Data sync collections (Fundamentals)
Use Collection Manager to synchronize your catalog with WorldCat. Create a data sync collection to maintain your holdings, local bibliographic data, and local holdings records in WorldCat. Match brief records in your local system to current WorldCat records to get a more complete representation of your holdings.
- About data sync collections in Collection Manager (Fundamentals)
- Data synchronization is an automated service which allows you to synchronize your holdings with WorldCat to make your collections visible and available through OCLC services.
- About data sync collections (Fundamentals)
- Additional services (Fundamentals)
- Available data sync collections (Fundamentals)
- Branch-level scoping (Fundamentals)
- Clone a data sync collection from an existing collection (Fundamentals)
- Search for data sync collections (Fundamentals)
- Update WorldCat holdings (Fundamentals)
- Workflow for data sync collections (Fundamentals)
- Prepare your data (Fundamentals)
- Discover how to evaluate your library's records and files for potential problems before you send your files.
- Create a bibliographic collection for a reclamation (Fundamentals)
- Se si è alle prime armi con le raccolte di sincronizzazione dei dati, o se è passato un po' di tempo dall'ultima volta che il proprio patrimonio è stato mantenuto in modo coerente, si consiglia di iniziare con una Bonifica e poi continuare con una Raccolta in corso per garantire che il proprio patrimonio sia sempre aggiornato.
- Create an ongoing data sync collection (Fundamentals)
- An ongoing data sync collection allows you to keep your holdings maintained on a regular basis.
- Third-party provider and consortial partner/head guidelines for data sync (Fundamentals)
- Discover data sync collection guidelines for libraries working through a third-party provider or consortial partner/head and for third-party providers and consortial partners/heads working on behalf of a library.