Politica di richiesta di blocco
Use this screen to create and edit hold request policies to be applied to your items.
To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WMS Circulation left navigation, select Holds and Schedules, and then select the Hold Request Policy link.
Use this screen to set hold request policies for items.
- Hold request policies are used to set how long hold requests remain active, the holds forwarding policy for libraries with multiple locations or branches, and if patrons can place holds on items they have checked out.
- For libraries that are members of a circulation group, Hold Request Policies are controlled by the requesting institution which is usually the patron's home library.
Libraries using WorldShare Circulation and WorldShare ILL integration: The Default Hold Request Period (see #2 below) will be in effect from the time the ILL request is placed until the item is received from the lender. Consider average ILL processing times when setting the Default Hold Request Period.
Create or edit hold request policies
- On the Hold Request Policy screen, click Create New, or click the Policy Name you want to edit.
- On the Create New or Edit Policy screen, fill in the fields in the order below:
- Policy Name: Name of the policy.
- Default Hold Request Period: How long holds remain active in the system.
- Holds will expire if they are not fulfilled within the chosen period.
- Hold Fixed Due Date(s): Hold fixed due dates are set dates holds will no longer be active in the system. For example, the last date of the semester.
- Hold fixed due dates have to be maintained on each hold request policy.
- You can enter multiple hold fixed due dates.
- If a hold fixed due date has passed, it will no longer apply.
- If a hold fixed due date is not found, the system will use the time set in Default Hold Request Period.
- Bill for placing hold: Fixed amount applied to the patron's account when a hold is placed. Create fixed bills on the Bill Structures screen.
- Patrons cannot place a hold in WorldCat Discovery if there is a bill associated with placing holds.
- If staff place a hold in WMS for a patron, they will need to, depending on their account type, override or acknowledge the bill amount due for placing the hold. See Circulation Account roles, Overrides for more information.
- Bill for expired hold: Fixed amount applied to the patron's account when a hold expires. Create fixed bills on the Bill Structures screen.
- Hold Request Expiration Notification Policy: Select the hold request expiration notification that will be sent to the patron when their hold expires or is deleted.
- Create hold request expiry notifications on the Notification Policies screen.
- If you do not select a Hold Shelf Expiration Notification Policy on the Hold Fulfillment Policy screen, then the hold request expiration notification will also be sent to the patron when their item expires from the Hold Shelf (the patron failed to pick up their hold during the time set in the Hold Shelf Period).
- For more information on deleting holds, see Delete a hold from the item record and Delete a hold from a patron account.
- Prefer available items at the pickup location: Determine whether to display the forwarding option by preferring available items at the pickup location.
Notes: Selecting to prefer available items at the pickup location may cause a patron's place in the hold queue to not be honored. If your library wants all holds to be fulfilled in queue order, then Prefer available items at the pickup location should be set to No.- No: When a hold is placed on an item and it is available at multiple branch locations, the item will appear on the Pull list for every branch that can fulfill the hold.
- Allows any applicable item at any location to fulfill the hold.
- Recommended for libraries with one branch or for libraries with multiple branches that prefer holds to be fulfilled in queue order.
- Yes: When there is an item available at the pickup location, then only items checked in at the pickup branch can fulfill the hold. If staff at the pickup location forward the hold or there are no items available at the pickup location, then relevant items checked in at any branch could be routed to fulfill the hold.
- If staff determine that the hold cannot be fulfilled, they can forward the hold to the other branches.
- If the item is not available at the pickup location, the hold can be forwarded to any branch and will appear on the Pull list for every branch that can fulfill the hold.
- Recommended for libraries with multiple branches that prefer to reduce the number of items routed to fulfill holds at other branches.
- Selecting to prefer available items at the pickup location may cause a patron's place in the hold queue to not be honored. If your library wants all holds to be fulfilled in queue order, then Prefer available items at the pickup location should be set to No.
- For libraries that are members of a circulation group, Hold Request Policies are controlled by the requesting institution which is usually the patron's home library. Your library staff may see forwarding options on your pull list even if your local policies do not prefer items at the pickup location. See Circulation policies for group aware libraries.
- No: When a hold is placed on an item and it is available at multiple branch locations, the item will appear on the Pull list for every branch that can fulfill the hold.
- Hold can be placed if patron has item on loan: Select whether patrons can place holds on items they have checked out.
- Hold can be placed: Patrons can place holds on items they checked out.
- Hold can only be placed with an override: Patrons cannot place holds on items they have checked out in WorldCat Discovery. Staff can place the hold for them, but, depending on the account type, will need to override or acknowledge the hold in WMS. See Circulation Account roles, Overrides for more information.
- Fare clic su Salva.
Copy hold request policies
- Click the Policy Name you want to copy.
- In the top right corner, click Copy. The copied policy appears.
- Enter a policy name and edit any additional fields.
- Fare clic su Salva.
Delete hold request policies
Policies cannot be deleted if they are in use.
- Click the Policy Name you want to delete.
- In the top right corner, click Delete.
- On the Confirm window, click OK.
Related policies
Hold Request Policy depends upon:
Hold Request Policy is used in: