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Set WorldCat holdings on MARC 21 bibliographic records

Discover how to set WorldCat holdings on MARC 21 bibliographic records from the MARC 21 editor in WorldShare Record Manager.

When you set a WorldCat holding on a MARC 21 bibliographic record, you are adding your library's OCLC institution symbol to a bibliographic record and specifying that you own an item that is represented by the record. After setting a WorldCat holding, other users can see on WorldCat that the item is in your collection.

Set WorldCat holdings for a MARC 21 bibliographic record so that you can:

  • Maintain your WorldCat holdings in WorldCat and archive records at OCLC
  • Associate the record with your library; for example, because you have added the record to a local catalog

Set a WorldCat holding on a MARC 21 bibliographic record

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, click Record.
  2. (Optional) Validate the record.
  3. From the Record drop-down menu, select Set WorldCat Holding. The system sets a WorldCat holding on the record.

Set a WorldCat holding on a MARC 21 bibliographic record and send to an export list

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, click Set Holding and Export.
  2. To add the record to a new list, click New List and follow the steps to create a new export list.
  3. To add the record to an existing list, select the name of an export list from the Exports List list and then click Add
  4. (Optional) To view your record in the export list:
    • Click on the name of the export list in the confirmation message.
    • To navigate to the export list, see View export lists.

Set a WorldCat holding on a MARC 21 bibliographic record for other institution(s)

You can set a WorldCat holding on a bibliographic record for other institution(s) if:

  • Your institution is set up as an agent and has a list of other libraries for which they can do work.
  • You have the Cataloging_Agent role assigned.

Contact OCLC Support to set up your library as an Agent.

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, click Record.
  2. From the Record drop-down menu, select Set WorldCat Holding for Other Institution(s).
  3. From the Set WorldCat Holding for Other Institution(s) dialog, select the institution(s) you want to set WorldCat holdings for using the Institution drop-down list or enter an institution name in the text field. This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field.
  4. Click Set Holding. You will receive a confirmation message once the WorldCat holding has been set.

Set a holding audience level on a MARC 21 bibliographic record

 Note: Only WorldShare Management Services libraries will see this option. For more information, see WorldCat holdings audience levels.

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, click Record.
  2. (Optional) Validate the record.
  3. From the Record drop-down menu, select your desired audience level from the Set Holding Audience Level to flyout menu. The system sets the holding audience level.