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Available reports for WMS users

Learn about available reports for WMS users, including WorldShare and SFTP.


The following provides an overview of all of the reports that are available to WorldShare users, including:  

  • A description of each report type
  • A list of the reports available for each type

WorldShare reports

You can access WorldShare (WS) reports in two areas in the WorldShare interface:

  • Analytics tab > Reports > Reports tab - listed under the Metadata ReportsAcquisitions ReportsCirculation Reports, and E-Resources Reports menus
  • Circulation tab > Reports area - click either the Pull List or Clear Hold Shelf buttons

If you have WorldShare Report Designer, you can access WS reports in two areas:

  • Analytics tab > Reports > Reports tab - listed under the Metadata Reports menu
  • Analytics tab > Reports > Reports Launch Pad (launches in new tab) - listed under Acquisitions ReportsCirculation Reports, and E-Resources Reports folders

If you have Tipasa, you can access Interlibrary Loan Reports in two areas:

  • Analytics tab > Reports > Reports tab - listed under the Interlibrary Loan Reports menu
  • Analytics tab > Reports > Reports Launch Pad (launches in new tab) - listed under the Interlibrary Loan Reports folder

Types of WS reports

Acquisitions reports - Table
Nome Descrizione Frequenza
Acquisitions Dashboard Provides an “at-a-glance” view of acquisition activity at your institution through the following graphs: Top 10 Expenditures By Fund, Top 10 Expenditures By Vendor, Top 10 Expenditures By Material Format, and Top 10 Expenditures By Classification. Nightly
Acquisitions Data Last Refreshed Date Displays when acquisitions data was last refreshed. N/A
Fund Balance Report Displays a summary of fund balance activity for a specified budget period. Nightly
Open Encumbrances Report Displays a list of items ordered but not fully paid within a specified period of time. Nightly
Paid Invoice Item Detail Report Lists detailed information about a paid invoice. Nightly
Paid Invoice Summary Report Displays a summary of paid invoices within a specified period of time. Nightly
Payment Activity by Classification Report Displays a summary of payment activity by classification within a specified budget period. Nightly
Payment Activity by Fund Report Displays a summary of payment activity by fund within a specified budget period. Nightly
Payment Activity by Location Report Displays a summary of payment activity by branch and shelving location within a specified period of time. Nightly
Payment Activity by Material Format Report Displays a summary of payment activity by material format within a specified period of time. Nightly
Payment Activity by Processing Type Report Displays a summary of payment activity by processing type within a specified budget period of time. Nightly
Payment Activity by Requestor Report Displays a summary of payment activity by requestor within a specified period of time. Nightly
Payment Activity by Vendor Report Displays a summary of payment activity by vendor and material format within a specified period of time. Nightly
Receiving Activity by Location Displays a summary of receiving activity by branch and shelving location within a specified period of time. Nightly
Serials Received Summary Report Displays a summary of serials received by publication frequency within a specified period of time. Nightly
Title Copy Detail Report Lists detailed information about payment activity. Nightly
Vendor Performance Displays a summary of vendors and the average number of days to fulfill items within a specified period of time. Nightly
Cataloging/Collection reports - Table
Nome Descrizione Frequenza
Branch Item Holdings by Material Format Displays item holdings quantity by branch and material format. Mensile
Branch Item Holdings by Shelving Location Displays item holdings quantity by branch and shelving location. Mensile
Cataloging Data Last Refreshed Date Displays when cataloging data was last refreshed. N/A
Count of New and Removed Group Titles Displays the combined count of new and removed titles as well as the net change in title holdings activity for the group by Month, Year. Nightly
Group Cataloging Data Last Refreshed Displays when group data was last refreshed. N/A
LHR Duplicate Barcodes Displays where a single barcode value has been used in multiple LHR items to help assist your library in cleaning up LHR and circulation data. Nightly
New Titles List Displays new titles acquired in a specified time period. Mensile
Removed Titles List Displays the list of “removed” titles for an institution in a specified time period. Mensile
Title Counts for Group Catalog Report Displays the combined count of titles held by the group by Month, Year, and by Material Format. Mensile
Title Holdings by Material Format Displays the count of titles that an institution holds in its collection by material format. Mensile
Title Holdings by Material Format and Publish Date

Displays a heatmap providing the count of titles that an institution holds in its collection by material format and publication decade.

