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Loan Limit Policy

Learn how to create or edit loan limit policies to limit patron accounts based on items on loan, total value of loans, and times a loan can be renewed.

To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WMS Circulation left navigation, select Loans, and then select the Loan Limit Policy link.

Use the Loan Limit Policy screen to limit patron accounts based on items on loan, total value of loans, and times a loan can be renewed.

  • When patrons exceed the limits set in the policy:
    • The system displays an alert message when staff check an item out for the patron. Depending on their account type, staff will need to override or acknowledge the message.  See Circulation Account roles, Overrides for more information.  
  • For Circulation groups: 
    • Loan Limit Policy is controlled by the item's institution.

Create or edit loan limit policies

  1. On the Loan Limit Policy screen, click Create New, or click the Policy Name you want to edit.
  2. On the Create New or Edit Policy screen, fill in the fields in the order below. 
    1. Policy Name: Name of the policy.
    2. Loan Count Limit: Number limit of loans placed by a patron.
      1. Select to Enable limit.
        • Set the Enable limit option to No to indicate there is no limit for the setting. 
      2. Enter the Maximum number of items on loan.
      3. Determine whether to Block renewal when limit is exceeded.
    3. Loan Value Limit: Maximum amount of all loaned items. This value is calculated based on the item cost in the local holdings record (LHR) field 876 ‡c.
      1. Select to Enable limit.
        • ​​​​​​​Set the Enable limit option to No to indicate there is no limit for the setting. 
      2. Enter the Maximum monetary value of items on loan.
      3. Determine whether to Block renewal when limit is exceeded.

        • If an item has no cost in its LHR, it will not add to this value.
        • If the amount entered here differs from the Total Loan Value Limit in the Patron Type Policy, then the most restrictive amount is applied.
    4. Multiple Copies Limit: Prevent a patron from checking out more than one item cataloged on the same WorldCat bibliographic record. 
      1. Select to Enable limit. Default is set to No.
        • Set the Enable limit option to No to indicate there is no limit for the setting. 
      2. Determine whether to Block renewal when limit is exceded

        • If the system detects that the multiple copies limit should be applied, then the patron will not be able to checkout or renew those copies using a self-service machine or My Account. A SIP2 Custom Message is available for the multiple copies limit and can be customized with the text appropriate for your self-checkout machines.
        • Library staff with the Circulation Admin, Circulation Desk, or Circulation Desk Privacy roles can override the multiple copies limit policy. Refer to Circulation Roles for more information.
        • At this time, the multiple copies limit will prevent a patron from having more than one volume or issue of a serial or multipart set on loan. For example, a patron with v. 1  on loan will be prevented from checking out v. 2 if both volumes are cataloged on the same WorldCat bibliographic record. Consider this limitation when deciding how to apply the multiple copies limit in your Loan Limit Matrix. For example, you may not want to apply the limit to journals or to locations where serials and multipart sets are shelved.
    5. Renewal Limit: Number of times a loan can be renewed by a patron.
      1. Select to Enable limit.
        • Set the Enable limit option to No to indicate there is no limit for the setting. 
  3. Click Save.

Set the Enable limit option to No to indicate there is no limit for the setting. 

Copy loan limit policies

  1. Click the Policy Name you want to copy.
  2. In the top right corner, click Copy. The copied policy appears.
  3. Enter a policy name and edit any additional fields.
  4. Click Save.

Delete loan limit policies

Policies cannot be deleted if they are in use.

  1. Click the Policy Name you want to delete.
  2. In the top right corner, click Delete.
  3. On the Confirm window, click OK.

Related policies

Loan Limit Policy is used in: