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Get WorldCat records and holdings through Contract Cataloging for content from OverDrive.

Records from Contract Cataloging

OCLC provides the highest quality, most complete records available anywhere to help your patrons find and use more than 2 million e-books, audiobooks and videos from OverDrive. By choosing OCLC for your MARC records, you get:

  • Full, highest quality WorldCat MARC records with OCLC Control Numbers
  • Quick delivery of less-than-full records with option to receive a full-level record
  • Your holdings set in WorldCat (with an OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription)
  • Optional constant data and conditional record edits

Records through OCLC Contract Cataloging are not included in your OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription.

Note that collections for this provider are in WorldShare Collection Manager as knowledge base collections*. However, they may not contain all records created by Contract Cataloging for this provider. Complete a Cataloging Partners request form to obtain all records created for the vendor by contract cataloging.

*Records for OverDrive collections have additional charges for all libraries and subscriptions. You will see an alert in the WorldShare interface, Collection Manager if you select a collection with additional fees.

How to sign up

Complete the Cataloging Partners record request for OverDrive form.

Next steps

When records are available, you will receive an email notification from OCLC and instructions on how to obtain the records.

To retrieve your files in the WorldShare interface:

  1. Accedere all'interfaccia WorldShare all'URL WorldShare della propria biblioteca. Sostituire yourlibrary con l'identificativo della propria biblioteca:
  2. See the instructions to Download files in My Files.

Informazioni di contatto

If your records are not as you expect, please send OCLC a message at and include your OCLC symbol.