Title Holdings by OCLC Subject Conspectus

Displays the count of titles that an institution holds in its collection based on the OCLC Subject Conspectus

Title Holdings Count by Institution Displays the count of titles held by individual members of the group by Month, Year. Mensile
Titles Held by a Single Institution Displays the list of titles uniquely held by a specified member institution of the group. Nightly
Circulation reports - Table
Nome Descrizione Frequenza
All Checked Out Items Report Provide a detailed list of items currently checked out. Nightly
Circulation Add-Delete Report Displays items added or deleted in the last seven days. Nightly
Circulation Dashboard Provides an “at-a-glance” view of circulation activity at your institution using two sets of visualizations: Historical Trends (default) and Current State. Nightly
Circulation Data Last Refreshed Date Displays when circulation data was last refreshed. N/A
Circulation Events Detail Report Lists the circulation event details within a specified date range. Nightly
Daily Payments Report Displays details about daily payments by branch and payment method with a specified date range. Nightly
Fiscal Detail Report Lists detailed fiscal transactions within a specified date range. Nightly
Fiscal Summary Report

Displays a summary of monthly billing counts and fiscal amounts by branch within a specified date range.

Group All Checked Out Items Report Displays a list of checked out items for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution. Nightly
Group Circulation Events Detail Report Displays a list of circulation events for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution. Nightly
Group Open Holds Request Report Displays a list of open hold requests for a WMS Group. Nightly
Group Overdue Items Report Displays a list of overdue items for a WMS Group where the patron's institution is different than the item's owning institution. Nightly
High Use Circulation Titles Summary Report

Lists titles identified as high use (based on circulation activity, such as checkouts, renewals and holds) within a specified date range.

Holds List Report Provides a list of items currently on hold. Nightly
Holds Ready for Pickup Report Provides a list of items that are currently on hold and are ready for pickup by a patron. Nightly
Hourly Average Circulation Activity Daily Chart

Displays a chart of average circulation activity by hour within a specified date range for one selected branch for one selected day.

Hourly Average Circulation Activity Summary Report

Lists circulation activity (checkouts, renewals and holds) by hour and day of the week within a specified date range.

Item Status Statistics Chart

Displays a bar chart that shows the distribution of current statuses for items owned in the institution.

Items in Transit Report Displays details about items that are currently in transit by branch within a specified date range. Nightly
Lost or Missing Items Report Lists details about items that are currently lost or missing. Nightly
Monthly Circulation Statistics Report

Displays circulation statistics by event branch, patron category, permanent shelving location, temporary shelving location or material format within a specified date range.

Open Holds Report Displays the current detailed list of items with holds placed on them. Nightly
Outstanding Fees and Bills Report Displays the current detailed list of fees and bills that are outstanding. Nightly
Overdue Items Aging Report Displays a list of titles based on the number of days overdue. Nightly
Patron Counts Summary Report

Displays counts of patrons by branch, custom category (e.g. major, class year), patron type and postal code (zip code).

Patron Information Detail Report Lists detailed information that includes many of the data fields in the patron record. Nightly
Recalled Items Report Displays a detailed list of recalled items by branch. Nightly
E-Resources reports - Table
Nome Descrizione Frequenza

 Note: You must have WorldShare License Manager to view the following reports.

E-Resources Data Last Refreshed Date Displays when e-resources data was last refreshed. N/A
COUNTER 4 Merged Database Usage Summary Displays a summary by month of your institution's C4DB1 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 4 Merged Database Usage Detail Displays a detailed view by database name by month of your institution's C4DB1 COUNTER data.  Nightly
COUNTER 4 Merged E-Journal/E-book Usage Summary Displays a summary by month of your institution's C4BR1 and C4JR1 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 4 Merged E-Journal/E-book Usage Detail Displays a detailed view by title of your institution's C4BR1 and C4JR1 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 4 Merged Vendor Usage Detail Displays a detailed view by vendor by month of your institution's C4DB1 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 4 Titles with Zero Usage Detail Displays details of the titles from C4BR1 and C4JR1 files where COUNTER Report Total (i.e., ft_total) was equal to zero for the selected time period. Nightly
COUNTER 4 Top 100 Title Usage Displays details of the hundred titles with the highest COUNTER Report Total (i.e., ft_total) value from C4BR1 and C4JR1 files for the selected time period. Nightly
COUNTER 5 Database Denials Summary Displays a summary of your library's C5DR_D2 data for a requested period of time. Nightly
COUNTER 5 Database Usage Summary Displays a summary of your library's C5DR_D1 data for a requested period of time. Nightly
COUNTER 5 Database Vendor Usage Detail Provides your library a detailed view of your library's C5DR_D1 data by database name by month. Nightly
COUNTER 5 E-Book Title Usage Comparison Displays a detailed view by title by month of your institution's C5TR_B1 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 5 E-Journal Title Usage Comparison Displays a detailed view by title by month of your institution's C5TR_J1 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 5 E-Journal/E-book Platform Usage Displays a summary by platform by month of your library's C5TR_J1 and C5TR_B1 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 5 Merged E-Journal/E-book Usage Summary Displays a summary by month of your library's C5TR_J1, C5TR_J2, C5TR_B1, and C5TR_B2 COUNTER data. Nightly
COUNTER 5 Merged E-Journal/E-book Usage Detail Displays a detailed view of your library's C5TR_J1, C5TR_J2, C5TR_B1, and C5TR_B2 COUNTER data by title. Nightly
COUNTER 5 Platform Usage Summary  Displays a summary by month of your library's C5PR_P1 COUNTER data. Nightly

