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Work with WorldCat bibliographic data

Discover how to add and delete rows from a bibliographic record as well as how to link non-Latin fields from the Text view editor in WorldShare Record Manager.

Add a row in a WorldCat record

 Note: Only rows with the Add Field icon permit you to add rows.

  1. From the Text View editor, click the field immediately above the location where you want to add a new field.
  2. Click the Add button (Pulsante di aggiunta).

Delete a row in a WorldCat record

 Note: Only rows with the Add Field icon permit you to add rows.

  1. From the Text View editor, find the field you want to delete.
  2. Click the Remove button (Remove button).

Link non-Latin fields

  1. From the Text View editor, right-click the field that you want to link.
  2. Select Add Non-Latin Field. When you link non-Latin fields, the system adds a new linked field to the record.