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Query operators

Learn how query operators can be used in custom reports.
Operator Descrizione
Equal to Use the Equal to operator to retrieve data equal to a value.

To retrieve data for WMS University Libraries, create the filter "Institution Name Equal to WMS University Libraries".

Query operator: Equal to

Not Equal to Use the Not Equal to operator to retrieve data not equal to a value.

To retrieve data for all vendors except Amazon US, create the filter "Vendor Name Not Equal to Amazon US."

Query operator: Not Equal to

In List Use the In List operator to retrieve data corresponding to values in a list of values. The semi-colon (;) acts an implied OR.

To retrieve item data for the Chemistry and Main libraries, create the filter "Item Branch Name In List Chemistry Library;Main Library".

Query operator: In List

Not In List Use the Not In List operator to retrieve data that does not correspond to multiple values. The semi-colon (;) acts an implied OR.

To retrieve item data for all branches except the Music and Math libraries, create the filter "Item Branch Name Not In List Math Library;Music Library".

Query operator: Not In List

Between Use the Between operator to retrieve data between and including two values.

To retrieve data for items that were checked into WMS in inventory mode between 2000 and 2010, create the filter "Item Last Inventoried Year Between 2000 And 2010".

Query operator: Between

Not Between Use the Not Between operator to retrieve data outside the range of two values.

To retrieve data for all of the years that items were checked into WMS in inventory mode except between 2000 and 2010, create the filter "Item Last Inventoried Year Not Between 2000 And 2010".

Query operator: Not Between

Greater than Use the Greater than operator to retrieve data greater than a value.

To retrieve data for all funds with a budgeted amount greater than $100.00, create the filter "Budgeted Amount Greater than 100.00".

Query operator: Greater than

Greater than or Equal to Use the Greater than or Equal to operator to retrieve data greater than or equal to a value.

To retrieve data for all items published in or after 1900, create the filter "Publication Date Greater than or Equal to 1900".

Query operator: Greater than or Equal to

Less than Use the Less than operator to retrieve data less than a value.

To retrieve data for birth dates older than January 1, 2001, create the filter "Patron Date of Birth Less Than 1/1/2001 12:00:00 AM".

Query operator: Less than

Less than or Equal to Use the Less than or Equal to operator to retrieve data less than or equal to a value.

To retrieve data for all titles added on or before June 30, 2018, create the filter "Title Holding Added Date Less than or Equal to 6/30/2018 12:00:00 AM".

Query operator: Less than or Equal to

Matches pattern Use the Matches pattern operator to retrieve data that includes a specific string or part of a string. The Matches pattern operator allows the following wildcards:
  • The percent sign (%) operator replaces several characters (i.e., entering Br% returns all values beginning with Br (Brown, Braun, etc.)).
  • The underscore ( _ ) operator replaces a single character in a constant (i.e., entering Gr_ve returns all values that are 5 characters in length, with Gr as the first two characters and ve as the final two characters (Grave, Grove, etc.)).

 Note: This query operator is case-sensitive.

To retrieve data for patrons whose last name starts with "Br", create the filter "Patron Family Name Matches pattern Br%".

Query operator: Matches pattern

Different from pattern Use the Different from pattern operator to retrieve data that doesn't include a specific string. Use the wildcard (%) with the Different from pattern operator to tell the system which characters to exclude.

To retrieve data for patrons whose first name does not contain the letters "rea", create the filter "Patron Given Name Different from pattern %rea%".

Query operator: Different from pattern

Both Use the Both operator to retrieve data that corresponds to two values.

To retrieve data for items that are published in both English and Spanish, create the filter "Language Name Both English And Spanish".

Query operator: Except

Except Use the Except operator to retrieve data that corresponds to one value and excludes another.

To retrieve data for patrons whose primary mailing address is not a work address, create the filter "Patron Address Type Except work".

Query operator: Except

Is Null Use the Is Null operator when you use two universes to create a report to retrieve records that have a NULL value for the specified dimension.

  • Null does not include empty rows, blank spaces, or the value 0.
  • This filter should be used sparingly.

To retrieve data for patrons who do not have a date of birth entered in the system, create the filter "Patron Date of Birth Is Null".

Query operator: Is Null

Is not Null Use the Is not Null operator when you use two universes to create a report to retrieve data that does not contain a NULL value for the merged dimension.

  • Null does not include empty rows, blank spaces, or the value 0.
  • This filter should be used sparingly.

To retrieve data for patrons who do not have a Patron Borrower Category of Null, create the filter "Patron Borrower Category (Data) Is not Null".

Query operator: Is not Null