Bibliographic records
Record Manager allows you to create new and enrich existing items in WorldCat using either a MARC 21 editor or a Text View editor.
- MARC 21 view
- Discover procedures for tasks that you may perform (e.g., create, derive, reformat, etc.) as you work with MARC 21 records.
- Advanced actions
- Compare bibliographic records
- Contextual menu
- Control headings
- Create WorldCat bibliographic records
- Create a WorldCat Entity from a bibliographic field
- Delete WorldCat bibliographic records
- Delete WorldCat holdings
- Derive WorldCat bibliographic records
- Dewey cutters
- Edit fixed fields
- Insert a diacritic
- Insert a WorldCat Entity identifier in a bibliographic record
- MARC 21 field help
- Print a record
- RDA Toolkit
- Reformat a bibliographic record
- Sostituire i record bibliografici di WorldCat
- Search bibliographic records
- Send a bibliographic record change request
- Set the classification scheme for MARC 21 records
- Set the default holding library code for MARC 21 records
- Set WorldCat holdings on MARC 21 bibliographic records
- Transliterate Latin text to non-Latin text
- Undo a change to a MARC 21 record
- Validate bibliographic records
- View a bibliographic record in
- View a bibliographic record in WorldCat Discovery
- View copies owned by your institution
- View linked bibliographic records
- Visualizzare le disponibilità di WorldCat per un record bibliografico
- Saved - In Progress bibliographic records
- Work with variable fields
- Export MARC 21 records
- You can export a MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic record using a TCP/IP connection or by downloading the file through your browser.
- Text view
- Text View is an environment where you can edit your WorldCat bibliographic records without having to be familiar with the specific conventions of MARC 21 fields and subfields. Instead, the Text View environment uses intuitive labels to prompt you for information about the item you are cataloging.
- Create WorldCat bibliographic records
- Delete WorldCat holdings
- Derive WorldCat bibliographic records
- Insert a diacritic
- Open an existing WorldCat bibliographic record
- Set WorldCat holdings on bibliographic records
- Validate WorldCat bibliographic records
- View a bibliographic record in
- View records linked to the work
- View record in WorldCat Discovery
- Work with WorldCat bibliographic data
- Bulk actions
- With Record Manager, you can apply the same action for up to 1,000 bibliographic records at a time.