Get records for content from providers
OCLC partners with providers to offer WorldCat records and holdings maintenance for content from your providers. Records are available to libraries with an OCLC Cataloging Subscription and to libraries without a subscription. However, some functionality like setting holdings in WorldCat is only available to libraries with an OCLC Cataloging Subscription. All libraries can find relevant instructions to get started linked from each provider's page.
Records are available through WorldShare Collection Manager unless otherwise noted and do not include additional fees unless otherwise noted. Records output by libraries with a CatExpress subscription do count towards their total budget. Records for content from providers that are not accessible through Collection Manager are available through Contract Cataloging and will include additional fees for all libraries regardless of subscription.
Records from knowledge base collections within Collection Manager will include library-specific, full-text links. Libraries that use OCLC services like WorldCat Discovery or WorldShare Management Services can expose those links in their discovery interface. To find more information about collection types and services, see Use Collection Manager for content from a specific provider.
Collezioni disponibili nell 'elenco della base di conoscenza di WorldCat. Seguite quindi la procedura per Selezionare una raccolta di knowledge base completa o per Modificare una raccolta per selezionare il vostro sottoinsieme di titoli.
se non vedete il vostro fornitore elencato in questa pagina, provate a cercarlo nelleFind your provider and follow the instructions to get started:
- Alliance Entertainment Corporation
- Accademia Americana di Pediatria
- American Academy of Pediatrics (Fundamentals)
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychiatric Association (Fundamentals)
- Askews and Holts
- Askews and Holts (Fundamentals)
- Aspen Publishing
- Aspen Publishing (Fundamentals)
- Baker & Taylor, Inc.
- Libri legati per restare legati
- Brodart
- Cambridge University Press
- Cambridge University Press (Fundamentals)
- Casalini Libri
- Sorgente di compact disc, il
- EBSCO (Fundamentals)
- EBSCO (Fundamentals)
- East View
- Elsevier ClinicalKey
- Elsevier ClinicalKey (Fundamentals)
- Elsevier Knovel
- Elsevier Knovel (Fundamentals)
- Elsevier ScienceDirect
- Elsevier ScienceDirect (Fundamentals)
- Emery-Pratt Company
- Erasmus Boekhandel BV
- Follett Library Resources
- Soluzioni per biblioteche GOBI di EBSCO
- GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO (UK)
- GPO - U.S. Government Publishing Office
- GPO - U.S. Government Publishing Office (Fundamentals)
- Harrassowitz
- IEEE (Fundamentals)
- Ingram Library Services
- JSTOR (Fundamentals)
- James Bennett Pty Ltd.
- JoVE
- JoVE (Fundamentals)
- Karger
- Koninklijke Boom Uitgevers
- Koninklijke Boom Uitgevers (Fundamentals)
- Librairie Erasmus
- MIT Press
- MIT Press (Fundamentals)
- Mackin Library Media
- Matthews Medical and Scientific Books, Inc.
- Medialog, Inc.
- (Fundamentals)
- Metropolitan Opera, The
- Metropolitan Opera, The (Fundamentals)
- Midwest Library Service
- Midwest Tape
- Naxos
- Omnigraphics
- Omnigraphics (Fundamentals)
- OverDrive
- Ovidio
- Ovid (Fundamentals)
- Perma-Bound
- ProQuest Books (formerly Coutts)
- ProQuest Ebook Central
- ProQuest Ebook Central (Fundamentals)
- Project MUSE
- Project MUSE (Fundamentals)
- Rialto
- Rittenhouse Book Distributors, Inc.
- Società Reale di Chimica
- Royal Society of Chemistry (Fundamentals)
- Salvia
- Springer Nature
- Springer Nature (Fundamentals)
- Taylor & Francis
- Taylor & Francis (Fundamentals)
- Teton Data Systems
- Teton Data Systems (Fundamentals)
- The HistoryMakers
- The HistoryMakers (Fundamentals)
- The R2 Library/Rittenhouse Book Distributors, Inc.
- The R2 Library/Rittenhouse Book Distributors, Inc. (Fundamentals)
- Theodore Front Musical Literature, Inc.
- UBS Library Services Pte Ltd
- Vandeplas Publishing
- Vandeplas Publishing (Fundamentals)
- Wageningen Academic Publishers
- Wageningen Academic Publishers (Fundamentals)
- West Academic Publishing
- West Academic Publishing (Fundamentals)
- Wheelers Books
- Wiley
- Wiley (Fundamentals)