LBD fields
WorldCat connects library users to hundreds of millions of electronic resources, including e-books, licensed databases, online periodicals, and collections of digital items. Although your institution may own the same title as a library that is in another state or country, there may be information about your title that is unique.
Using local bibliographic data (LBD), you can add local bibliographic information to a bibliographic record that is specific to your institution's title; however, other institutions will not be able to see that information in the WorldCat record and your users will only see your institution's LBD.
Available local bibliographic data fields in Record Manager
The following table lists the LBD fields that are available in Record Manager for MARC 21 WorldCat bibliographic records. Click a field number to go to the description in OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards.
Campo | Nome | MARC description |
240 | Uniform Title |
Identifies an item if it has appeared under varying titles. It brings together records for items entered under both personal and corporate names and bearing variant titles. |
500 | General Note |
A note that provides general information for which a specialized note field (such as a specific 5xx field) has not been defined.
Use for the following types of notes:
501 | "With" Note |
A note indicating that more than one bibliographic work is contained in the physical item at the time of execution, issue, publishing or release. These works usually have distinctive titles and lack collective ones. This field usually begins with Issued with:, With:, etc.
Use this field also to describe separate works that were bound together locally. |
590-598 | Local Note |
A note of local interest:
Note: Only subfield $a is indexed and searchable in these fields. |
599 | Differentiable Local Note |
A differentiable note of local interest :
600 | Subject Added Entry–Personal Name |
A personal name used as a subject added entry.
Use for the following types of personal names:
610 |
Subject Added Entry–Corporate Name (R) |
A corporate name used as a subject added entry.
Use for the following types of corporate names:
611 | Subject Added Entry–Meeting Name |
A conference or meeting name used as a subject added entry. Conference or meeting names are the names of athletic contests, conferences, exhibitions, expositions, festivals, meetings and scientific expeditions. |
630 | Subject Added Entry–Uniform Title |
A uniform title used as a subject added entry.
Use for the following types of uniform titles:
650 | Subject Added Entry–Topical Term |
A topical subject used as a subject added entry.
A topical subject added entry consists of a general subject term including the name of an event or object.
Use for the following types of topical subject added entries:
651 | Subject Added Entry–Geographic Name |
A geographic name used as a subject added entry.
Use for the following types of geographic names:
655 | Index Term–Genre/Form |
A term indicating the form, genre and/or physical characteristics of the materials being described. Genre terms for textual materials designate specific kinds of materials distinguished by the style or technique of their intellectual content (biographies, catechisms, essays, hymns or reviews). |
690 | Local Subject Added Entry–Topical Term |
A locally devised topical subject used as a subject added entry. Use this field only for topical subject entries not based on LC, AC, NLM, NAL, NLC or Sears or for topical subject entries based on nonstandard applications of these authorities. |
691 | Local Subject Added Entry–Geographic Name |
A locally devised geographic name used as a subject added entry. Use this field only for geographic names not based on LC, AC, NLM, NAL, NLC or Sears or for geographic names based on nonstandard applications of these authorities. |
695 | Added Class Number (R) |
An added class number assigned to materials in classified catalogs. Use a separate field for each added class number. |
696 | Local Subject Added Entry–Personal Name |
A personal name used as a locally-devised subject added entry.
Use for the following types of personal names:
697 | Local Subject Added Entry–Corporate Name |
A corporate name used as a local subject added entry.
Use for the following types of corporate names:
698 | Local Subject Added Entry–Meeting Name |
A conference or meeting name used as a local subject added entry (not assigned as fields 698 or 610). Conference or meeting names are the names of athletic contests, conferences, exhibitions, expositions, festivals, meetings and scientific expeditions. |
699 | Local Subject Added Entry–Uniform Title |
A uniform title used as a local subject added entry.
Use for the following types of uniform titles:
700 | Added Entry–Personal Name |
A personal name used as an added entry. (not assigned as fields 600 or 800).
Use for the following types of personal names:
710 | Added Entry–Corporate Name |
A corporate name used as an added entry heading(not assigned as fields 610 or field 810). Corporate names are the names of agencies, associations, businesses, firms, governments, institutions, nonprofit enterprises, performing groups, etc. |
711 | Added Entry–Meeting Name |
A conference or meeting name used as an added entry(not assigned as fields 611 or 811). Conference or meeting names are the names of athletic contests, conferences, exhibitions, expositions, festivals, meetings and scientific expeditions. |
730 | Added Entry–Uniform Title |
A uniform title used as an added entry (not assigned as fields 630 or 830).
Use for the following types of uniform titles:
790 | Local Added Entry–Personal Name |
Nonstandard name added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information, theses advisor or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 700. Alternatively, you can also use field 796. Follow local practice. |
791 | Local Added Entry–Corporate Name |
Nonstandard corporate added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 710. Alternatively, you can also use field 797. Follow local practice. |
792 | Local Added Entry–Meeting Name |
Nonstandard meeting name added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 711. Alternatively, you can also use field 798. Follow local practice. |
793 | Local Added Entry–Uniform Title |
Nonstandard uniform title added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 730. Alternatively, you may also use field 799. Follow local practice. |
796 | Local Added Entry–Personal Name |
Nonstandard name added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information, theses advisor or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 700. Alternatively, you can also use field 790. Follow local practice. |
797 | Local Added Entry–Corporate Name |
Nonstandard corporate added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 710. Alternatively, you can also use field 791. Follow local practice. |
798 | Local Added Entry–Meeting Name |
Nonstandard meeting name added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 711). Alternatively, you can also use field 792. Follow local practice. |
799 | Local Added Entry–Uniform Title |
Nonstandard uniform title added entries. Use for added entries not supported by cataloging rules (donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in this field as you would in field 730. Alternatively, you can also use field 793. Follow local practice. |