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Technical Bulletin 269

About Technical Bulletin 269

Why read this?

To learn about changes to OCLC-MARC records, many of which are related to Resource Description Access (RDA). These changes are based on:

  • MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data Update 27 (November 2018)
  • MARC 21 Format for Authority Data Update 27 (November 2018)
  • MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data Update 27 (November 2018)
  • MARC Code List Technical Notices
  • Comments and requests from OCLC users and staff

Record processing information

All sections describe changes that may affect local system processing of OCLC-MARC records.

Route to

Cataloging and local system or automation staff.

Online installation

May 2019, unless otherwise noted. Installation of this OCLC-MARC Update will be announced via logon Messages of the Day, Connexion News, and the OCLC-CAT discussion list.

OCLC strongly recommends not using new capabilities, new fields and subfields, new indicators, new practices, and new codes until OCLC announces that they may be used.

New fields, subfields, and indicators: These may be used in Record Manager and both Connexion interfaces after OCLC announces that they may be used.

Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) participants should not use the authority format changes in Authority Record Changes at this time. The Library of Congress and OCLC will announce the implementation of these elements for use in name and subject authority records at a future date.

New codes: These may be used in Record Manager and both Connexion interfaces after OCLC announces that they may be used.

New searching and indexing capabilities: All new searching and indexing capabilities will be available in both Connexion interfaces (client and browser) in the future. OCLC will announce availability via logon Messages of the Day, Connexion News, and the OCLC-CAT discussion list. After installation, all indexing changes will gradually become apparent as WorldCat is re-indexed.

Database scans

OCLC will convert, or has converted, data to their new formats where appropriate to the extent that is possible.


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USA: 1-800-848-5800
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Throughout the technical bulletin, R = Repeatable and NR = Nonrepeatable. The blank character may be represented as Vuoto.

Bibliographic Record Changes

041 Language Code (R)

New subfields ‡p Language code of captions (R)

Language codes for language used in moving image resource captions, whether open captioning (Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDH)) or closed captioning (CC).
‡q Language code of accessible audio (R)

Language codes for audio used as an alternative mode of access to the visual or textual content of a resource. For example, Described Video, a supplementary audio track providing additional access to moving image visual content using audio description.
‡r Language code of accessible visual language (non-textual) (R)

Language codes for visual languages (non-textual) used to provide alternative access to the audio content of a resource. For example, signed languages.

For resources where signed language is the primary mode of access, subfield ‡a should be used to record the language code for signed language.
Subfield definition revised ‡a Language code of text/sound track or separate title (R)

For moving image resources, subfield ‡a contains the code(s) of spoken or sung languages associated with the item, as well as sign language and any language code(s) of the languages of accompanying sound. Code languages used to provide access to a resource in an alternative (accessible) mode as appropriate in either subfields ‡p, ‡q, or ‡r.
Subfield renamed and redefined ‡j Language code of subtitles (R)

Formerly, Language code of subtitles or captions (R)

New definition:

Language codes for written languages providing access to moving image materials, such as intertitles (silent films) and subtitles. It does not include the languages of the credits, packaging, or accompanying material. If needed, the language of credits is recorded in field 546 (Language Note) and the language of packaging or accompanying material is recorded in 041 subfield ‡g (Language code of accompanying material other than librettos).

Former definition:

Language codes for written languages included in moving image materials, such as intertitles (silent films), subtitles, or captions (open or closed, intended for users with hearing disabilities). It does not include the languages of the credits, packaging, or accompanying material. If needed, the language of credits is recorded in the field 546 and the language of packaging or accompanying material is recorded in 041 subfield ‡g.

251 Version Information (R)

    New field
Definizione   Information relating to the version of a resource, preferably taken from a controlled vocabulary.
1st indicator Vuoto Undefined
2nd indicator Vuoto Undefined
Subfields ‡a Version (R)

Information relating to the version of a resource, preferably taken from a controlled vocabulary.
‡0 Authority record control number or standard number (R)

For more information about subfield ‡0, see Control Subfields.
‡1 Real World Object URI (R)

For more information about subfield ‡1, see Control Subfields.
‡2 Source (NR)

Identification of the source of the term used to record the version information.
‡3 Materials specified (NR)

For more information about subfield ‡3, see Control Subfields.
‡6 Linkage (NR)

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not add subfield ‡6. For more information about subfield ‡6, see Control Subfields.
‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

For information about subfield ‡8, see Control Subfields.

341 Accessibility Content (R)

    New field
Definizione   Information about modes of access to the content of a resource, including its primary mode of access and alternative mode(s) of access.

Each occurrence of the field requires one subfield ‡a to record the mode of access for which an alternative mode is provided and one or more ‡b–‡e subfields identifying the type of alternative access. Values for subfields ‡b–‡e should be taken from the same controlled vocabulary.

