Deflection scenarios
About deflection
The deflection process works as a three-step check:
- License Status: Pending, Current, Expired, Terminated.
- Item-level deflection.
- Category-level deflection: Includes a check for terms of use.
Category-level deflection
WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa can automatically deflect a lending request for a knowledge base title if the terms of use have been set for the collection. This is possible because category-level deflection includes a check on terms of use.
Once your terms have been set and your deflection policy defined, lending requests will be deflected. For example, if your library is next on a string of lending libraries but has the ILL term set to "No," lending requests to your institution will be deflected. The borrowing library will pass your library and go to the next available library in the lending string.
In addition to the terms of use setting, your library must have the correct deflection policy configured in the OCLC Policies Directory. Please note:
- The "Silent" value will be treated as "No." Both WorldShare ILL Tipasa have a "Do no harm" policy and will treat "Silent" to mean "No"
- Licenses without an ILL term of use are treated as "Silent" and therefore "ILL = No"
- ILL deflection is title-based but it does not always consider coverage information as it is configured in the knowledge base. There are a few scenarios where this is not the case
Deflection scenarios
The table below illustrates different outcomes of category-level deflections for the title: "An imagined article in the literature." Smith, Susan. The Electronic Library 2016 34:1.
Scenario |
Knowledge base collection coverage (in Collection Manager) |
License details |
Terms of use |
Deflection result for WorldShare ILL and for Tipasa |
1 |
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center Full Text: From 1999-02-01 to 2017-01-28 Full Text: Volume 17, Issue 1 to Volume 35, Issue 1 |
Status: Active Collection on license: OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center |
ILL=No |
Lending request is deflected. The collection has a status of "Active" with terms of use set to "ILL = No." |
2 |
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center Full Text: From 1999-02-01 to 2017-01-28 Full Text: Volume 17, Issue 1 to Volume 35, Issue 1 |
Status: Expired Collection on license: OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center |
ILL=No |
Lending request is deflected. The collection is still selected in the knowledge base in Collection Manager but the license has a status of "Expired." All expired licenses are deflected since the implication is that the subscription is no longer in effect. |
3 |
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center Full Text: From 1999-02-01 to 2017-01-28 Full Text: Volume 17, Issue 1 to Volume 35, Issue 1 |
Status: Active Collection on license: OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center |
ILL=Silent |
Lending request is deflected. The collection has terms of use set to "ILL = Silent." The ambiguous ILL term is considered as "No" for deflection. Note: License Manager can be instructed to treat individual "silent" licenses as "yes". |
4 |
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center Full Text: From 1999-02-01 to 12 Months Ago |
Status: Active Collection on license: OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center |
ILL=Yes |
Lending request is not deflected. The collection has coverage information that includes an embargo period. Embargo periods do not factor into deflection. |
** To prevent lending requests on titles from your knowledge base when a license expires, enable the setting in the license in License Manager to deselect the collection once a license expires. See Automatically select and deselect collections for instructions.
If you are interested in getting alerts about the status of your licenses, see Alerts Management.
How to deflect lending requests
If you do not have a License Manager subscription, see How to deflect lending requests (knowledge base collections).
Ulteriori informazioni
Find related documentation on the following sites: