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WorldShare Collection Manager Release Notes, June 2023


Release Date:  June 15th, 2023


This release of WorldShare Collection Manager provides number of new features and enhancements in addition to numerous bug fixes. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Clickable links from Collection History to Activity History for Loads & Feeds
    • Provider Data Loads
    • Provider Holdings Feeds
    • Alternate Knowledge Base Supplier Holdings Feed
  • New Collection History Filter for Loads & Feeds
  • Addition of Collection Names and Collection Type in Activity History for Provider Data Loads, Provider Holding Feeds and KBART Uploads
  • Ability to temporarily turn off proxy information for WorldCat Discovery and links

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

Clickable links from Collection History to Activity History for Loads & Feeds

Users are now linked to detailed information from Collection History.

Users are now able to click on a link from these types of activities in Collection History to a detailed screen with additional information about the activity.

  • KBART Upload (available from previous release)
  • Caricamento dati dal Provider
  • Alimentazione delle aziende fornitrici
  • Base di conoscenza alternativa File di tenuta dei fornitori

Link to Provider Data Load detailed view.png

New Collection History Filter for Loads & Feeds

Collection History will now include a Loads & Feeds filter that mirrors the Loads & Feeds filter in Activity History.

The Loads & Feeds filter will include:

  • KBART Caricare
  • Caricamento dati dal Provider
  • Alimentazione delle aziende fornitrici
  • Base di conoscenza alternativa File di tenuta dei fornitori

Note: Local Collections will only include a filter for KBART Uploads as this is the only option available for Local Collections.

Loads & Feeds filter.png

Addition of Collection name and Type in Activity History 

KBART Uploads, Provider Data Load, Provider Holdings Feed will now include the Collection name and Type information.

Users will be able to see the Collection name and Type (Global or Local) in Activity History.

Activity History Collection and Type.png

Ability to temporarily turn off proxy information for WorldCat Discovery and links

Ability to temporarily disable proxy information for link display

Users will now have the ability to temporarily disable proxy information for WorldCat Discovery and link display without impacting MARC records.  If there is a problem with the library's proxy service, this will allow library users to continue to access library resources within the library network.

Temporarily disable proxy.png

Bug fixes

Ability to search on detailed Activity History page is now fixed.

This allows users to search within the detailed view of a Load & Feed activity.

Ability to search in the Title dropdown menu with a lowercase 'x' in an ISSN or ISBN search is now fixed.

This allows users to do a search for an ISSN and ISBN that is not case sensitive.


Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: