Report WorldShare
WorldShare Reports consente di monitorare l'attività della propria istituzione all'interno dell'applicazione WorldShare. Inoltre, con WorldShare Report Designer è possibile creare report e visualizzazioni personalizzate per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche della biblioteca.
- Rapporti standard disponibili
- Scoprite i rapporti disponibili per monitorare l'attività della vostra istituzione all'interno di WorldShare utilizzando WorldShare Reports.
- Visualizza i rapporti
- I rapporti standard e personalizzati vengono visualizzati in un visualizzatore di rapporti. Il visualizzatore di report consente di eseguire azioni quali il salvataggio, l'esportazione e l'aggiornamento dei dati di un report.
- Lavorare con i rapporti
- Scoprire le procedure per le attività che si possono eseguire (ad esempio, creare, esportare, pianificare, ecc.) quando si lavora con i report standard e personalizzati.
- Segnala gli oggetti
- Gli oggetti Report vengono utilizzati per creare query di report personalizzate e per recuperare i dati per report personalizzati e standard.
- Designer di rapporti WorldShare
- WorldShare Report Designer consente di creare report, grafici e visualizzazioni di dati personalizzati per soddisfare le esigenze di reporting di biblioteche, università e agenzie.
- WorldShare Reports release notes and known issues
- Find WorldShare Reports release notes and known issues. Release notes are documents that contain information about new product features and enhancements as installed in scheduled releases.
- Formazione sui rapporti WorldShare
- Find training on WorldShare Reports and WorldShare Report Designer here.
- Troubleshooting
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting steps (Troubleshooting).
- An item in my Circulation report isn't showing an update that was made to the WorldCat record
- An item I deleted still appears in the Circulation Item Inventory report. How can I get rid of it?
- Can I create a report that includes 5xx Notes fields?
- Can I include the branch location in the Removed Titles Report?
- Can I run a report of Local Holdings Records and barcodes?
- Can I run a report that lists the number of LHR edits or new items that were added by a specific WMS staff user?
- Can Report Designer be used to create a report showing the number of titles and their material types in each shelving location?
- Can you display weekly circulation statistic summaries, in a Monthly Circulation Statistics Report?
- Does the Circulation Events Detail Report include ILL lending activity?
- Do the My Collection Overlap Detail Report and My Collection Overlap Summary Report include grouped OCNs?
- Error message net::ERR BLOCKED BY CLIENT appears in browser console when accessing the Analytics tab
- Featured WorldShare Reports Troubleshooting articles
- How can I delete reports I saved into the Report Designer Favorites window?
- How can I get a list of items that have never been checked out?
- How can I get a list of records that shows both the item barcode and its current location on the shelf?
- How can I get a report of LOST items and their shelving location?
- How can I get the item costs in the Circulation Item Inventories report into a standard format so I can total them?
- How can I see when there is more than 1 hold on a title easily?
- How can I stop the leading zeros from item barcodes being stripped when I load a csv generated by WorldShare Reports into Excel?
- How can I tell if a report has reached a row limit?
- How can I use Last Seen Date for a stocktake or shelving report, when the Inventory option is not being used?
- How does the Item Holdings Quantity report object count multipart items?
- How do I create a new report to see what new LHRs were added in a timeframe to a Shelving Location?
- How do I create a report that shows a Nonpublic Note and Item Status?
- How do I create a report that shows both circulation activity and item details such as Publication Date?
- How do I create a report to display LHR Public and Non Public notes?
- How do I create a report to show Duplicate titles in different Shelving location?
- How do I create a report to show which bibliographic records only have 1 holding attached ?
- How do I create a Transaction report on Circulation Events?
- How do I create a useful report to help with stocktaking or weeding, when the Inventory process is not being used?
- How do I find records with inactive barcodes in the 876$r marc tag?
- How do I find the search parameters of a Shared Report Template?
- How do I get group reporting roles?
- How do I only extract Patron data for those that have data in Custom Data Fields?
- How do I run a report to determine which patrons expire in a specific date range?
- How do we calculate the average ILL turnaround time for lending?
- How can I create a report listing all multi-part items?
