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Check item status or location

Trovate informazioni su dove viene visualizzato lo stato di un articolo e una spiegazione di come viene visualizzato lo stato dell'articolo in WMS e WorldCat Discovery.

Usare Scopri articoli per cercare l'articolo e fare clic sui dettagli del titolo.

Nel menu a tendina Titoli per la copia selezionata, viene visualizzato lo Stato dell'articolo.

Nel menu a tendina Copie, viene visualizzata la posizione della filiale.

Le sezioni seguenti spiegano come gli stati appaiono nell'interfaccia del personale del WMS e in WorldCat Discovery per i clienti.

Dove vengono visualizzati gli stati degli articoli

Questa tabella spiega dove vengono visualizzati gli stati degli articoli nelle interfacce del personale e degli utenti.

System Località

Lo stato dell'articolo viene visualizzato in due punti:

  1. Nella colonna Stato dell'articolo della schermata Copie per le monografie. Selezionare una copia dalla schermata Copie per visualizzare lo Stato dell'articolo per le serie.
    • I dettagli sullo stato dell'articolo includono la data e l'ora di scadenza per i materiali in prestito, in ritardo, richiamati o in ritardo prolungato. Le date e gli orari saranno formattati in base al paese e alla località. La formattazione della data di scadenza rifletterà la lingua e il locale dell'utente del personale. Saranno indicati anche gli articoli in prestito senza una data di scadenza specifica.

  2. Nella schermata Dettagli articolo


WorldCat Discovery

Lo stato dell'articolo viene visualizzato in due punti:

  1. Il numero di articoli disponibili viene notificato agli utenti nella schermata dei risultati della ricerca. Le voci disponibili vengono visualizzate nella breve schermata dei risultati della ricerca; quelle non disponibili vengono eliminate dall'elenco dei risultati della ricerca.
  2. Facendo clic sul titolo di un elemento nei risultati della ricerca si apre la scheda dettagliata dell'elemento. I clienti possono vedere lo stato degli articoli nella sezione Disponibilità, che si apre automaticamente.

Come vengono visualizzati gli stati degli elementi

This table shows how WMS item statuses appear to staff and patrons.



WMS WorldCat Discovery




Item is available for circulation. Should be on the shelf.

Claimed Never Had


Non disponibile

A patron has claimed they never had the item, and a staff member has changed the item's status in WMS. For more information, see Claims lost, returned, never had.

Claimed Returned


Non disponibile

A patron has claimed the item as returned, and a staff member has changed the item's status in WMS. For more information, see Claims lost, returned, never had.



On Hold

When an item that needs to be routed to another location is checked in a second time before reaching its destination, the status changes from In Transit to Dispatched.

System Example
WMS Dispatched 10/01/14 8:34:40 PM Patron Name Library Name From Branch Name
WorldCat Discovery

On Hold

In Processing


Non disponibile

Item has been added or received in WMS Acquisitions or added in WMS Circulation. The length of time an item appears as In Processing in WMS can be set in Service Configuration (WMS Circulation > Collection Type Policy). For more information, see Collection Type Policy.

In Transit

Non disponibile

Item has been checked in at a different branch than the holding location. The item is routed to the holding location. The status is In Transit until the item is checked in at the holding location.

System Example
WMS In Transit 11/08/15 1:14:14 PM From Library Name
WorldCat Discovery

Non disponibile

In ritardo (in prestito) [nome dell'utente]


Checked Out

Item is checked out to a patron and is long overdue. Items are considered long overdue once they reach the time set in Service Configuration (WMS Circulation > Long Overdue Policy). For more information, see Long Overdue Policy.

System Example
WMS Long Overdue (On Loan) Patron Name Library Name
WorldCat Discovery Checked Out, Due MM/DD/YYYY

If the item is checked in after becoming Long Overdue, the Overdue alert message appears.



Non disponibile

A patron has claimed the item as lost, and a staff member has changed the item's status in WMS. For more information, see Claims lost, returned, never had.

If the item is returned, an alert message appears and states: Item [title] was previously claimed Lost by the patron.



Non disponibile

A staff member has marked the item as missing. For more information, see Report missing item.

If the item is returned, an alert message appears and states: Item [title] was previously marked as missing.

On Hold


On Hold

Item has been checked in to satisfy a hold request and is waiting for pick-up by patron.

System Example
WMS On Hold Patron Name Library Name
WorldCat Discovery

On Hold

On Loan


Checked Out

Item is checked out to a patron.

System Example
WMS On Loan Patron Name Library Name
WorldCat  Discovery Checked Out, Due MM/DD/YYYY

On Order


On Order

Item is in a placed order in WMS Acquisitions and the option to "Display in WorldCat" has been selected.

Overdue (On Loan)


Checked Out

Item is checked out to a patron and is overdue.

System Example
WMS Overdue (On Loan) Patron Name Library Name
WorldCat Discovery Checked Out, Due MM/DD/YYYY



Checked Out

Item is checked out to a patron and has been recalled by placing a hold.

System Example
WMS Recalled Patron Name Library Name
WorldCat Discovery Checked Out, Due MM/DD/YYYY

Recently Received



When an item In Transit is received at its destination and is checked in, the status changes to Recently Received.  Note: This is not the same as receiving an item in WMS Acquisitions.

System Example
WMS Recently Received (Available)
WorldCat Discovery


Recently Returned




Item has recently been returned. The length of time an item appears as Recently Returned in WMS can be set in Service Configuration (WMS Circulation > Collection Type Policy). For more information, see Collection Type Policy.

System Example
WMS Recently Returned (Available)
WorldCat Discovery




Non disponibile

Item has been scheduled for use.

System Example
WMS Scheduled Patron Name Library Name
WorldCat  Discovery

Non disponibile



Non disponibile

Item is unavailable for circulation. Item availability can be set in Service Configuration (WMS Circulation > Collection Type Policy). For more information, see Collection Type Policy.



Item does not display

Item has been deleted in WMS. The item will not display in WorldCat Discovery, but will be saved by the system for the time set in Service Configuration (WMS Circulation > Admin/General > Deleted Items). For more information, see Deleted Items.

If the item is later checked-in, Withdrawn displays in the Action column.  If a subsequent Checkout is attempted, the Override message appears and states: Item has been withdrawn (deleted from the catalogue).

For more information about Withdrawn items, see Withdrawn status.