WorldCat Discovery enhancements digest
Recommended actions
Actions that require a library decision to enable in WorldCat Discovery.
New features by functional area
Risultati della ricerca
Enhancements that aim to improve the relevance and usability of the search results page.
- Find WorldCat knowledge base titles that were previously only discoverable through the A-to-Z list (October 2023)
- Save items from search results more quickly with performance improvements (July 2023)
- Setup alert updates for a specific search query (July 2023)
- WorldCat Discovery spelling suggestions pilot (June 2023)
- Consistently receive a rounded search result count (May 2023)
- See updated language for grouping search results (September 2022)
- View a simplified experience when sorting, expanding, and grouping searches (August 2022)
- Users can now quickly access alternate links and notes/license terms from search results, even when configuration promotes the first link (May 2022)
- View search history for current session (March 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: More compact remote database preview (January 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Holding branch name displays on search results scoped to a branch: availability off or availability on-demand (November 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Searches expanded with related terms regardless of language (November 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Search Expansion favors broader search recall (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Holdings summary exceeding one line with be truncated to optimize display (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Local Holding Records summary will display alongside availability when present (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Group Catalog holdings display prominently on item details (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: New link to locally held editions and formas in search results (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Improvements to the search results tile layout to conserve whitespace (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Local editions on brief results consider years with special characters as oldest (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Improved experience for recommended ProQuest remote databases (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Numbers formatted on remote database recommendation counts (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Remote databases will be displayed in a dismissible tray in the modernized user interface (February 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Improved description of holdings statement (February 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Display of material format icons in the modernized WorldCat Discovery (January 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Easily locate and interact with “Chat with a librarian” functionality (January 2021)
- Improved representative record logic that considers a user's preferred browser language (May 2020)
- Editions and formats display will reflect new edition grouping options (May 2020)
- Expand your search results using authority files (April 2020)
- New filters for manuscript items (December 2019)
- Improved quality of knowledge base provider link (July 2019)
- Consistently search EBSCO and ProQuest databases not in the central index (May 2019)
- Users more easily identify available periodicals with display of additional local holdings metadata (May 2019)
- More precise filtering of author names on brief results (April2019)
- Improved description of Editions & Formats accordion on detailed WorldCat Discovery views (March 2019)
- New default cover art image for books (March 2019)
- Improved alignment of selected filters, text, and institution over colors (March 2019)
- Display knowledge base Journal coverage metadata to show relationship between article citations Journal availability (February 2019)
- Display only HathiTrust Links leading to full text (February 2019)
- Navigate from electronic items to physical items (January 2019)
- Navigate to other locally-held formats on search results (January 2019)
- Quickly browse search results with higher resolution cover art and aligned titles (January 2019)
Search tools
Enhancements that aid users in acting on search results.
- Revised sign-in statement on search history page (June 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Revised sorting of the Author search filter (January 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Additional 19 million items available in the Open Access filter (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Open Access filter available when searching WorldCat databases (July 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Zotero and Mendeley citation support implemented (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Improvement to IIIF Viewer expansion and display on search results (March 2021)
- New options for grouping edition clusters in search results (May 2020)
- New labels for customized filters in the dropdown menus (April 2020)
- Leverage citation style for APA 7th edition (April 2020)
- Minor design update to shelf browse metadata display (March 2020)
- Configure search filter settings (December 2019)
- Ungroup search results by default to support unique workflows (September 2019)
- Keep filter selections for subsequent searches (September 2019)
- Improved description for required search box actions for users of screen readers such as NVDA or JAWS (July 2019)
- WMS users can virtually browse library shelves to view related physical items (May 2019)
- Interface improvement (February 2019)
Detailed record
Enhancements that improve the interpretation of MARC data for end users and help users navigate to other editions and formats.
