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Politiche di circolazione e dipendenze dalle impostazioni

Find an overview of each of the policies within the WMS Circulation module and how it relates to other settings in Service Configuration.

The following table provides an overview of each policy within the WMS Circulation module and how it relates to other settings in Service Configuration.

Circulation Policy Used to Depends upon Used in

Accruing Fines Policy

Determine if accruing fines and fees should be included in a patron's outstanding bill value limit

Applies to all patron types that have an Outstanding Bill Value Limit set in their Patron Type Policy


Additional Patron Notifications Select the automatic email receipt sent to patrons when items are checked in and/or checked out, renewed, or the due date is changed. Notification Policies  
Bill Reasons Set reasons for billing a patron  

Bill Structures

ILL Settings

Long Overdue and Lost Policies

SIP2 Configuration

Manual billing in WorldShare Circulation

Bill Structures

Manage fixed and periodic bills Bill Reasons

Hold Fulfillment Policy

Politica di richiesta di blocco

Long Overdue and Lost Policies

Loan Policy

Notification Policies

Circulation Receipts Customize circulation receipts    

Default Locations

Set the default location for a free text hold request

Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Shelving Location, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.


Deleted Items

Set a retention period for deleted items

OCLC recommends retaining deleted items for a minimum of two weeks.


Display Patron Information

Determine how to display patron notes and patron expiry warnings



Group Payment Policy Determine which institutions in your group can accept payment and waive bills for your patrons    


Determine if the system will store transaction history and for how long



Hold Fulfillment Policy Determine how long items stay on the hold shelf

Bill Structures

Notification Policies

Hold Fulfillment Policy Map
Hold Fulfillment Policy Map Apply hold fulfillment policies to patron types and items

Hold Fulfillment Policy

Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Patron Type Policy

Material Format*

Shelving Location, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.


Hold Fulfillment Preferences

(only applicable to WMS libraries with group aware)

Determine if your library's patrons will be preferred over patrons from other libraries within your group



Hold Limit Matrix Apply hold limit policies to patron types and material format

Hold Limit Policy

Material Format*

Patron Type Policy

Hold Limit Policy Limit the number of items patrons can place on hold   Hold Limit Matrix

Hold Priority

Set hold priorities based upon format and patron type

Material Format*

Patron type, as set on the Institution Borrower Categories screen in the WMS Institution module.


Politica di richiesta di blocco Set how long hold requests remain active in the system

Bill Structures

Notification Policies

Hold Request Policy Map

Hold Request Policy Map

Apply hold request policies to patron types and material formats

Politica di richiesta di blocco

Material Format*

Patron Type Policy

Holds To Review Policy For a hold to qualify for review, there must be a corresponding Holds To Review policy in place when the hold is created.   Hold Request Policy Map
ILL Settings Use to configure WorldShare Circulation integration with Tipasa. Also use to configure ZFL-Server integration. Follow steps as outlined in Set up Integration.  
Loan Limit Matrix Apply loan limit policies to patron types and items

Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Material Format*

Loan Limit Policy

Patron Type Policy

Shelving Location, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Loan Limit Policy Limit patron accounts based on items on loan, total value of loans, and times a loan can be renewed   Loan Limit Matrix
Loan Policy Set loan periods for patrons

Bill Structures

Notification Policies

Open Hours

Loan Policy Map
Loan Policy Map Apply loan policies and long overdue and lost policies to patron types and items

Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Loan Policy

Long Overdue and Lost Policies

Material Format*

Patron Type Policy

Shelving Location, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Collection Type Policy Configure item availability, hold fulfillment availability, reshelving period, and in processing status for items based on their location

Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Material Format*

Shelving Location, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Long Overdue and Lost Policies Determine when items become long overdue or lost for billing purposes

Bill Reasons

Bill Structures

Replacement Costs

Loan Policy Map
Notification Policies Configure notifications and when to send them  

Additional Patron Notifications

Hold Fulfillment Policy

Politica di richiesta di blocco

Loan Policy

Patron Type Policy

Politica di programmazione

Cliente offline Download the Offline Circulation client, which allows you to perform circulation transactions when WorldShare Circulation is not available

Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

WMS NCIP Service WSKey

Override Credentials Reset user passwords Credentials created for your library by OCLC.  

Patron Type Policy

Set patron limits for each patron type

Institution Borrower Categories

Notification Policies

Hold Fulfillment Policy Map

Hold Limit Matrix

Hold Request Policy Map

Loan Limit Matrix

Loan Policy Map

Scheduling Policy Map

Metodi di pagamento

Set accepted billing payment methods


SIP2 Configuration

Manual billing in WorldShare Circulation

POS Printer Preferences Download the POS (point of sale) printer application and set your port number    
Replacement Costs Set default replacements costs for material formats   Long Overdue and Lost Policies

Room Configuration

Create rooms to use with the Room Scheduling component



Politica di programmazione

Set scheduling periods for items

Notification Policies

Scheduling Policy Map

Scheduling Policy Map

Apply scheduling policies to patron type and items

Holding Code, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.

Material Format*

Patron Type Policy

Politica di programmazione

Shelving Location, as set on the Holding Codes Translation Table screen.


SIP2 Configuration

Specify the settings for your SIP2 client (such as a self checkout machine)


External integration

SIP2 Custom Messages

Customize SIP2 messages


External integration

SIP2 IP Addresses

Register the IP addresses of your SIP2 clients for communication with the server


External integration

UI Preferences Set if a staff alert will display when items with lost, missing, claimed never had, or claimed returned statuses are checked in    
UI Tax Policy Control the display of tax values on bills in patron accounts

You must select auto calculate tax on the Bill Reasons screen for tax to be included in bills.

Tax rate, as set on the Currency and Locale screen in the WorldCat Registry module.


 * Material format is defined in an item's WorldCat record. For more information, see Material Type Names and Codes to determine how the WorldCat record provides material format.