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OCLC Support

How do I add an Overdrive eBook collection to display in WorldCat Discovery?

Applies to
  • WorldShare Collection Manager 
  • WorldShare Discovery  
  • Locate the Overdrive eBook collection in Metadata > Collection Manager 
  • On occasions you will have a title that is not in this an existing collection (for example, Australian Content). When this happens, it is suggested that you create another locally created Overdrive Collection and add these titles into that collection.

When a title is present in the global collection : 

  1. Search in the Global Collection by title or ISBN and Select > Select title for any title to which you subscribe
  2. If there are multiple results for the same title, check the KB record or use Record Manager to search the OCLC number to identify to which collection you may want to add your URL
  3. Repeat for all titles and note any title not found to add to your Custom Overdrive Collection
  4. Test that the links work on a few titles before completing your task

When a title is NOT present in the global collection :

  1. Create your own locally created non-customizable Overdrive eBook collection
  2. Find the eBook record using Record manager, for example via an ISBN search
  3. When the record is found, open it and verify that it is correct. If not, it is necessary to create a new catalogue before adding it to the KB. This is important if you want the search result to display in WorldCat Discovery. Any entry into the KB needs an OCLC number to display in the A-Z list.
  4. Copy the OCLC number and add it to the Custom Overdrive eBooks Collection

  5. Open Collection Manager and search Collection Overdrive eBooks

  6. Select the Custom Collection

  7. Select Titles

  8. Select Look up by OCN and enter the OCLC number

  9. Select Continue
    Most important, your record must have the Title URL field entered

  10. Enter the Title, Title URL, ISBN, etc. to reflect your subscription (this information will have been given to you from Overdrive)

  11. Select Save

    Note: Please make sure to also add your OverDrive Base URL under Institution Settings > Provider Settings.
  12. Repeat for all titles not found in the Global Overdrive Collection

  13. Test your links to ensure access online links appear on WorldCat Discovery

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