Bollettini tecnici
All Technical Bulletins have been incorporated into Bibliographic Formats and Standards and/or Authorities: Format and Indexes. Technical Bulletins not listed are obsolete. Please discard them or mark them obsolete.
LC Guidelines Supplement to the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data, 2002 Edition with Subsequent Updates (also known as "The Blue Pages") document is kept up-to-date to reflect current MARC Authority field and subfield policies for NACO and SACO participants and the Library of Congress.
Note: Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) and Subject Authority Cooperative (SACO) participants should use only the authority format changes documented in OCLC Technical Bulletins prior to OCLC-MARC Format Update 2014, Phase 1 (Technical Bulletin 263). OCLC will announce the implementation of the remaining elements for use in name and subject authority records as they are implemented by the Library of Congress. ThePlease see WorldCat Validation release notes for current OCLC-MARC Updates; changes to tagging conventions and coding practices for Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings records; and new MARC codes.
In the table below, the date format is YYMM. Example: July 2008 = 0807