Domande frequenti
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WorldCat Quality, including FAQ about authority and bibliographic records, duplicate records, identities, policies, and VIAF.
Quick contacts
- - questions about cataloging policies, standards, and practices
- - authority record change requests and duplicates for merging
- - bibliographic record change requests, duplicates for merging, merging issues, unlock requests, and BibPURL updates
Metadata Quality frequently asked questions are arranged by topic. See below to view a comprehensive list of Metadata Quality frequently asked questions.
- Authorities
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) about working with authority records.
- Bibliographic records
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) about working with bibliographic records.
- Can a URL be in a print version record?
- Can member institutions delete local or proxy URLs from the WorldCat record?
- How does OCLC control headings in WorldCat?
- If a change is made to a Library of Congress subject heading in a bibliographic record, will the corresponding FAST heading be corrected via automation?
- Where do I report incorrect merges?
- Where do I send bibliographic record change requests?
- Who do I contact when an OCLC BibPURL doesn't resolve to the correct webpage?
- Who establishes Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) needed to enable subject strings to control properly?
- Why does controlling convert an 8xx series authorized access point to a 7xx authorized access point?
- Why don't subdivisions with "etc." control?
- Duplicates and merging
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) about duplicate records and merging records.
- Does binding information in field 250 justify a new record?
- How do I keep records from being merged by Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR)?
- Is there a preference on how to submit duplicate bibliographic records for merging?
- Where do I report incorrect merges?
- Where do I send duplicate authority records to for merging?
- Where do I send duplicate bibliographic records to for merging?
- General
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) about working with records.
- Identities and VIAF
- Find frequently asked questions (FAQ) about identifies and VIAF.