Report WorldShare
WorldShare Reports allows you to monitor your institution's activity within the WorldShare application. Plus, with WorldShare Report Designer, you can build custom reports and visualizations that meet your library's needs.
- Available standard reports
- Discover the reports available to monitor your institution's activity within WorldShare using WorldShare Reports.
- View reports
- Standard and custom reports appear in a report viewer. The report viewer allows you to perform actions such as saving, exporting, and refreshing data in a report.
- Work with reports
- Discover procedures for tasks you may perform (e.g., create, export, schedule, etc.) as you work with standard and custom reports.
- Schedule reports
- Learn how to schedule, reschedule, delete, and retrieve scheduled custom and standard reports in WorldShare Reports.
- Schedule a custom or standard report
- Manage scheduled reports
- Reschedule a custom or standard report
- Delete a scheduled custom or standard report
- Retrieve a scheduled custom or standard report using My Files
- Retrieve a scheduled custom or standard report using the Report Launch Pad
- Retrieve a scheduled custom or standard report using SFTP
- WorldShare Report Designer
- WorldShare Report Designer allows you to build custom reports, charts, and data visualizations to satisfy library, academic, and agency reporting requirements.
- Report objects
- Report objects are used to build custom report queries and to retrieve data for custom and standard reports.
- Reference
- Additional resources for WorldShare Reports
- WorldShare Reports release notes and known issues
- Find WorldShare Reports release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- WorldShare Reports training
- Find training on WorldShare Reports and WorldShare Report Designer here.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- After clicking on the Analytics tab, I get the error message "Errors Prevented You From Continuing Maximum Concurrent Users Reached. Please try again later."
- An item in my Circulation report isn't showing an update that was made to the WorldCat record
- An item I deleted still appears in the Circulation Item Inventory report. How can I get rid of it?
- Can I add values or attributes to the Report Designer for searching?
- Can I create a report that includes 5xx Notes fields?
- Can I include the branch location in the Removed Titles Report?
- Can I run a report of Local Holdings Records and barcodes?
- Can I run a report that lists the number of LHR edits or new items that were added by a specific WMS staff user?
- Can Report Designer be used to create a report showing the number of titles and their material types in each shelving location?
- Can you display weekly circulation statistic summaries, in a Monthly Circulation Statistics Report?
- Checked out item is missing in the All Checked Out Items Report
- Does the Circulation Events Detail Report include ILL lending activity?
- Do the My Collection Overlap Detail Report and My Collection Overlap Summary Report include grouped OCNs?
- Emailed report hyperlinks are going to an error page: OCLC Usage Statistics has encountered an error
- Error message net::ERR BLOCKED BY CLIENT appears in browser console when accessing the Analytics tab
- Featured WorldShare Reports Troubleshooting articles
- How can I delete reports I saved into the Report Designer Favorites window?
- How can I get a list of items that have never been checked out?
- How can I get a list of records that shows both the item barcode and its current location on the shelf?
- How can I get a report of LOST items and their shelving location?
- How can I get the item costs in the Circulation Item Inventories report into a standard format so I can total them?
- How can I see when there is more than 1 hold on a title easily?
- How can I stop the leading zeros from item barcodes being stripped when I load a csv generated by WorldShare Reports into Excel?
- How can I tell if a report has reached a row limit?
- How can I use Last Seen Date for a stocktake or shelving report, when the Inventory option is not being used?
- How does the Item Holdings Quantity report object count multipart items?
- How do I create a new report to see what new LHRs were added in a timeframe to a Shelving Location?
- How do I create a report that shows a Nonpublic Note and Item Status?
- How do I create a report that shows both circulation activity and item details such as Publication Date?
- How do I create a report to display LHR Public and Non Public notes?
- How do I create a report to show Duplicate titles in different Shelving location?
- How do I create a report to show which bibliographic records only have 1 holding attached ?
- How do I create a Transaction report on Circulation Events?
- How do I create a useful report to help with stocktaking or weeding, when the Inventory process is not being used?
- How do I find records with inactive barcodes in the 876$r marc tag?
- How do I find the search parameters of a Shared Report Template?
- How do I get group reporting roles?
- How do I only extract Patron data for those that have data in Custom Data Fields?
