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WorldShare Collection Manager Release Notes, August 2023


Release Date: August 28th, 2023


This release of WorldShare Collection Manager provides new features and enhancements in addition to bug fixes. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Option added to allow Proxy for Open Access Collections
  • Provider Holdings Feed updated to Automatic Holdings Feed
  • Sort by collection on Title Search results
  • Select and Deselect updated to Select all Titles and Deselect All titles in Collection Search results
  • WorldCat Query collection selection criteria limited to 20,000 characters 

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

Recommended actions

Review your libraries Open Access Collections and determine if you would like Proxy settings enabled on Open Access Collections.  You can confirm your institution-level Proxy settings, filter Open Access Collections and check the collection-level linking settings by following these steps:

  1. Login to your library's WorldShare instance.
  2. Go to Metadata > Collection Manager > Institution settings > Proxy and Authentication.
  3. Determine if your library will allow Proxy for Open Access Collections. 
  4. If your library chooses yes, continue to step 6. 
  5. If your library chooses not to use this option, no further action is needed.   The default setting is no.
  6. In the Search section choose Collections > My Selected Collections.  Click the Search button.
  7.  Select Contains Open Access Content in the Filter by dropdown.  Click Filter.
  8. Open the desired collection and expand the Linking accordion. Select the Local tab.
  9.  If needed, update the option for the Use Proxy settings.  The default is to use the Institution Settings for Proxy.

Note: It is possible to update the collection-level proxy settings before you enable this feature.  Once the setting is changed to yes, the settings will be recognized and applied.  The proxy settings will be visible, but not applied if the setting is off.  This can be verified in the Sample Title Link.

New features and enhancements

Option added to allow Proxy for Open Access Collections

Libraries now have the option to allow for Proxy use in Open Access Collections.  Configure this setting in WorldShare> Metadata > Collection Manager > Institution settings > Proxy and Authentication. 

Once this setting is configured Open access collections will allow users to enable proxy settings at the collection level.  This gives libraries the option to surface open access content with proxy information in mixed collections so that they can best meet the needs of their users.

Institution Settings Allow Proxy for Open Access Collections.png

Provider Holdings Feed updated to Automatic Holdings Feed

The text in Activity History and Collection History for Provider Holdings Feed has been updated to Automatic Holdings Feed.  This allows for more clarity when reviewing history for collections with Automatic Holdings Feeds.

Automatic Holdings Feed label update.png

Sort by Collection on Title Search results 

Users will now have the option to sort by Collection on the Title Search results so that they can easily find a title within a specific collection.

Collection Sort Title Search.png

Select and Deselect updated to Select all Titles and Deselect All titles in Collection Search results

Select and Deselect have been updated to Select all Titles and Deselect all Titles in the Collection Search Results list.  This allows users to be more aware the action is on all titles in the collection and not individual titles.

Select all Titles

Select all Titles.png

Deselect All Titles

Deselect all Titles.png

WorldCat Query collection selection criteria limited to 20,000 characters 

When a user creates a query collection, if the query has more than 20,000 characters including special characters, they will receive a message that the query is too large.  This allows users to be aware of the limit and gives the user an opportunity to adjust their query to a smaller character set.

Bug fix

Some libraries have experienced problems with ILL settings saving consistently.  This has been resolved. ILL settings are now consistently saving and being retained in WorldCat knowledge base collections.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: