Local bibliographic data
Using local bibliographic data (LBD), you can add local information to a bibliographic record that is specific to your institution’s title; however, other institutions will not be able to see that information in the MARC 21 WorldCat record and your users will only see your institution’s LBD.
- Bulk actions for local bibliographic data
- With Record Manager, you can bulk edit up to 9,000 local bibliographic data records at a time.
- About LBD bulk actions
- Add a LBD field
- Add a LBD field string
- Add a LBD record to a work list
- Add LBD subfields
- Add note field
- Create a customized LBD script
- Create a LBD record work list
- Create a LBD script package
- Delete a LBD field
- Delete a LBD subfield
- Delete note field
- Replace a LBD field string
- Update a LBD field indicator
- Update note field by adding subfield
- Update note field by deleting subfield
- Work with local bibliographic data
- LBD is local information that complements the full bibliographic data in the WorldCat database. Enhance the bibliographic record for local use by adding local subject headings, uniform titles, or notes.