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Add a LBD record to a work list

Discover how to add LBD records to a record work list using control numbers or search results.

Add selected LBDs to a work list

  1. In the left navigation, select Local Bibliographic Data Records from the Data Type drop-down list.
  2. Select an index from the Index drop-down list. See Local bibliographic data record indexes A-Z for a list of available LBD indexes.
  3. Enter your search terms in the Term(s) text field. The text field will expand to fit your search terms, if needed.
  4. Fare clic su Cerca.
  5. Select the LBD record(s) you want to add to your work list.
    • Select the check box at the top of the results table to select all records on the current page.
    • Use the navigation buttons to select records across pages.
  6. Click Selected Records from the Send to Record Work List drop-down menu. The Send to Record Work List dialog window opens.
  7. From the Send to Record Work List dialog window, select the record work list to which you want to send the LBD record(s). The Send to Record Work List dialog window displays the following for each available record work list:
    • Current Record(s) in Work List – The number of records currently in the selected record work list.
    • Record(s) Being Sent – The number of records selected to be sent to the selected record work list.
    • Maximum Allowed – The maximum number of records allowed in the selected record work list.
  8. Click Send. You will receive a confirmation message once the record(s) has been added.
  9. (Optional) To view your record in the work list, click on the name of your work list in the confirmation message.

Add all LBDs in a search results list to a work list

  1. In the left navigation, select Local Bibliographic Data Records from the Data Type drop-down list.
  2. Select an index from the Index drop-down list. See Local bibliographic data record indexes A-Z for a list of available LBD indexes.
  3. Enter your search terms in the Term(s) text field. The text field will expand to fit your search terms, if needed.
  4. Fare clic su Cerca.
  5. Select All Records from the Send to Record Work List drop-down menu to send all records in your search results to your work list. The Send to Record Work List dialog window opens.
     Note: The system will only attempt to add target records for the first 9,000 records in your results list.
  6. From the Send to Record Work List dialog window, select the record work list to which you want to send the LBD record(s). The Send to Record Work List dialog window displays the following for each available record work list:
    • Current Record(s) in Work List – The number of records currently in the selected record work list.
    • Record(s) Being Sent – The number of records selected to be sent to the selected record work list.
    • Maximum Allowed – The maximum number of records allowed in the selected record work list.
  7. Click Send. You will receive a confirmation message once the record(s) has been added.
  8. (Optional) To view your record in the work list, click on the name of your work list in the confirmation message.

Add LBDs to a work list using control numbers

  1. In the left navigation, click Record Work Lists.
  2. From the LBD tab, click the Record Work List ID for the record work list to which you would like to add records. The LBD - Record Work List screen opens.
  3. From the LBD - Record Work List screen, click Actions > Add > Target Records Using Control Numbers. The Add Target Record(s) Using Control Number(s) dialog window opens.
  4. Enter control numbers, separated by a space, comma, or line return, in the Add Target Record(s) Using Control Number(s) dialog window.
  5. Click Add to add the records to the record work list. The system will only attempt to add target records for the first 9,000 control numbers entered.