- How do I locate and delete WorldCat holdings on records with no LHRs?
- Why is a report not loading when selected under the WorldShare Analytics tab?
- I'm a WMS library, why do I only get blank data returned when I try to create a report using the E-Resources universe?
- Is there a delay between the time that a transaction occurs in WMS and the time that the data related to that transaction is available in Analytics?
- I am getting different counts each time I run the same report.
- I am not returning the funds I expect in my Payment Activity by Fund report.
- I cannot find the Items Inventory Report or the Circulation Add/Delete Report, where are they?
- I cannot see the LHR Item Detail Universe in WorldShare Report Designer, why?
- How do I set up email as a delivery option?
- I no longer see reports that used to display in the shared report templates
- I see #TOREFRESH on a report, what does that mean?
- I see "Unknown" or "N/A" in the Item Branch Name column of the Open Holds report. Why isn't a branch name always listed?
- Why do renewals appear in the Monthly Circulation Statistics report under the branch N/A?
- I would like a circulation item inventory report of current titles in a particular shelving location
- My report designer is missing features that I see displayed in the training video. How do I get those features turned on?
- My report shows last circulation date as all zeros
- No one at my library is able to see the Analytics tab in WorldShare, why?
- Regarding the "Issue Count YTD" field: is this "year to date" for fiscal year, or for calendar year?
- The left side menus never appear and a small orange triangle appears in the upper right side of the screen.
- What Assistance Can OCLC provide for IPEDS and ACRL reports?
- What exactly does “Initial holdings set in WorldCat” mean? And how is it different from “Add WorldCat record”?
- What is source application "OCLC PROCESSING" on the New Titles List?
- What is the difference between the Item Owner Institution Symbol and Item Primary Institution Symbol objects?
- What report can I run to find items with LHRs but no Item Barcodes?
- What report can I run to identify "null" accounts that were accidentally created during a patron load?
- What report can I run to identify patrons without an expiry date?
- When I run a Report, I'm not seeing titles that I know should appear
- Where can I find the Collection Overlap Detail Report / My Collection Overlap Detail Report?
- Receiving a SAP BusinessObjects login page after clicking on a report type
- Why am I seeing this error message in Report Designer: You do not have access to one or more data providers
- Why are items missing their OCLC number in our Circulation Item Inventories report?
- Why are my ILL Borrower Filled Turnaround Time numbers so high?
- Why are my title counts from the Title Holdings by Material Format higher than my Item count in Branch Item Holdings by Material Format?
- Why are Withdrawn Items not showing up on the Circulation Event Details report?
- Why can't I find my locally created collection in the Collection Overlap Summary Report?
- Why can't I view any reports in Analytics?
- Why did a large number of my overdue items fall off the Overdue Items Aging Report?
- Why doesn't today's activity display after running a WorldShare Report?
- Why doesn't the Circulation Events Detail Report match the Circulation module's Item record Issued Count?
- Why does our New Titles List report not show call numbers and current shelving locations for the items listed?
- Why does the error "No data to retrieve ..." come up when I run a report?
- Why does the lost or missing items report include items with the withdrawn status?
- Why do I have N/A listed as a permanent location on my Monthly Circulation Statistics Report
- Why do I retrieve duplicate rows when I run a report in the Acquisitions Universe
- Why do some databases appear twice in the Merged COUNTER Database Usage Summary report?
- Why is a request listed twice on the Document Delivery Request Detail report?
- Why is my report missing data?
- Why is our scheduled report failing to come through?
- Why is Report Designer only able to calculate the Tax 1 amount per copy?
- Why is the count different when I run a report using the Institution Title Holdings count and a report of OCNs?
- Why is the previous status of a Withdrawn item not showing in Analytics?
- Centro comunitario OCLC: Comunità WorldShare Analytics per WorldShare Reports e Report Designer
- Ulteriori informazioni sul Centro comunitario. Gli attuali utenti dei prodotti Reports e Report Designer possono iscriversi all'OCLC Community Center per entrare in contatto con colleghi e personale OCLC sui flussi di lavoro di Reports e Report Designer, partecipare a webinar e fornire feedback sul prodotto.