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A - Z List and OCLC Link Resolver

Per accedere a questa schermata, accedere a Service Configuration, aprire la navigazione a sinistra di WorldCat Discovery e WorldCat Local e selezionare A - Z List e OCLC Link Resolver.

Elenco A - Z e panoramica di OCLC Link Resolver

Use this screen to find your base OpenURL to provide to your vendors, configure default search behavior of your A to Z list platform, and set display options.

Check with your OCLC representative to see if your subscription includes the OCLC Link Resolver and A - Z list interface. Holdings must be set in the WorldCat knowledge base for A - Z lists to display correctly.

The OCLC link resolver is included with various OCLC services. It works to increase access to full-text collections through exposure of your WorldCat knowledge base holdings (titles and collections you add via the Collection Manager application) via an OpenURL resolver shared with other data providers.

Use of the link resolver requires that you have:

  • A cataloging subscription
  • A subscription to one of the following: WorldShare Management Services, WorldCat Discovery, or to License Manager
  • Access to a WorldShare Collection Manager account
  • Collection metadata in your WorldCat knowledge base added via Collection Manager

Caratteristiche dell'elenco A - Z e del risolutore di link OCLC

The link resolver features a next-generation interface that is responsive to desktop browsers, mobile devices, and tablets. Configuration options for the interface include customizable color schemes, library links, and banner images.

The A-Z list includes the items and collections that have been added to the WorldCat knowledge base via WorldShare Collection Manager. Refer to Display full-text links and elevate links from a specific provider for additional information.

Other features include:

  • Full or partial article citations, and DOI / PMID queries
  • OpenURL link resolution supporting both OpenURL 1.0 and 0.1 protocols
  • Three-tier A to Z browsing for journal titles, collections, and partial support for A to Z browsing of eBooks
  • A configurable interface allowing you to set defaults and show or hide features relative to your patron needs
  • Integration with OCLC WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, and OpenURL 1.0-compatible resource sharing services
  • Citation export to popular citation engines such as RefWorks, EasyBib, EndNote and ReferenceManager
  • A reporting feature allowing users to let OCLC know if they discover a faulty link

 Note: Items must have an ISSN number or it will not display a link in the A to Z list. Verify that the Display Online Catalog setting is turned on in the Display Options section. 

OCLC Link Resolver Base URL

This section is where you can find the link resolver base to provide to other vendors who support OpenURL linking.


  • https://[library]
  • https://[library]

If problems persist, contact OCLC Support with your OCLC symbol, the OpenURL link you are failing to get through with, and the error you are receiving.

Search Options

The search options accordion allows users to configure the default behavior of the A - Z page when they arrive at your A - Z URL.

Campo Azione
Default Search View

Choose the default type of search tab A - Z users will see first:

  • Browse: Will automatically list your knowledgebase content alphanumerically by default browse type [Collections, eBooks, or Journals] that is selected.
  • Search: Will display a blank search form showing the default search type [Articles, Journals, eBooks, eBook Citation] selected. Searches will only look at content in your knowledgebase collection.
Redirect user to first full text link found rather than a list of links

This setting will automatically redirect incoming OpenURL request from third party vendors to the first full text link found rather than a list of links.

Slide the toggle to the right to enable this feature.  It is disabled by default.

Default Search Type

Determine which type of blank citation form will be displayed to users by default on the search view tab of the A - Z page.

  • Articles: Use for full citation article searches
  • Journals: Use for Individual journal title searches
  • eBooks: eBook searches by title or ISBN
  • eBooks Citation: Full eBook citation searches by title, ISBN, author(s), chapter title, series title, publisher, date, edition, location, and start and stop pages
Default Browse Type

Determine which type of browse format will display by default on the Browse tab of the A - Z page.

  • Journals: Will list full text journal titles enabled in the libraries knowledge base alphanumerically by title.
  • eBooks: Will list eBooks enabled in the library’s knowledge base alphanumerically by title.

 Nota: la ricerca degli eBook deve essere attivata nell'accordion A - Z List e OCLC Link Resolver > Display Options.  

  • Collections: Will list database collections (both title and database only collections)

Default Search Patterns

The Default Search Patterns accordion allows users to configure the default search behavior of the eBook and Journal formats in the Search tab view of the A - Z page. Article and eBook Citation searches are known item searches. They do not rely on search patterns to find records.

Campo Azione
eBook Search Default Select the default search style users will be presented with for eBook title searching.
  • Match all words i.e. "Global" AND "Warming"
  • Match exact words i.e. "Global Warming"
  • Match any words i.e. "Global" OR "Warming"
Journal Search Default Select the default search style users will be presented with for journal title searching:
  • Starts with i.e. "Journal of Science*"
  • Match all words i.e. "Journal" AND "Science"
  • Match exact words i.e. "Journal of Science"
  • Match any words i.e. "Journal" OR "Science"

Display Options

The Display Options accordion will allow users to control the appearance of certain features on the A - Z page.

Campo Descrizione
Display eBook Browse

Select Enabled or Disabled to turn eBook Browse on or off.

 Note: Browsing eBooks can involve millions of titles and therefore may not work effectively depending on the number of holdings configured. If problems occur, eBook browsing can be turned back off.

Display Fulfillment Button Select Enabled to use the option you have selected in WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Place Hold/Request Buttons > For items owned by WorldCat Libraries:
  • OpenURL 1.0: The fulfillment button will always display if configured to per format type in WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > Place Hold/Request Buttons > For Items owned by WorldCat Libraries. It is not dependent on the existence of a citation in the database.

 Note: See Place Hold/Request Buttons, For items owned by WorldCat Libraries for more information.

"Fulfillment Not Available" Text

Enter text to display if there is not enough information to display a fulfillment button.

To include translated display text:

  1. Click Add Translations. The text is expanded to display additional fields.
  2. Select a Language from the drop-down list and enter Custom Text in the text field.
  3. Optional. Click Add Translations to add additional translations.
    • Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.
Display Online Catalog

This setting will show a button linking users to your WorldCat Discovery catalog when you hold the physical version of the item shown on the A to Z list. Select Enabled to turn on this feature. 

 Note: This feature only works for eJournals. The item must have an ISSN. If the item does not have an ISSN, a link will not display in the A to Z list. 

Online Catalog Text

Provide text to display with the online catalog button.

To include translated display text:

  1. Click Add Translations. The text is expanded to display additional fields.
  2. Select a Language from the drop-down list and enter Custom Text in the text field.
  3. Optional. Click Add Translations to add additional translations.
    • Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.
Display Form to Report a Broken Link

Select Enabled to allow patrons to report broken links. Enter an email address to receive broken link reports. Broken link reports are sent to OCLC and to the email address configured by your library.

See Enable "Report a broken link" and receive emails for more information.

Email address to receive broken link reports Provide an email address to receive broken link reports.
Customized broken link report confirmation message

Configure a confirmation message that will display to the user when a broken link is submitted, whether or not feedback is requested. Limit 1,000 characters.

To include translated display text:

  1. Click Add Translations. The text is expanded to display additional fields.
  2. Select a Language from the drop-down list and enter Custom Text in the text field.
  3. Optional. Click Add Translations to add additional translations.
    • Translated language options include Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Maori, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Traditional Chinese.
Display Option to Search Print Only

Select this option to display a check box to Search Print Collections only, which is located on the Journal Title form on the Search tab of the A to Z page.

Choose Enable or Disable to turn the Option to Search Print Only on or off.

Display Notes on a Search Record as Choose either Expanded or Collapsed to display notes entered in the knowledge base Public Notes title level field on detailed views the of A - Z page.

See Title-level settings in Knowledge Base collections, Notes for more information.

Related functionality

Create a shortcut to your institution's A to Z list in WorldCat Discovery

Every WorldCat Discovery library has a patron-facing page that makes it possible to search just the titles you've represented in your knowledge base via Collection Manager.

To create a link, first copy your base URL:

  1. Sign in to the OCLC Service Configuration.
  2. Navigare in WorldCat Discovery e WorldCat Local > A - Z List e OCLC Link Resolver.
  3. Copy your OCLC Link Resolver Base URL without /link.
    • Your base URL is the URL for your A - Z list.
    • Example URL:

Next, complete settings for a custom link:

  1. Navigate to  WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > User Interface Options.
  2. Expand the Custom Links accordion.
  3. Select Add another custom link:
    1. Link type: select other.
    2. URL: paste your A - Z list link.
    3. Display text: type the text you would like for your link.
      • For example: "A - Z list" or "E-Journals"
  4. Fare clic su Salva modifiche.

Include print serials in your A - Z list

If you would like to include print serials in your A to Z list, you will need to add the collection to your knowledge base via using Create a Collection in WorldShare Collection Manager.

  1. Follow the instructions to Create a print serial collection.
  2. Enable the institution setting in Collection Manager > Institution Settings > WorldCat Discovery > Coverage.

If you have created a print serial collection in Collection Manager, configure links in the A - Z page to print serials in your local OPAC:

  1. Set up or ensure deep links are configured in the Service Configuration.  See Configure links to your online catalog for more information.  
  2. Create a print serial collection in WorldShare Collection Manager 
  3. From the print serials collection, navigate to the Linking accordion.
  4. Under OPAC Linking, select From WorldCat Registry.
  5. Fare clic su Salva.  
  • To verify the setting, visit your A - Z URL (https://[library] and look up a title from your print collection.  A link from your Print Serials collection will display.  

Share your OpenURL resolver with Google Scholar

In order to bring your library resources to your members starting their search on Google Scholar, institutions can configure WorldShare Collection Manager to display their OCLC link resolver. Once configured OCLC will export your knowledgebase holdings to Google Scholar and surface your OCLC link resolver on citations held by your institution.

Follow the instructions for configuring Google Scholar settings to surface your library materials.