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Validate a LBD record

Discover how to validate a local bibliographic data record in WorldShare Record Manager.

Validation types  

There are two validation types available for local bibliographic data records in Record Manager:

  • Automatic validation occurs after you take certain actions on local bibliographic data records.
  • Manual validation occurs when you click the Validate button in the local bibliographic data record. Manual validation checks the quality of local bibliographic data records and prevents records with errors from being added to or replaced in WorldCat records.
     Note: After you manually validate a record, you cannot undo your changes to the local bibliographic data record.

Validate a local bibliographic data record

  1. From the MARC 21 record editor, scroll down to the LBD accordion.
  2. From the LBD accordion, click the local bibliographic data record that you want to validate.
  3. Click Validate.
    • If the record contains invalid elements (e.g., tags, indicators, or subfield codes) or invalid data (e.g., fixed-field codes), the system lists any error messages that identify the problems. Messages appear directly above the fields/elements to which they refer.
    • If the record contains an invalid character, the character will be highlighted to more easily identify it. If the record contains multiple invalid characters, only the first invalid character will be highlighted. After you remove the first invalid character and revalidate, the next invalid character will be highlighted.
    • A confirmation message appears that the record has been validated if no errors are present.
  4. If there are multiple invalid character errors in a field, correct the first in the field and repeat step three.