- How do I run a report to determine which patrons expire in a specific date range?
- How do we calculate the average ILL turnaround time for lending?
- How can I create a report listing all multi-part items?
- How do I locate and delete WorldCat holdings on records with no LHRs?
- Why is a report not loading when selected under the WorldShare Analytics tab?
- I'm a WMS library, why do I only get blank data returned when I try to create a report using the E-Resources universe?
- Is there a delay between the time that a transaction occurs in WMS and the time that the data related to that transaction is available in Analytics?
- I am getting different counts each time I run the same report.
- I am not returning the funds I expect in my Payment Activity by Fund report.
- I am using the title report object to find a specific title but the title does not return
- I cannot find the Items Inventory Report or the Circulation Add/Delete Report, where are they?
- I cannot see the LHR Item Detail Universe in WorldShare Report Designer, why?
- How do I set up email as a delivery option?
- I no longer see reports that used to display in the shared report templates
- I see #TOREFRESH on a report, what does that mean?
- I see "Unknown" or "N/A" in the Item Branch Name column of the Open Holds report. Why isn't a branch name always listed?
- Why do renewals appear in the Monthly Circulation Statistics report under the branch N/A?
- I would like a circulation item inventory report of current titles in a particular shelving location
- My report designer is missing features that I see displayed in the training video. How do I get those features turned on?
- My report shows last circulation date as all zeros
- No one at my library is able to see the Analytics tab in WorldShare, why?
- Regarding the "Issue Count YTD" field: is this "year to date" for fiscal year, or for calendar year?
- The left side menus never appear and a small orange triangle appears in the upper right side of the screen.
- What Assistance Can OCLC provide for IPEDS and ACRL reports?
- What exactly does “Initial holdings set in WorldCat” mean? And how is it different from “Add WorldCat record”?
- What is source application "OCLC PROCESSING" on the New Titles List?
- What is the difference between the Item Owner Institution Symbol and Item Primary Institution Symbol objects?
- What report can I run to find items with LHRs but no Item Barcodes?
- What report can I run to identify "null" accounts that were accidentally created during a patron load?
- What report can I run to identify patrons without an expiry date?
- When I run a Report, I'm not seeing titles that I know should appear
- Where can I find the Collection Overlap Detail Report / My Collection Overlap Detail Report?
- Receiving a SAP BusinessObjects login page after clicking on a report type
- Why am I seeing this error message in Report Designer: You do not have access to one or more data providers
- Why are items missing their OCLC number in our Circulation Item Inventories report?
- Why are my ILL Borrower Filled Turnaround Time numbers so high?
- Why are my title counts from the Title Holdings by Material Format higher than my Item count in Branch Item Holdings by Material Format?
- Why are Withdrawn Items not showing up on the Circulation Event Details report?
- Why can't I find my locally created collection in the Collection Overlap Summary Report?
- Why can't I view any reports in Analytics?
- Why did a large number of my overdue items fall off the Overdue Items Aging Report?
- Why doesn't today's activity display after running a WorldShare Report?
- Why doesn't the Circulation Events Detail Report match the Circulation module's Item record Issued Count?
- Why does our New Titles List report not show call numbers and current shelving locations for the items listed?
- Why does the error "No data to retrieve ..." come up when I run a report?
- Why does the lost or missing items report include items with the withdrawn status?
- Why do I have N/A listed as a permanent location on my Monthly Circulation Statistics Report?
- Why do I retrieve duplicate rows when I run a report in the Acquisitions Universe
- Why do some databases appear twice in the Merged COUNTER Database Usage Summary report?
- Why is a request listed twice on the Document Delivery Request Detail report?
- Why is my report missing data?
- Why is our scheduled report failing to come through?
- Why is Report Designer only able to calculate the Tax 1 amount per copy?
- Why is the count different when I run a report using the Institution Title Holdings count and a report of OCNs?
- Why is the previous status of a Withdrawn item not showing in Analytics?
- OCLC Community Center: WorldShare Analytics community for WorldShare Reports and Report Designer
- Find more information about the Community Center. Current Reports and Report Designer product users may join the OCLC Community Center to connect with peers and OCLC staff on Reports and Report Designer workflows, attend webinars, and provide feedback on the product.