
- Aggiornamenti di WorldCat
- Utilizzate Collection Manager per mantenere aggiornati i vostri record MARC di WorldCat. Abilitare gli aggiornamenti di WorldCat per ricevere automaticamente i record MARC aggiornati per il proprio patrimonio in WorldCat man mano che i record di WorldCat vengono migliorati.
- Utilizzate Collection Manager con un abbonamento CatExpress o senza abbonamento.
- Collection Manager fa parte del valore dell'abbonamento a OCLC Cataloging and Metadata o dell'abbonamento a CatExpress. Le biblioteche che non hanno un abbonamento di catalogazione possono ottenere i record delle collezioni da fornitori selettivi.
- Utilizzare Collection Manager per i contenuti di un fornitore specifico
- Se l'interesse per i contenuti di un fornitore specifico vi ha portato a Collection Manager, consultate l'elenco dei fornitori e dei flussi di lavoro specifici per i fornitori. Le istruzioni vi guideranno a ottenere i record di WorldCat, i possedimenti e/o i link a testo completo per i contenuti dei vostri fornitori.
- Comprendere l'elaborazione dei record
- Informazioni sui valori predefiniti nei record MARC, sui file di record e sui nomi dei file, sulla corrispondenza con i record in WorldCat, sull'elaborazione della sincronizzazione dei dati e altro ancora.
- Trattamento del campo 856 nei record
- Criteri per i record nuovi, aggiornati, cancellati e uniti
- Elaborazione della sincronizzazione dei dati
- Valori predefiniti nei record
- Eliminazione e aggiunta di campi nei record
- File dei record e nomi dei file
- Corrispondenza con i record di WorldCat
- Emissione dei record e tempistica delle procedure
- Comprendere i rapporti
- Comprendere i rapporti sui record e sui file emessi da Collection Manager.
- WorldShare Collection Manager release notes and known issues
- Find WorldShare Collection Manager release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- Aggiornamento dei dati nella knowledge base WorldCat
- OCLC updates the WorldCat knowledge base every month. See which collections and providers were added or enhanced this month.
- WorldShare Collection Manager training
- Find training on WorldShare Collection Manager here.
- WorldShare Collection Manager learning paths
- Discover workflow best practices and introductory learning paths for WorldShare Collection Manager.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- After creating a collection for reclamation should I upload a file now or wait until the team contacts me?
- An old eBook collection is showing up as held by my library. How do I delete that collection?
- Are collections from Open Research Library aka Knowledge Unlatched available in Collection Manager?
- Are the OCLC numbers in a collection unique to that one item and format?
- Articles from some EBSCO databases are not returning in Discovery.
- A knowledge base title is not showing up in Discovery unless we search "libraries worldwide."
- Can I create a custom collection with URLs for multiple providers
- Can I delete WorldCat holdings using Z39.50?
- Can I get direct linking to a book review?
- Can I request files of all the print serial holdings for our library?
- Can I request files of all the serial holdings for our library?
- Can I submit a format change to the global coop with a KBART file
- Can I modify a vendor collection?
- Can I use Collection Manager without an OCLC Cataloging Subscription?
- Can I use MarcEdit to convert mrc files to xml files?
- Can I use MarcEdit to convert xml files to mrc files?
- Can I use MarcEdit to dedupe records in a delivered file?
- Can users with the Collection Manager Staff role see collections not currently selected?
- Can we batch download MARC records for all the LHRs in our collection?
- Collections and providers we no longer have selected still appear in the Display Order options in Collection Manager.
- Collections to which our library subscribes are not receiving new and delete MARC files.
- Does Collection Manager update WorldCat holdings for all customized knowledge base collections?
- Does EBSCO send deletes and changes in the same file or separate files?
- Does encoding level impact whether or not a holding is set in the WorldCat knowledge base?
- Do I need to manually select new titles we purchase in a collection that has been set up with automatic holdings feed?
- Featured WorldShare Collection Manager Troubleshooting articles
- How can I access JIT information and updates?
- How can I create a report for our held government documents?
- How can I delete a locally created provider?
- How can I distinguish which records are in a file that is ready for download?
- How can I ensure my preferred collection is set behind the 'View Button' when the title appears in more than one collection?
- How can I get a URL to give vendors so they can download my KBART holdings?
- How can I obtain the title-level reports based on MARC records from OverDrive?
- How can I set up a Kanopy PDA subscription in WorldCat knowledge base ?
- How can I troubleshoot problems with file upload/overlay from the WorldShare platform side?
- How can I update the title URL link within a knowledge base collection?
- How does Collection Manager manage WorldCat holdings for knowledge base collections?
- How do I add an Overdrive eBook collection to display in WorldCat Discovery?
