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About Report Designer

Learn how to navigate the query panel to build a report in WorldShare Report Designer.


WorldShare Report Designer takes advantage of data in WorldShare Management Services and allows you to build custom reports, charts, and data visualizations to satisfy library, academic, and agency reporting requirements. With the outputs, you can help others “see” data and trends so they better understand the information and can put it in a library or business context.

Using Report Designer, you can create a variety of custom reports. Report Designer allows users with the Report Authoring role to use BusinessObjects BI Launchpad and Web Intelligence to access data in the OCLC production data warehouse for both business intelligence and reporting needs.

To access Report Designer, navigate to Analytics > Reports > Report Launch Pad > Home button () > Applications > Web Intelligence.

 Note: To ensure optimal performance, some standard and custom report results are limited to 50,000 rows. A warning message will appear if report results exceed 50,000 rows returned. 

Report Designer Query Panel

After you select a universe from which to create a report, the Query Panel opens. The Query Panel allows you to create a custom report query.

In the Query Panel, you can:

Report Designer query panel interface overview

1. Add Query button

The Add Query button allows you to create a report query using data from multiple universes by clicking Add Query > Universe > OK.

2. Universe panel

The Universe panel displays all of the report objects contained in the selected universe. Report objects are used to build queries and are organized into classes or folders. You can click each folder to expand it and view all report objects available within or search all report objects in the selected universe using the text field in the Universe panel.

There are two main types of report objects:

Report object type Descrizione Esempi
Dimension (Dimension icon)
  • Provides data that serves as the basis for analysis
  • Can be counted
  • Cannot have calculations performed
  • Posizione della scaffalatura
  • Event Borrower Category
Measure (Measure icon)
  • Consists of numeric data about a dimension
  • Can have calculations performed
  • Expended Amount
  • Items Checked In

You can view the report objects definition by hovering over the report object name in the Universe panel. To view definitions and additional information for all available report objects, see Report objects.

Hover to display report object definition

3. Resize tools

The Query Panel provides two resize tools

  • Resize panels tool (Report Designer query panel pane resize tool and Report Designer query panel pane resize tool): Allows you to resize the Universe, Result Objects, and Query Filters panels. Click and drag to adjust the panel.
  • Maximize window button (Screenshot of the Maximize window button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer): Allows you to resize the Query Panel to fill the entire screen. 

4. Result Objects pane

The Results Objects pane contains the objects you have selected to be included in the report. Each object in this panel is represented as a column in the report.

5. Query Filters pane

The Query Filters pane contains the report objects you have chosen as selection criteria for the report. You can apply a query operator to a report object to specify values you want to be returned or have the report object function as a prompt, allowing the user to select values of their choice.

6. Data Preview pane

After adding report objects to the Results Objects and Query Filters pane, you can preview the data you're using to create a report. To preview the report:

  1. Click the Show/hide data preview panel button (Screenshot of the Show/hide data preview panel button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) to add the Data Preview panel to the Query Panel screen.
  2. Click Refresh (Screenshot of the Refresh button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) to preview of the data as it will appear in your custom report.

7. Run button

Click Run to create a report based on the report objects in the Query Panel. Your custom report will open in the report viewer.