Why aren't Circulation overdue notifications going out?
- Patrons are not receiving overdue notifications for checked out items
- The checked out item may be from a newly created shelving location
Applies to
- WorldShare Circulation
- WorldShare Management Services (WMS)
The Loan Overdue notification is used in the loan policy. Check to see which loan policy was applied to the transaction, then check the loan policy configuration to see if there is an overdue loan notification configured.
- To see which loan policy was applied, search for the item barcode in Circulation > Discover Items. Then click the Statistics tab. The value next to Circulation rule is the loan policy that was applied when the item was checked out.
- Go to Service Configuration (worldcat.org/config) > WMS Circulation > Loans > Loan Policy and select the loan policy.
- There is a dropdown menu next to Overdue Notification Policy. If there is no notification policy selected, that is why patrons are not receiving notifications. Select a notification policy to resolve the problem. If you need to review your Notification Policies to determine which one would be best, go to Service Configuration > WMS Circulation > Notifications and Receipts > Notification Policies. Then review the ones with "Loan Overdue Notification" as the notification type.
Changes to circulation policies are not retroactive. They will apply to checkouts going forward.