- View hyphens in 65X subject fields for compound headings (September 2023)
- Access $5 information for the MARC 585 Exhibition Note (June 2023)
- Configure and display the MARC 026 (Fingerprint Identifier) (May 2023)
- Configure and display the MARC 340 (Physical Medium) (May 2023)
- Configure and display the MARC 545 (Biographical or Historical Data) (May 2023)
- Configure and display the MARC 585 (Exhibition Note) (May 2023)
- Find the right item with enhanced availability table sorting (February 2023)
- View multiple alternative local subjects (October 2022)
- Save time implementing locally preferred subjects with wildcards (October 2022)
- See preferred subjects used by your local library (August 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Subject vocabulary grouping display includes new ontology (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Improved anchored paging on item details availability (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Indicators of search relevance (highlight) added to "Includes" + "Issued with" fields in item details page (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Metadata fields for Includes and Issued With are now available in the modernized interface (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Display LHR 852 $z notes with each specific item (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Metadata configuration enables customization of item details display (March 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: URLs will display as clickable links in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface (March 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Notes & License Terms display from WorldCat knowledge base (January 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Edition and format information relocated to top of item details to streamline Access Options panel (January 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: “Request from” wording in Access Options panel customized to help users (January 2021)
- Additional subfield data ($b, $c, $d, $k and $q) is now exposed to display the name headings and other existing subfield data (December 2020)
- Additional title-related subfields (700,710 and 711) is now exposed in the record detail (December 2020)
- Public notes from Local Holdings Records display alongside item information (October 2019)
- Additional format information supports fulfillment decisions for users with specific needs (September 2019)
- Periodical Index and Supplement subfields in local holdings metadata will now display in WorldCat Discovery (May 2019)
- Links from brief search results will match updated language of Editions & Formats accordion on detailed views (March 2019)
Access and Availability
Enhancements that help users consistently and intuitively obtain items
- Prompt unauthenticated users to sign in when following a permalink to a record in a restricted database (October 2023)
- Use a blank ILL form to place requests without finding an item (February 2023)
- Place WorldShare ILL requests for items without an OCLC number (February 2023)
- Automatically redirect users to interlibrary loan option when group (level 2) items are unavailable for Place Hold (March 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Search within availability details to find volume, year, or item (February 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: ‘View details’ link from Access Options panel to group catalog holdings display (January 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Availability on demand now available in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Deep links for WorldCat Discovery users without availability (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: When no fulfillment options are available, WorldCat Discovery will no longer display a message to contact the library (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Best access options for streamlined availability display on item details (February 2021)
WMS / Group Availability and Place Hold
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Updated text on place hold form promotes successful delivery of resources (February 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Recall integration available in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface (May 2021)
- Update Level 1 WMS place hold form to support WMS Circulation pick-up improvements (October 2020)
- Configure custom text for Print DDA fulfillment options (March 2020)
Full text/Access Online links
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Quickly access report a broken link and notes/license terms from a single full-text link (November 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Best access options electronic fulfillment updated to favor primary e-links over outgoing OpenURL (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Improved labeling of Report a Broken Link functionality (May 2021)
- DOI will now display on A to Z page for incoming link resolver citations and searches (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Report a broken link added to the modernized interface (March 2021)
- Configure 856 links to surface full text and open access resources (August 2020)
- Improved display text for DOI links leading to PDFs informed by Unpaywall (December 2019)
Open Access and Freely Available Content
Enhancements that align to OCLC’s mission to privilege open access and freely available content.
- About 750,000 additional items available in the Open Access filter (September 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Additional 19 million items available in the Open Access filter (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Open Access filter available when searching WorldCat databases (July 2021)
- New search index added to support Open Access Filter (October 2020)
- Expanded access to content from Canadian government and education domains (July 2019)
- Faster access to open content with addition of open access filter to (April 2019)
Advanced Search
Enhancements that extend the functionality of advanced searching.
- Clearly 'Unselect' all databases in an Advanced Search database group (July 2023)
- Use "Group This Search" tool on Advanced Search page (September 2022)
- Informative message displays when a user attempts to execute an undefined search (April 2019)
Course Reserves
Enhancements that improve the management and discovery of lists of materials reserved for courses
- Users will now see time items are due to be returned in the due date display for items in course reserves (May 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Course Reserves actions are now available in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface (February 2021)
Service Configuration
Enhancements that directly and significantly impact OCLC Service Configuration. Some smaller configuration changes are simply listed within a given enhancement.
- Specify authority source when re-mapping subject headings with locally preferred subjects (November 2023)
- Cancel and Save actions are displayed in a consistent order throughout Service Configuration (October 2023)
- Configure sign-in promotion, custom notifications, and custom links label in new Header/Footer section of OCLC Service Configuration (July 2023)
- Quickly determine which databases are restricted in OCLC Service Configuration (July 2023)
- Create custom translations for user sign-in (July 2023)
- Configure search grouping and expansion with other search filters settings (October 2022)
- Customize preferred citation styles to display in WorldCat Discovery (September 2022)
- Customize search box generator default grouping for search results (September 2022)
- Increased shortcode limit for Talis Aspire reading lists to 50 characters (July 2022)
- Increase character limit for custom text CTAs to better support all languages (June 2022)
- Configure Search history functionality (March 2022)
- Configure Save search functionality (March 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Configure resource sharing button for ZFL gateway (Germany) (February 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Configure navigation bar 'Resources' menu label (November 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: WorldCat Discovery Premium (non-WMS) institutions can choose between displaying item availability or deep links to their OPAC (November 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Configure default sort of availability detail (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Automatically redirect users to interlibrary loan option when local items are unavailable for Place Hold (July 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Branding configuration has been updated to clearly indicate which settings are applicable in the modern interface (July 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Configure color for navigational bar and visited/unvisited links now available (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Configure availability to highlight a single location or display an availability summary (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Customization for Access Options display text (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Control your institution's transition to the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface (January 2021)
- Custom translation functionality is now available to support translated database group names (October 2020)
- View all availability within an edition cluster (May 2020)
- Update to support future Authority Expansion functionality (March 2020)
- Quickly view selected databases first in Metasearch Content module (May 2019)
- View service configuration updates to the Full Text OpenURL Resolvers (outgoing requests) module in real time (March 2019)
- View service configuration updates in real time (February 2019)
- Save search box generator configuration for reuse (January 2019)
Il mio account
Enhancements that help users maintain their WorldCat Discovery account profile.
- Expand and collapse details for permanently saved searches in My Account (May 2022)
- Automatically add most recent searches to My Account upon sign-in (March 2022)
- Enhanced My Account experience (June 2020)
Enhancements that help to make WorldCat Discovery usable and accessible for all.
- Navigate through search results, item details, and search history page when using a screen reader (August 2022)
- Aria labels for screen readers now match the display title (July 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Audit search results & item details to promote accessible branding choices (February 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Static ‘Loading…’ text message replaces animated spinners for users who prefer reduced motion (February 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Interface elements in focus with a keyboard use default browser focus style rather than branded colors (February 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: View OCLC accessibility statement, cookie notice and information security management certificate (January 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Custom notification text accessibility maintained with default contrasting colors (November 2021)
- Accessibility enhancements improve experience for people who use screen readers (May 2019)
General updates that impact multiple pages within the interface / Enhancements that help libraries better communicate with their patrons.
- View a cohesive discovery experience across modernized and legacy pages (August 2023)
- Navigate to borrowing history via a "borrowing history" link in the header & footer (July 2022)
- See visited/unvisited links when viewing alternate links from the promote full-text link (June 2022)
- Leverage citation style for MLA 9th edition (June 2022)
- Saved items icon moved to the navigation bar (March 2022)
- Institution symbol and WorldCat registry ID will now appear in the footer (March 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: View OCLC accessibility statement, cookie notice and information security management certificate (January 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Share via email has default subject line (November 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Signed in users alerted to session timeout (November 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Updated greeting for the Sign-in prompt (September 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Improved formatting when copying a Citation (September 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Share action includes sender's email for easy reply (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Improved formatting on the "Copy Link" action (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Improved visibility of the search box when a light brand color is configured (August 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery Interface: Improvements have been made to secondary buttons with light search and fulfillment color (July 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Updated OCLC customer support contact information on WorldCat Discovery's feedback form (June 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Indicators of search relevance (highlight) multiple author experience improved (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Indicators of search relevance (highlight) Summary field truncated at three lines (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: DVD and Film icons updated (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Revisit icon size (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Design changes to Checkbox/Radio/Toggle states (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Search icon moved to the opposite side of the search bar (May 2021)
- Arabic user interface (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Sign-in options now display based on subscription type (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Updated availability summary description better describes holdings (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Additional information is now included in author fields (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Improved default cover art display (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Transliteration is now available in the WorldCat Discovery modernized interface (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Send feedback moved to footer (January 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: WorldCat Discovery sandbox users will now see informational banner display (January 2021)
- WorldCat Discovery redesigned interface preview (December 2020)
- Configure a custom notification (July 2020)
3rd Party Integrations
Enhancements that create an integration between WorldCat Discovery and a 3rd party vendor. These require a vendor subscription to access.
- Configure integration with Google Analytics 4 (May 2023)
- View article retractions with active LibKey subscription (November 2022)
- StackMap functionality is now available to WorldCat Discovery Premium subscribers with an active StackMap subscription (July 2022)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Talis reading lists implemented in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: COinS added to support Talis Aspire Reading Lists bookmarklet (May 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Integrate with LibKey Discovery from the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface to explore articles within journals (BrowZine) - (April 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: Libraries with LibKey (BrowZine) will now see their links display in the modernized WorldCat Discovery interface (March 2021)
- Modernized WorldCat Discovery interface: StackMap call to action and modal now available in the modernized user interface (February 2021)
- Integrate LibKey Discovery with incoming OCLC Link Resolver (January 2020)
- Integrate with LibKey Discovery to directly access PDF content and explore articles within journals using BrowZine (December 2019)
- StackMap can be displayed based on item availability (October 2019)
- Locate items in the library with StackMap integration (January 2019)
Prominent bug fixes
More pervasive changes that impact the majority of WorldCat Discovery users. Most smaller bug fixes are not included here.
- Users of Course Reserves can now navigate past the first page of listed Courses or Temporary Materials (October 2023)
- The new WorldShare ILL request form now populates with bibliographic data for users at libraries that use OpenAthens to manage remote access (October 2023)
- Correctly return results for OCLC symbols configured as branches (July 2023)
- StackMap icon now displays in modal (June 2023)
- Books no longer show on search results as held at Level 1 when another item in the edition cluster is held (May 2023)
- Increased place hold timeout window (March 2023)
- Users no longer receive a security alert when exporting citations to RefWorks (March 2023)
- "Libraries Worldwide" facet now displays translation (February 2023)
- Talis reading lists now display in alphabetical order (February 2023)
- Author filters with an apostrophe no longer cause an error (February 2023)
- Error message no longer shows when saving settings in service configuration (February 2023)
- Place a Level 1 hold without receiving an error message (November 2022)
- When applying the full text facet, items with full text links are no longer excluded (October 2022)
- Copy and paste citations when an ampersand is included (August 2022)
- Group place hold action now displays with best access option on or off (August 2022)
- Permalinks with OCN from 019 tag no longer show an error (August 2022)