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WorldShare Collection Manager Release Notes, September 2023


Release Date: September 15th, 2023


This release of WorldShare Collection Manager provides new features and enhancements. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Automated Creation of WorldCat records for WorldCat knowledge base titles
  • Addition of Title History for the Automated Creation of WorldCat records

These enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

Automated Creation of WorldCat records for WorldCat knowledge base titles

Libraries will now benefit from the automated creation of WorldCat records for titles in WorldCat knowledge base global collections to support WorldCat holdings management, MARC record output, and discoverability in WorldCat Discovery and

Initially this process will run on new and updated collections; running this process over all global collections will complete over the next couple of months

These records will be created with an encoding level 3 (ELvl =3) and notation that the record was created by an automated process (040 $a = OCLKB). 

Catalogers wanting to review and enrich the encoding level 3 records created by this process and held by your library can access them using WorldShare Record Manager or Connexion using the search “lv:3 AND cs=oclkb AND li:[your library symbol]”.

Libraries receiving MARC records can enable WorldCat updates in Collection Manager to receive updated records as they are enriched by OCLC and the cataloging community.

Addition of Title History for the Automated Creation of WorldCat records

The WorldShare Collection Manager title history will denote which titles were created via this automated process.

In the Updated Data section, users will see the text Created by Automated Process for these WorldCat records.

Created by Automated Process.png

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: