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How to update title information

See how to update title information for the benefit of the WorldCat knowledge base cooperative.

Get started

 Caution: Before you begin making changes to collections, see the Best practices for cooperative edits.

About global knowledge base editing

Global collections and titles are available to all knowledge base users.

  • Some global-title data is the same for all libraries, for example, the title name. The title name is a global field.
  • Likewise, some global-title data is unique to individual libraries, for example, journal coverage values. Journal coverage values are a local field. In WorldShare Collection Manager libraries can edit both global and local fields.

Edits to global fields will be applied for all libraries and edits to local fields will be visible only to your library.

Be cautious when editing global knowledge base collections. When you edit a global field, you will be prompted to review your changes. Once you save the changes, the system will automatically apply your edit globally. Choose to edit a global field if you believe it will benefit all libraries.

 Caution:  Global changes may be overwritten by a subsequent provider load if the title is an OCLC-cataloged record. 

I campi editabili nei Titoli

See the table for details about the global and local title-level fields available for editing:

However, not all edits are appropriate to extend for all libraries. For example, library-specific URLs will not benefit other libraries. For more information, see Best practices for cooperative edits.

Location in the UI Editable field in global titles Global tab: Edits applied globally Local tab: Edits applied locally In KBART
Title Properties accordion Titolo X   publication_title
Journal: Coverage start & end dates   X date_first_issue_online; date_last_issue_online
eBook/Non-Serial: Date X   date_first_issue_online; date_last_issue_online
- year may be repeated
Journal: Volume & issue numbers   X num_first_vol_online; num_first_issue_online; num_last_vol_online; num_last_issue_online
Journal: Embargo   X embargo_info
eBook/Non-Serial: Author X   first_author
eBook/Non-Serial: Provider X   publisher_name
GovDocs Repository ID X   vendor_id
URL titolo   X title_url
Identificativo OCLC X   oclc_number
Sovrascrivere il numero OCLC X   -
Numeri OCLC raggruppati X   -
Print identifier:
X   print_identifier
Online identifier:
eISSN or Other ISBNs
X   online_identifier
Title Note; Staff Note; Coverage Note; Location Note
  X title_notes; staff_notes;
coverage_notes; location_notes
Title Linking accordion Override Link Scheme   X oclc_linkscheme
ID Titolo (chiave di collegamento)   X title_id

Update title information for a global collection

To edit and submit individual records:

  1. Navigate to the collection to which you want to make the changes and open it.
  2. Expand the Titles accordion and click on the title you want to update.
  3. Select the Global tab.
  4. Edit the applicable fields.
  5. Click Review & Save.
  6. From the Summary window, select Apply Changes.

Edit multiple titles

To add multiple titles to a Global knowledge base collection that already exists:

  1. Navigate to the collection to which you want to add the title and open it.
  2. Select Collection Actions Download Titles in This Collection.
  3. Edit the title fields in the KBART spreadsheet.
  4. Select Collection Actions > Upload Titles to This Collection.
  5. Select Update changes only or Replace all titles in collection for the Scope.
  6. Use the Choose File button to select your KBART spreadsheet.
  7. Select Upload.

For more information about using KBART files, see KBART values and formatting.

After you have uploaded your KBART you will see an Upload Preview that allows you to review your edits and approve, discard, or cancel the upload. Once you apply your changes and select Approve Upload, edits will be available in the respective global and local fields.

 Note: When editing collections via a KBART file, all of the column headers must be present and in a specific order. Use a file from the knowledge base as a template, not the order shown in the tables below.