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Text view

Text View is an environment where you can edit your WorldCat bibliographic records without having to be familiar with the specific conventions of MARC 21 fields and subfields. Instead, the Text View environment uses intuitive labels to prompt you for information about the item you are cataloging.

You can create a Text View bibliographic record by:

  • Deriving WorldCat bibliographic records, which is creating a new bibliographic record from an existing record that is similar to the new record you are creating.    
  • Using a material type template to create the bibliographic record, which is creating bibliographic records using a material type.

Before creating a bibliographic record, search WorldCat to make sure that:

  • No existing WorldCat bibliographic record matches the item exactly. By verifying that no one has previously added a WorldCat record for the item, you can prevent duplicate WorldCat records from being created.
  • No existing WorldCat record matches the item closely enough to derive the new WorldCat record from it.