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Import EDIFACT order response data

Discover how to import order response data from an EDIFACT file in WorldShare Acquisitions.

EDIFACT order response data can be imported for order items that were ordered via EDIFACT from the vendor. These files provide data such as:

  • Expected Fulfillment Dates
  • Status of Item or Vendor Response
    • This can include whether the item has been cancelled or not.
  • Price of the item.


    • Price types AAA and AAF are not currently supported.
    • Price type AAB must be used with Tax Handling of either:
      • Tax item cost
      • Tax item, shipping, and service costs
    • Price type AAE must be used with Tax Handling of:
      • Include taxes in costs

 Note: You can automate file retrieval and import. See Automate file retrieval and import.

You can import order response data in EDIFACT format. Before importing order response data, you will need to set up importing with your vendor. This may include sending important information about what EDIFACT fields are supported. 

EDIFACT order response example

The example below illustrates how an annotated EDIFACT order response file will appear.

Header - Example

UNA:+.? '




(Note: 231 is the type of order response (purchase order response) that will be accepted. 23C is used for importing shelf ready data.)


(Note: EDIFACT Message Date ,Segment 3)




(Note: Order Currency)

Line-item information - Example


IMD+L+009+:::Robbins, Richard H'

IMD+L+050+:::Cultural Anthropology ?: A Problem'


(Note: Quantity ordered.)


(Note: Dispatched quantity - quantity to be dispatched/shipped immediately.)


(Note: Pieces delivered - quantity that has been dispatched/shipped immediately.)


(Note: Quantity un-received.)


(Note: Date expected to be received.)


(Note: Codice di stato EDIFACT).


(Note: Codice azione EDIFACT.)


(Note: Price Type and price of item.)


(Note: WMS Order Item Number.)

Footer - Example





Import Vendor Response data (EDIFACT) instructions

Upload EDIFACT order response data

 Note: A vendor must be marked as In Use in order to upload data.

  1. On the left navigation, expand Vendors.
  2. Search for the vendor whose data you are importing.
  3. From the vendor search results, click the Vendor Name.
  4. In the vendor record, click the Partner Exchange Services accordion.
  5. Click Upload File.
  6. In the Import Data dialog, from the Type list, select Import order response data (EDIFACT).
  7. Click Choose File. Locate the file on your computer and then click Open.
  8. Select your desired Import Options. These include
    • Mark problem items as "Requires Attention" - This will mark items with any items besides those with the vendor response of Order Confirmed with the Requires Attention flag.
    • Cancel unreceived copies, based on vendor response - This will automatically cancel the unreceived copies of the item if the vendor response is Cancelled.

       Note: Please use this feature carefully. You will receive an indication that the item was cancelled in the e-mail notification, but cancelling items based on vendor response can be dangerous if misused.

  9. Click Upload.
  10. The system confirms your file has been uploaded.

How the Vendor Response field is set from imported files

The system will use values included in the EDIFACT action code and EDIFACT status code fields provided in the order response data to update the Vendor Response field for order items. This is determined using a three-step process.

1. Map the EDIFACT action code to a specific vendor response field value:
EDIFACT Action Codes and descriptions mapped to Vendor Response - Table
EDIFACT Action Code Descrizione Vendor Response Field Value
100 Order line accepted Order Confirmed
101 Price query: order line will be held awaiting customer response Altro
102 Discount query: order line will be held awaiting customer response Altro
103 Minimum order value not reached: order line will be held until required value is reached Altro
104 Firm order required: order line will be held awaiting customer response Altro
110 Order line accepted, substitute product will be supplied Order Confirmed
200 Order line not accepted Cancelled
201 Price query: order line not accepted Cancelled
202 Discount query: order line not accepted Cancelled
203 Minimum order value not reached: order line not accepted Cancelled
205 Order line not accepted: quoted promotion is invalid Cancelled
206 Order line not accepted: quoted promotion has ended Cancelled
207 Order line not accepted: customer inelegible for quoted promotion Cancelled
210 Order line not accepted, substitute product is offered Substitution Available
220 Outstanding order line cancelled: reason unspecified Cancelled
221 Outstanding order line cancelled: past order expiry date Cancelled
222 Outstanding order line cancelled by customer request Cancelled
223 Outstanding order line cancelled - unable to supply Cancelled
300 Order line passed to new supplier Delayed
301 Order line passed to secondhand department Delayed
400 Backordered - awaiting supply Delayed
401 On order from our supplier Delayed
402 On order from abroad Delayed
403 Backordered, waiting to reach minimum order value Altro
404 Despatched from our supplier, awaiting delivery Delayed
405 Our supplier sent wrong item(s), re-ordered Delayed
406 Our supplier sent short, re-ordered Delayed
407 Our supplier sent damaged item(s), re-ordered Delayed
408 Our supplier sent imperfect item(s), re-ordered Delayed
409 Our supplier cannot trace order, re-ordered Delayed
410 Ordered item(s) being processed by bookseller Delayed
411 Ordered item(s) being processed by bookseller, awaiting customer action Altro
412 Order line held awaiting customer instruction Altro
500 Order line on hold – contact customer service (usually because account is stopped) Altro
800 Order line already despatched/stock allocated for despatch Order Confirmed
900 Cannot trace order line Altro
901 Order line held: note title change Altro
902 Order line held: note pubdate or availability date delay Delayed
903 Order line held: note price change Altro
999 Temporary hold: order action not yet determined Altro
2. Map the EDIFACT status code to a specific vendor response field value:
EDIFACT Status Codes and descriptions mapped to vendor response - Table
EDIFACT Status Code Descrizione Vendor Response Field Value
AB Publication abandoned (cancelled by publisher) Altro
AD Apply direct: item not available to trade Altro
AU Publisher’s address unknown Altro
CS Status uncertain: check with customer service Altro
FQ Only obtainable abroad Altro
HK Paperback out of print: hardback available Substitution Available
IB In stock (at wholesaler or bookseller) Order Confirmed
IP In print and in stock (at publisher) Order Confirmed
MD Manufactured on demand Delayed
NK Item not known (we cannot trace) -  see also SN Altro
NM We do not supply this item Cancelled
NP Not yet published Delayed
NQ Not stocked Altro
NS Not sold separately Altro
OB Temporarily out of stock (at wholesaler or bookseller) Delayed
OF This format out of print: other format available Substitution Available
OP Out of print Cancelled
oppure Out of print: (to be) replaced by new edition Substitution Available
PC Order in process, awaiting customer action Altro
PK Hardback out of print: paperback available Substitution Available
PN Publisher no longer in business Altro
RE Awaiting reissue Delayed
RF Refer to other publisher or distributor Altro
RM Remaindered Altro
RP Reprinting Delayed
RR Rights restricted (cannot supply in this market) Cancelled
SD Sold (for unique copies of secondhand/antiquarian items) Cancelled
SN Our supplier cannot trace -  see also NK Altro
SO Pack/set not available: available as single items only Substitution Available
ST Stocktaking: temporarily unavailable Delayed
TO Only to order Delayed
TU Temporarily unavailable, reason unspecified Delayed
UB Item unobtainable from our suppliers Cancelled
3. If the values of the two EDIFACT code fields are mapped to two different vendor response values, use the following table to reconcile the differences:
Vendor Response mapping - Table
Vendor Response Mapping for EDIFACT Action Code Vendor Response Mapping for EDIFACT Status Code Resulting Vendor Response Field Value
Order Confirmed Order Confirmed Order Confirmed
Order Confirmed Delayed Delayed
Order Confirmed Cancelled Conflicting Codes
Order Confirmed Substitution Available Substitution Available
Order Confirmed Altro Altro
Delayed Order Confirmed Delayed
Delayed Delayed Delayed
Delayed Cancelled Cancelled
Delayed Substitution Available Substitution Available
Delayed Altro Delayed
Cancelled Order Confirmed Conflicting Codes
Cancelled Delayed Cancelled
Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled
Cancelled Substitution Available Conflicting Codes
Cancelled Altro Cancelled
Substitution Available Order Confirmed Substitution Available
Substitution Available Delayed Substitution Available
Substitution Available Cancelled Conflicting Codes
Substitution Available Substitution Available Substitution Available
Substitution Available Altro Substitution Available
Altro Order Confirmed Altro
Altro Delayed Delayed
Altro Cancelled Cancelled
Altro Substitution Available Substitution Available
Altro Altro Altro

Order item results

Il file caricato appare come prima riga del Registro di elaborazione. Il Registro di elaborazione è la tabella che elenca tutti i file caricati per il fornitore. Se il file non viene visualizzato nella tabella, fare clic sul pulsante Aggiorna (Pulsante di aggiornamento) sopra la tabella.

  1. In the Processing Log, view the status of the import in the Status column. If the upload fails, it will be noted here.
  2. The file will update the following order item fields if provided in the file.
    • Price - Only if provided
      • Price types AAA and AAF are not currently supported.
      • Price type AAB must be used with Tax Handling of either:
        • Tax item cost
        • Tax item, shipping, and service costs
      • Price type AAE must be used with Tax Handling of:
        • Include taxes in costs
    • EDIFACT Action Code
      EDIFACT Action Code Descrizione
      100 Order line accepted
      101 Price query: order line will be held awaiting customer response
      102 Discount query: order line will be held awaiting customer response
      103 Minimum order value not reached: order line will be held until required value is reached
      104 Firm order required: order line will be held awaiting customer response
      110 Order line accepted, substitute product will be supplied
      200 Order line not accepted
      201 Price query: order line not accepted
      202 Discount query: order line not accepted
      203 Minimum order value not reached: order line not accepted
      205 Order line not accepted: quoted promotion is invalid
      206 Order line not accepted: quoted promotion has ended
      207 Order line not accepted: customer inelegible for quoted promotion
      210 Order line not accepted, substitute product is offered
      220 Outstanding order line cancelled: reason unspecified
      221 Outstanding order line cancelled: past order expiry date
      222 Outstanding order line cancelled by customer request
      223 Outstanding order line cancelled - unable to supply
      300 Order line passed to new supplier
      301 Order line passed to secondhand department
      400 Backordered - awaiting supply
      401 On order from our supplier
      402 On order from abroad
      403 Backordered, waiting to reach minimum order value
      404 Despatched from our supplier, awaiting delivery
      405 Our supplier sent wrong item(s), re-ordered
      406 Our supplier sent short, re-ordered
      407 Our supplier sent damaged item(s), re-ordered
      408 Our supplier sent imperfect item(s), re-ordered
      409 Our supplier cannot trace order, re-ordered
      410 Ordered item(s) being processed by bookseller
      411 Ordered item(s) being processed by bookseller, awaiting customer action
      412 Order line held awaiting customer instruction
      500 Order line on hold – contact customer service (usually because account is stopped)
      800 Order line already despatched/stock allocated for despatch
      900 Cannot trace order line
      901 Order line held: note title change
      902 Order line held: note pubdate or availability date delay
      903 Order line held: note price change
      999 Temporary hold: order action not yet determined
    • EDIFACT Status Code
      EDIFACT Status Code Descrizione
      AB Publication abandoned (cancelled by publisher)
      AD Apply direct: item not available to trade
      AU Publisher’s address unknown
      CS Status uncertain: check with customer service
      FQ Only obtainable abroad
      HK Paperback out of print: hardback available
      IB In stock (at wholesaler or bookseller)
      IP In print and in stock (at publisher)
      MD Manufactured on demand
      NK Item not known (we cannot trace) -  see also SN
      NM We do not supply this item
      NP Not yet published
      NQ Not stocked
      NS Not sold separately
      OB Temporarily out of stock (at wholesaler or bookseller)
      OF This format out of print: other format available
      OP Out of print
      oppure Out of print: (to be) replaced by new edition
      PC Order in process, awaiting customer action
      PK Hardback out of print: paperback available
      PN Publisher no longer in business
      RE Awaiting reissue
      RF Refer to other publisher or distributor
      RM Remaindered
      RP Reprinting
      RR Rights restricted (cannot supply in this market)
      SD Sold (for unique copies of secondhand/antiquarian items)
      SN Our supplier cannot trace -  see also NK
      SO Pack/set not available: available as single items only
      ST Stocktaking: temporarily unavailable
      TO Only to order
      TU Temporarily unavailable, reason unspecified
      UB Item unobtainable from our suppliers


    • EDIFACT Last Updated Date - This is set automatically to the date that the file was uploaded.
    • Vendor Response - This is set based on a mapping between the EDIFACT action code, an EDIFACT status code and a Vendor Response value. Please see How the vendor response field is set from imported files above.
    • Requires Attention - If the user has selected this option and the Vendor Response is set to something other than Order Confirmed, this value is set to Yes.
    • Order Status - The system will set the Order Status to Cancelled if this option is selected and any unreceived copies exist for an item with a Vendor Response of Cancelled.
  3. Riceverete anche un'e-mail di notifica che fornisce lo stato dell'importazione e di ciascun articolo. Questa e-mail è visualizzabile anche facendo clic sul file .html nella colonna dei dettagli del registro di elaborazione. 
  4. Se necessario, apportare altre modifiche agli articoli dell'ordine.