- How do I add a public note to a knowledge base title to display in WorldCat Discovery?
- How do I authenticate to EBSCO collections outside of the library network?
- How do I cancel my Contract Cataloging Partner record deliveries?
- How do I check if my Automatic Holding Feeds are being delivered?
- How do I deflect request for video games?
- Can I delete a data sync collection?
- How do I determine if my library is receiving Automatic Holdings Feeds?
- How do I determine which EBSCO collections are for DDA or PDA?
- How do I download a KBART file for my collection?
- How do I download a list of all our selected collections from Collection Manager?
- How do I edit a Kanopy title in a global knowledge base collection?
- How do I extract specific MARC records from a MARC file using MarcEdit
- How do I generate a report of all the records for my library that have local holdings records attached?
- How do I get a link scheme so that I have article-level linking?
- How do I get a list of titles that are in a collection?
- How do I identify what the link scheme is for a collection in order to add it?
- How do I issue a delete record in Collection Manager?
- How do I know if a link will work as an 856 link for my library in a MARC record?
- How do I know which collection to select in Collection Manager?
- How do I obtain a count of titles selected in my WorldCat knowledge base
- How do I obtain a Journal Linking Key
- How do I obtain MARC records by specific years
- How do I provide access to HathiTrust electronic-resources for paid-for print materials during Covid-19
- How do I receive a full set of MARC records for my collection?
- How do I request that a collection be added to the knowledge base?
- How do I search collections I haven't selected?
- How do I select titles for a collection that is shared with me?
- How do I set up a collection when a proxy is not required or not allowed by vendor ?
- How do I synchronize holdings between Alma and WorldCat?
- How do I unsubscribe from reports like Records Reports, WorldCat Holdings, WCP, and Data Sync?
- How do I update Collection Manager with our OpenAthens proxy?
- How do I update item format in a local knowledge base title from journal to ebook?
- How do I upload a KBART file into a collection with both English and Chinese or Thai characters in it?
- How do I use MarcEdit to split a large MARC file into smaller files
- How do remove the MARC record delivery for a specific collection?
- How long are records kept in WorldCat Staging?
- How long does it take before recent local WorldCat Knowledge Base changes are reflected in the KBART file for that collection?
- How long does it take for a change to collection linking to go into effect?
- How long does it take for updates, deletes and new titles to be reflected in Collection Manager and Discovery?
- How long will it take to receive MARC records from my Cataloging Partner collections?
- How many times per year may member libraries request a Streamlined Holdings Project?
- How much does a data sync project cost?
- How often does WorldCat sync with my catalog?
- How often do global Kanopy collections get updated by the provider?
- How to generate a list of selected open access collections and if they have holdings set?
- How do I delete OverDrive records that are no longer available and are still in our catalog?
- I'm using MARC Delivery to receive MARC records for e-books. Can I configure MARC Delivery to set the 020 field to the Hardback ISBN so that I can link to cover art?
- If a change is made to a record but quickly reverted, will I get a record delivered with my daily Updates?
- Are there any implications to getting monthly MARC record updates from the knowledge base?
- Will disabling WorldCat holdings on a Cataloging Partner Collection cause previous holdings to be deleted?
- I'm receiving MARC records from a collection daily, even though the collection's frequency is not daily
- In a KBART file, what is the difference between the "select" and "overlay" ACTION column values?
- In O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform, where do I put my library's connection string so that it can be included in the URLs output in MARC records?
- Is it possible to change the collection type of a data sync collection once it’s been saved?
- Is it possible to create a report of titles in our holdings that have no LHR attached?
- Is it possible to run a report that shows how many MARC records our library has downloaded?
- Is it possible to see the collection history past 90 days?
- Is there a character limit on URLs in KBART files
- Is there a character limit when adding coverage dates and enumerations to a journal record?
- Is there a difference between DDA and PDA records? Why are there so many deliveries of the same record?
- Is there a way to delete WorldCat holdings in batch?
- Is there a way to do a query without getting e-resources?
- Is there a way to get a list of all the e-journals we hold?
- Is there a way to get a list of all the ebook titles we hold?
- Is there a way to search for records in my institution's holdings that are missing Library of Congress subject headings?
- I added a mismatched link to my Dummy collection but the link has not disappeared
- I am having trouble sharing a collection with an individual institution.
- I am looking for a file that I know was sent to us, but I don't see it in our WorldShare Collection Manager My Files under downloads.
- I am manually entering a print book into a Knowledge Base collection, but there is no format to select for print book.
- I am receiving multiple MARC record files from my collection delivery and only want one. How do I change this?
- I am receiving the error "You must deselect the currently selected collection before you are able to select this collection" in Collection Manager
- I am sending files for a Reclamation. Should I send a single file or multiple files?
