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Request government document collections

OCLC will use your Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) profile information to create and maintain knowledge base collections in Collection Manager for your government document titles.

About automated loading of government document collections

At your request, OCLC will use your Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) profile information to maintain your library-specific government document collections. You do not need to select the collections from the WorldCat knowledge base global collection offerings. OCLC will automatically add title metadata to reflect your FDLP selection profile in your WorldCat knowledge base and you will see your collections reflected after we load your titles for you. Both electronic and non-electronic (print and microform) titles will be represented.

OCLC will refresh your library-specific collections every month so that both your discovery access and your WorldCat holdings remain in synchronization. The updates will include changes to your profile selections in the FDLP union list of selected items.

How to request collection loading

For detailed instructions on how to request automated loading and to configure your settings once your collections are in Collection Manager, visit: