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Automate file retrieval and import

Discover how to configure, run, and delete an automated job in WorldShare Acquisitions.

Configure an automated job

You can configure the automatic retrieval and import of vendor files using any secure FTP protocol (SFTP or FTPS).

  1. Contact your vendor to enable secure FTP (SFTP or FTPS) and grant edit permissions to your existing FTP account.
     Note: Your vendor will likely provide you with a new URL, username, and password for your secure FTP account.
  2. Enter your secure FTP account information into the Links and Logins section for that vendor. See Edit a vendor.
     Note: The URL for the secure FTP account starts with sftp:// or ftps:// .

    Link e login accordion

  3. From the left navigation, expand Automated Jobs.
  4. Click Jobs.
  5. Click New Job to open the New Job dialog.
  6. Enter a name for the job, select a type (see below) from the Type drop-down list, and click Save.
    1. Invoice Import (EDIFACT)
    2. Order Import (MARC)
    3. Import order response data (EDIFACT)
    4. Invoice and Shelf-ready Import (MARC)
    5. Solleciti fascicoli di periodico
  7. Click Save to close to New Job dialog.
  8. From the Job Details screen, enter the following information:
     Note: While the information below is required, you can edit all job details.
    1. Vendor - Select from any vendor marked as In Use
    2. Secure FTP Link - Previously configured for this vendor
    3. Source Folder - Folder from which you want to retrieve files
    4. File Type - Retrieve all files in this folder or only files with a specific file extension or prefix

       Note: File type extensions and prefixes are case sensitive

    5. Post Processing - Leave the files in the folder or move them to a new folder
       Note: In both cases, the file will be renamed.
      • If you choose to move the files, you must specify a destination folder. 
    6. Options (for select import types)
      • Import order data (MARC)
        • Display imported items in WorldCat - Select if you want all imported items to appear with the status of On Order in WorldCat Local or WorldCat Discovery after the order is placed.
        • Verify OCLC Numbers if provided - Select if you want the system to use the OCLC number to find the WorldCat record and verify that the bibliographic information of the item matches the record.
        • Include low confidence matches - Select if you want the system to attempt to find a match in WorldCat for your record using all matching protocols. The system will first attempt to find a match using the standard matching protocol, and will then move on to using the following methods: 
          1. An algorithm that searches by standard identifier (using the value of the 020, 022, or 024 fields in the MARC record) and then uses the number of holdings to pick the best candidate record. This algorithm also filters results by Material Type using the value of the Leader/06 and the 008 Form (23 or 29).
          2. A title/author search.
      • Import order response data (EDIFACT)
        • Mark problem items as Requires Attention - This will mark items with any items besides those with the vendor response of Order Confirmed with the Requires Attention flag.
        • Cancel unreceived copies, based on vendor response - This will automatically cancel the unreceived copies of the item if the vendor response is Cancelled. 

           Note: Please use this feature carefully. You will receive an indication that the item was cancelled in the e-mail notification, but cancelling items based on vendor response can be dangerous if misused.

      • Import shelf-ready data (EDIFACT)
        • Do not import a call number prefix (default) - Select if you:
          • Do not want to import a call number prefix
          • Want to include the call number prefix in the classification field using either the LCL or LSM field.

             Note: If possible with your vendor, it is not recommended to use the LCL or LSM field for importing the prefix, as this will place the Prefix in the Classification field in WMS.  This may disturb reports that depend on a proper classification number for sorting items by subject.

        • Use LSZ segment for the call number prefix - Select if you want the system to locate the call number prefix in the LSZ segment.
        • Use LSQ segment for the call number prefix - Select if you want the system to locate the call number prefix in the LSQ segment.
    7. Tax Handling (options for the tax calculation method)
       Note: This option only applies currently to EDIFACT invoice import jobs.
      1. Costo dell'articolo - Calcola l'importo dell'imposta moltiplicando la percentuale di imposta per il prezzo.
      2. Tax item, service charge, and shipping cost - Calculates tax amount by multiplying tax percentage by the price, service charges, and shipping
      3. Includes taxes in costs - Calculates tax amount by considering it as included in the price, service charges, and shipping
    8. Schedule (Weekly, Daily, Manual, or Inactive)
      • If you select Manual, the job will only run when you manually run it.
      • If you leave Inactive, you cannot run the job at all, but the job details will be saved for running later.
    9. Notify - Enter the name of the user you want to be notified of the import
       Note: This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field. Auto-suggestions include an email address for the user pulled from Delivery Notification of the WorldShare Admin module. If no email exists in the Delivery Notification section, the Library Record email address will be used.
  9. Fare clic su Salva.

Run an automated job manually

  1. From the left navigation, expand Automated Jobs.
  2. Click Jobs.
  3. Select Manual from the Schedule filter drop-down list.
  4. Click the name of the job.
  5. Click Run.

Delete an automated job

  1. From the left navigation, expand Automated Jobs. 
  2. Click Jobs.
  3. Search for the job you would like to delete.
  4. Click the name of the job.
  5. Click Delete.