- I am trying to add a collection inside Collection Manager, but I can't find it. How can I find the collection?
- I am trying to add a title to a collection and am getting an error message: "entry already exists by Uid".
- I am unable to find MARC records from my WorldCat Cataloging Partner Collections
- I can no longer find the detailed report for my KBART upload
- I can see WorldCat holding audience level settings in Record Manager, but not in Collection Manager
- I created a query collection, but it did not deliver a file.
- I found an incorrect OCLC number in a knowledge base collection, but I don't have a correct OCLC number with which to replace it
- I haven't heard anything back about a data sync collection that I submitted. How can I check on the status of my data sync collection?
- I have a collection that is selected, but it doesn't appear when I uncheck "My Selected Collections."
- I have a Government Publishing Office (GPO) autofeed set up, but I only want it to populate my electronic holdings or vice versa. Is this possible?
- Can I add multiple Title URLs to a title in a custom knowledge base collection?
- I have local collections with multi-part items. Can I add more than one title URL to the record?
- I have record delivery set up for a collection to “Include a complete set of records with every delivery” But I still keep getting weekly updates, deletes, and added files.
- I just created a Query Collection. When will I get my records?
- I made a global OCLC number change in a knowledge base collection, but that change was overwritten by a provider load. Why?
- I received a full set of records today, even though I changed the collection to deliver only records with changes to them yesterday.
- I received a MARC record delivery for a collection, even though I disabled record delivery
- I replaced an EBSCO database and now my links aren't working in Discovery
- I requested a complete set of MARC records but the records are not delivered as expected
- I set my query collection for one-time delivery. Why did I receive both new and update files?
- I set the option to receive a full set of MARC records for a collection, but I’m not receiving bibliographic records.
- I uploaded a KBART with coverage depth as ebook but the titles show as a journal
- I use evidence based acquisitions with Elsevier, can I set up an automatic feed?
- I wish to implement SCIS loading. How do I access their records?
- I would like a better understanding of the Records Reports files.
- I would like to receive LHRs in a file separate from my bibliographic records. How do I set this up?
- Links are displaying for print books, can we limit to e-formats only
- My collection is locked for re-indexing, can it be unlocked?
- Why are my files zipped and how do I unzip them?
- My SFTP transactions are failing at around 6:00 am EST
- No results when searching for an OCLC number in Collection Manager
- Number of records in MARC file differs from number of selected records in KB Collection
- Integrating OpenAthens proxy: For EBSCO collections with both eBooks and eJournals, which collection-level settings should be used?
- Open Access collections have Maintain WorldCat Holdings set to disabled as the default
- Our subscription to an automated DDA (Demand-Driven Acquisition) collection ends soon what do I need to do?
- Links from providers and collections are not appearing in the order I want.
- Server Communication Failed error in Collection Manager
- Server communication failed error when adding a note to title in a knowledge base title record
- Server communication failed error when trying to edit the ILL allowed setting in a collection
- There is a link on a Discovery record that takes me to a different book with the same title.
- The citation information on my article resolved incorrectly
- The MARC record in my WorldCat Cataloging Partners file is for the wrong record, the match is wrong
- The server response could not be understood error when uploading a Data sync file
- This site attempted to download multiple files automatically warning in Chrome
- Unable to find a title in a WorldCat knowledge base collection you know it should be in
- "Unable to save" error when trying to save Collection Manager Institution Settings
- Using a Query Collection, can I export records not held by my institution?
- We are having trouble obtaining articles in ClinicalKey Nursing at article level but other ClinicalKey articles are fine
- We are having trouble with non-Latin characters in Query Collections output.
- We have a knowledge base collection of multi-volume ebooks. How can each volume be linked to the OCLC record for the title?
- We have set up our institution to put a non-OCLC vendor number in our MARC records, how do we make sure that it has the right prefix?
- We've submitted a data sync collection to set holdings. Do we have to wait before we create/submit a second data sync for deletions? Can both data syncs occur simultaneously?
- We just changed our ILS. Can we still use a data sync collection set up for our old ILS?
- We set up a data sync collection in the past, but have switched catalogs since then. Can we still use the same data sync collection?
- We would like to set up a data sync collection, how do we get a project ID to set this up?
- What are database-only collections?
- What can cause WorldCat Cataloging Partners to not output labels
- What causes a 404 not found error and how do I fix it
- What does "available only in collection" mean?
- What does the error New Record is trying to replace an In Use Local System Id Invalid Request mean?
- What happens if we manually select or deselect a title in a WorldCat knowledge base collection that automatically updates?
- What is stored in knowledge base 029 and 035 fields and how can I search a unique identifier number?
- What is the difference between Backlist and Frontlist collections?
- What is the OCLC Collection in the Collection Manager Monthly Record Summary in usage statistics?
- What KBART ACTION should I use to select titles in a global collection and add a staff note to them?
- What links are affected by the Proxy settings in Collection Manager's Institution Settings?
- What options are there to clean up our WorldCat Holdings in bulk?
- What query will deliver my libraries records without LHRs and excluding electronic items?
- What selection criteria should I use for a query collection that returns the MARC records for all braille items?
- How can I tell why an update MARC record was issued?
- For merged records, when do I get an update record and when do I get new and delete records?
- When I do a keyword search, I get a list of bad results.
- Where do I set up email delivery of my MARC records?
- Which coverage depths show as held in WorldCat Discovery?
- Who should I contact to change or update our email addresses for Contract Cataloging services?
- Why am I getting a page not found error when looking for the LHOP Report page?
- Why am I getting a server communication error when trying to upload files through Collection Manager?
- Why am I missing MARC files from my record delivery?
- Why am I not receiving emailed reports from WorldShare Collection Manager?
- Why am I receiving emailed reports from for the wrong institution?
- Why am I receiving minimal or incomplete MARC records from a WorldCat Cataloging Partners collection?
- Why am I seeing multiple entries with different coverage dates in a WorldCat knowledge base collection?
- Why aren't my Contract Cataloging files delivered in UTF-8 even though that is what I have set in Collection Manager?
- Why are collections missing when downloading our collection list from Collection Manager?
- Why are Collection Manager and Record Manager not loading properly?
- Why are links not displaying in WorldCat Discovery for a selected collection in WorldShare Collection Manager?
- Why are my Cataloging Partner records being imported twice into Alma?
- Why are my holdings not being set in WorldCat?
- Why are my holdings not displayed in Discovery for titles I have selected in a collection set to maintain holdings?
- Why are my holdings not showing on my abstract only or index only collections?
- Why are my MARC records not available for download?
- Why are my provider holdings no longer being updated?
- Why are New Records showing as NONDELIVERY in Usage Statistics record reports?
- Why are there duplicate records in record files
- Why are Title URLs missing in the KBART I downloaded from a global collection??
- Why can't I download records that are in the Downloads menu in My Files?
- Why can't I find the recommended replacement for a collection that was discontinued?
- Why can I not click Submit Collection to OCLC on a data sync collection?
- Why can I not create a collection in Collection Manager?
- Why didn't my KBART load? I’m using an Excel file.
- Why did a KBART file only load a few titles into a new custom collection?
- Why did a vendor catalog a record if one exists already?
- Why did our Data Sync create New OCNs for Equipment records sent?
- Why did some titles in my knowledge base collection get overwritten or incorrectly updated when I loaded a new KBART file?
- Why doesn't my provider customer ID appear in the URLs after updating it within the collection settings?
- Why doesn't the KBART file have the correct linking URLs per my settings in Collection Manager?
- Why doesn't the call number on the MARC record I received match the call number on the label our vendor supplied?
- Why does my Calculated Collection Link use http even though my Collection URL Formula uses https?
- Why does my full text link not resolve to the article for my publish ahead of print journals?
- Why does the count of titles in my vendor title list not match the count in the WorldCat knowledge base?
- Why do I receive PDRs (partnering data record aka partial records)?
- Why do the number of records in my query collection differ from the number in MarcEdit when I upload the file?
- Why haven't I received WCP MARC records or label files?
- Why isn't the record I selected in Collection Manager visible in other applications?
- Why is my data sync collection in a Being Reviewed status?
- Why is my data sync collection in the Collection In Queue status?
- Why is my KBART file deemed invalid when uploading it to a new collection?
- Why is there not an option to deselect an individual title from a customizable collection?
- Why is the harvest of my KBART file failing?
- Why is the OCLC number in Collection Manager linking out to and to a library in a different state than where my library is located?
- Why should I use a dummy collection?
- Will a hold be placed on a record with a 05 status of "c"?
- Will Collection Manager re-deliver copies of records my library already has received?
- Will deleting a query collection also delete our holdings records?
- Will I be charged, if I download extra titles I don't subscribe to, in my Marc Record Delivery set-up?
- Will the Informit platform changes affect me?
- Sarebbe possibile che uno dei nostri file di raccolta WCP venga consegnato in una sottocartella separata in SFTP?
- Centro comunitario OCLC: Comunità del gestore di collezioni WorldShare
- Ulteriori informazioni sul Centro comunitario. Gli attuali utenti del prodotto WorldShare Collection Manager possono iscriversi all'OCLC Community Center per entrare in contatto con colleghi e personale OCLC sui flussi di lavoro del prodotto, partecipare a webinar e fornire feedback sul prodotto.