 Note: You must have access to the WorldCat knowledge base to view the following reports.

WorldCat knowledge base - Collection Overlap Summary Report Displays a summary of duplicate and unique titles/coverages when comparing an electronic collection to another electronic collection(s). Mensile
WorldCat knowledge base - Collection Overlap Detail Report Displays a detailed list of titles in the overlap analysis. It displays the type of content and the coverage dates by content type for each title in the base and comparison collections. Mensile
WorldCat knowledge base - My Collection Overlap Summary Report Displays a summary of duplicate and unique titles/coverages when comparing an electronic collection from the knowledge base to a library’s collection(s) in the knowledge base. Mensile
WorldCat knowledge base - My Collection Overlap Detail Report Displays a detailed list of titles in the overlap analysis. Mensile
Interlibrary Loan reports - Table

 Note: Only libraries using Tipasa can view Interlibrary Loan reports. You must have the WORLDSHARE_ILL_ADMIN role to view the Reports tab and Interlibrary Loan Reports.

Nome Descrizione Frequenza
Document Delivery Activity Overview Displays a summary of activity for document delivery requests and fulfillments. Mensile
Document Delivery Request Detail Displays a detailed listing of document delivery requests for a given period of time. Mensile
Document Delivery Request Statistics Displays when interlibrary loan data was last refreshed. Mensile
Interlibrary Loan Data Last Refreshed Displays when interlibrary loan data was last refreshed. N/A
Metadata reports - Table
Nome Descrizione Frequenza
Daily Record Manager Actions Displays the daily number of initial holdings set, holdings deleted and WorldCat records replaced. Nightly
Monthly Record Manager Actions Displays the monthly number of initial holdings set, holdings deleted and WorldCat records replaced. Mensile
Daily WorldCat Metadata API Actions Displays the daily number of Metadata API actions. Nightly
Monthly WorldCat Metadata API Actions Displays the monthly number of Metadata API actions. Mensile
Daily LHR Maintenance Summary Displays the daily number of local holdings records (LHRs) added, deleted, moved, and updated in addition to removed shared print commitments. Nightly
Monthly LHR Maintenance Summary Displays the monthly number of local holdings records (LHRs) added, deleted, moved, replaced, and deleted in addition to removed shared print commitments. Mensile
Monthly LHR Maintenance Detail Displays the monthly number of local holdings records (LHRs) added, replaced, and deleted in addition to removed shared print commitments. Mensile
Update Bulk LBD Records (Record Work Lists) Displays statistics for local bibliographic data (LBD) records that were edited in bulk for the days or months that you selected. Nightly or Monthly
Update Bulk LHRs (Record Work Lists) Displays statistics for local holdings records (LHRs) that were edited in bulk for the days or months that you selected. Nightly or Monthly

SFTP reports

The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) reports are existing OCLC reports that are accessed from your institution's data center. Contact your institution's IT department for help with accessing SFTP reports. Your IT department may have specific SFTP access method that they want you to use, such as using one of these methods:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Web browser
  • SFTP software

SFTP reports are generated weekly and remain on the OCLC server for 90 days.

Open an SFTP report

  1. Log on to the secure SFTP site.
  2. Browse to the correct folder. For example, click /xfer > /wms/ > reports to access the circulation reports. The reports are listed in this folder.

Types of SFTP reports

See Reconciliation SFTP reports.

Google Analytics

You can use Google Analytics to evaluate usage for the following products:

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If you have questions or need further information, contact OCLC Customer Support.