Learner guide: Introduction to Tipasa
Course overview
This course provides a high-level overview of Tipasa. After completing this course, you will be able to describe the major staff and patron features and functions of Tipasa and how they relate to common borrowing and lending workflows. This includes My Account, patron request workforms, automations, advanced lending workflows, lending priorities, copyright management, proven senders, document delivery, and notifications.
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OCLC Interlibrary Loan glossary
Would you like to know what all those ILL terminologies mean? Well, find the infomation on the OCLC Interlibrary Loan glossary.
Smart fulfillment
OCLC recommends using smart fulfillment, including real-time availability for ILL, knowledge base coverage check, Automated Request Manager (ARM), and smart lender strings to make your borrowing and lending activities more efficient.
Prepare and plan
OCLC recommends reviewing your records in the OCLC Policies Directory, your constant data, and your Custom Holdings groups and paths. For more information, see Prepare and plan.
Tipasa features related to interlibrary loan workflows
Loan request
Borrower | → | Lender
→ | Borrower
→ | Borrower
→ | Lender
Patron experience | Advanced lending workflows OPAC integration Lending priorities |
Patron experience | Additional Tipasa features applicable to borrower and lender for all request types:
Copy request
Borrower | → | Lender
→ | Borrower
Patron experience | Copyright management | Advanced lending workflows | Lending priorities | Patron experience | Proven senders |
Document delivery
Patron | → | Borrower
Patron experience | Advanced lending workflows | OPAC integration | Patron experience |
Request workflow
Legend Tipasa features
Configuration options for patron experience
- Require approval for new ILL patron accounts
- Allow patrons to renew requests online
- Allow patrons to cancel requests online
- Hide patron due date (to prevent inconsistency with circulation system), or display patron due date and optionally select number of days to offset patron's due date
- Customize patron request workforms for:
- Article
- Book
- Altro
- Enable and customize notifications:
- Borrowing library to patron
- Document delivery library to patron
Legend Tipasa features
Borrowing automations | Lending automations | |
Lending priorities
Enable special queues for requests from priority borrowers.
- Configure display name
- Filter by custom holdings group or profiled group
Copyright management
- View copyright clearing in a separate queue
- Clear patron-initiated requests for copyright automatically if they match titles used less than five times (with appropriate automation)
Supplemental information
The OCLC Support site connects you to our highly skilled support staff and valuable self-serve resources. These include extensive documentation for OCLC’s products and services, helpful troubleshooting instructions, and other materials to answer your questions.
- Tipasa documentation
- Tipasa training - Find this class and additional training content here.
- What’s new with Tipasa? Check the Tipasa release notes.
- Tipasa FAQ & Troubleshooting articles
- Tipasa Community Center
- Connect with OCLC staff and peers using Tipasa.
- Share workflows and feedback, and submit enhancement requests.
- Attend webinar events and keep up with product news
Additional questions? Contact OCLC Support in your region.
We look forward to seeing you in the next class!