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Work with local bibliographic data

LBD is local information that complements the full bibliographic data in the WorldCat database. Enhance the bibliographic record for local use by adding local subject headings, uniform titles, or notes.

Using local bibliographic data (LBD), you can add local information to a bibliographic record that is specific to your institution’s title; however, other institutions will not be able to see that information in the MARC 21 WorldCat record and your users will only see your institution’s LBD.

Essentially, LBD is local information that complements the full bibliographic data in the WorldCat database. Enhance the bibliographic record for local use by adding local subject headings, uniform titles, or notes.

 Note: Most local bibliographic data record actions can be performed on only one record at a time. To perform an action on up to 9,000 records at a time, see Bulk actions for local bibliographic data.

Local Bibliographic Data accordion - Image

LBD editor

  • About local bibliographic data
    Find an overview of local bibliographic data and how to create, maintain, and view it.
  • Add a LBD record
    Discover how to create a local bibliographic data record in WorldShare Record Manager.
  • Delete LBD records
    Discover how to delete an individual local bibliographic data record or all local bibliographic data records in WorldShare Record Manager.
  • LBD fields
    Find all of the local bibliographic data fields available in WorldShare Record Manager.
  • Move a LBD to a different WorldCat record
    Discover how to move a local bibliographic data record to a different bibliographic record in WorldShare Record Manager.
  • Reformat a LBD record
    Discover how to reformat a local bibliographic data record in WorldShare Record Manager.
  • Search LBD fields
    Discover how to search for a local bibliographic data record and view all local bibliographic data records associated with a bibliographic record in WorldShare Record Manager.
  • Update a LBD record
    Discover how to update a local bibliographic data record in WorldShare Record Manager.
  • Validate a LBD record
    Discover how to validate a local bibliographic data record in WorldShare Record Manager.