Display local data
Learn how data unique to your institution displays in WorldCat Discovery including full-text links, local bibliographic data (LBD), and local holdings records (LHRs).
- A - Z List
- Find information about the features and uses of the A - Z List.
- Chat with a librarian and send feedback
- Find information about the Chat with a Librarian and Send Feedback functionalities in the WorldCat Discovery interface.
- Create locally preferred subjects for display and search expansion
- The WorldCat Discovery Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative aims to reduce harm in item descriptions. Find information about using a universal template provided by WorldCat Discovery to locally re-map subject headings to display more inclusive language in the WorldCat Discovery interface.
- Direct linking and article clustering
- Find information about article clustering in WorldCat Discovery search results and learn how direct links are built for articles from some providers in the WorldCat knowledge base.
- Display order of branches, shelving locations, and items
- Find information about how branch order, shelving location order and item order are determined in the WorldCat Discovery interface.
- Abilitare "Segnalare un link non funzionante" e ricevere e-mail
- You have the option to let patrons and library staff report broken links to a person or department in your library. See how to enable the "Report a broken link" form to appear next to links to your full-text resources.
- Fulfillment and discovery options
- Find information about fulfillment and discovery options in the WorldCat Discovery interface.
- Full-text link display in WorldCat Discovery
- Full-text links originate from knowledge base collections and from other sources. See how links are displayed in different areas of your WorldCat Discovery interface.
- Local bibliographic data (LBD) field mapping
- The chart on this page shows how WorldCat Discovery maps local bibliographic data to OCLC MARC tags.
- Local holdings record (LHR) field mapping
- The chart on this page shows how WorldCat Discovery maps local holdings records to OCLC MARC tags.
- View Terms of Use for eResources
- Find information about the Terms of Use display for your eResources from Collection Manager and License Manager.