Multiple values from the same source vocabulary may be recorded in the same field in separate occurrences of subfields. Terms from different source vocabularies are recorded in separate occurrences of the field.
1st indicator   Application
Vuoto No information provided
0 Adaptive features to access primary content

Adaptive features to access primary content of a resource.
1 Adaptive features to access secondary content

Adaptive features to access secondary content of a resource.
2nd indicator Vuoto Undefined
Subfields ‡a Content access mode (NR)

Mode required to access the content of the resource without using assistive features (one of textual, visual, auditory, or tactile).
‡b Textual assistive features (R)

Textual assistive features and adaptations to access the content of the resource.
‡c Visual assistive features (R)

Visual assistive features and adaptations to access the content of the resource.
‡d Auditory assistive features (R)

Auditory assistive features and adaptations to access the content of the resource.
‡e Tactile assistive features (R)

Tactile assistive features and adaptations to access the content of the resource.
‡2 Source (NR)

Identification of the source of terms in subfields ‡b to ‡e when they are from a controlled list.
‡3 Materials specified (NR)

Part of the described materials to which the field applies.
‡6 Linkage (NR)

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not add subfield ‡6. For more information about subfield ‡6, see Control Subfields.
‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

For more information about subfield ‡8, see Control Subfields.

532 Accessibility Note (R)

    New field
Definizione   Textual information describing the accessibility features, hazards, and deficiencies of a resource, including technical details relating to accessibility features. This field may be used to expand on or to qualify data in field 341 (Accessibility Content).
1st indicator   Display constant controller

Controls the generation of an introductory phrase.
0 Accessibility technical details

Devices, equipment, or software required to implement an accessibility feature.
1 Accessibility features

Provides a description of accessibility features in a resource.
2 Accessibility deficiencies

Provides a description of content of a resource for which no alternative mode of access has been provided.
8 No display constant generated
2nd indicator Vuoto Undefined
Subfields ‡a Summary of accessibility (NR)

Text describing accessibility features, hazards, and deficiencies as well as technical details relating to accessibility features.
‡6 Linkage (NR)

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not add subfield ‡6. For more information about subfield ‡6, see Control Subfields.
‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)

For more information about subfield ‡8, see Control Subfields.

Subfield ‡6 (Linkage (NR))

Subfield redefined ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Scope of ‡6 broadened to allow for the recording of script identification codes taken from ISO 15924.

OCLC-MARC Bibliographic already accommodates the four-alphabetic-character values taken from ISO 15924 in Control Subfield ‡6. OCLC-MARC Bibliographic does not currently accommodate the three-digit numerical values taken from ISO 15924. In WorldCat, subfield ‡6 is always system-supplied, is never created manually, and does not appear in online displays. As such, accommodation of the ISO 15924 three-digit numerical values within WorldCat remains under consideration.

Authority Record Changes

Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) participants should not use the authority format changes listed below at this time. The Library of Congress and OCLC will announce the implementation of these elements for use in name and subject authority records at a future date.

055 Library and Archives Canada Call Number (R)

Field definition and scope revised   Call number for a series assigned in Canada if the institution has classified all or part of the series as a collected set, or with a main series, e.g. field 646 (Series Classification Practice), subfield ‡a, code c or m.

Field 055 may also contain the volumes/dates to which the number applies. Varying numbers for different ranges of volumes/dates within a series or different copies or sets are contained in separate 055 fields.

Note that call numbers/class numbers to be recorded in field 055 include those assigned from the Library of Congress classification schedules, and those from schedules specially developed by Library and Archives Canada for Canadian history and literature.
New subfield ‡2 Number source (NR)

Source list or scheme from which the call/class number was assigned.

Code from Classification Scheme Source Codes.

Subfield ‡6 (Linkage (NR))

Subfield redefined ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Scope of ‡6 broadened to allow for the recording of script identification codes taken from ISO 15924.

Subfield ‡6 has not been implemented in the OCLC-MARC Authority format.

Where subfield ‡6 has been implemented in OCLC-MARC, the subfield already accommodates the four-alphabetic-character values taken from ISO 15924. OCLC-MARC does not currently accommodate the three-digit numerical values taken from ISO 15924. In WorldCat, subfield ‡6 is always system-supplied, is never created manually, and does not appear in online displays. As such, accommodation of the ISO 15924 three-digit numerical values within WorldCat remains under consideration.

Holdings Record Changes

Subfield ‡6 (Linkage (NR))

Subfield redefined ‡6 Linkage (NR)

Scope of ‡6 broadened to allow for the recording of script identification codes taken from ISO 15924.

Subfield ‡6 has not been implemented in the OCLC-MARC Holdings format.

Where subfield ‡6 has been implemented in OCLC-MARC, the subfield already accommodates the four-alphabetic-character values taken from ISO 15924. OCLC-MARC does not currently accommodate the three-digit numerical values taken from ISO 15924. In WorldCat, subfield ‡6 is always system-supplied, is never created manually, and does not appear in online displays. As such, accommodation of the ISO 15924 three-digit numerical values within WorldCat remains under consideration.

MARC Code List Changes

Availability of codes in Record Manager and Connexion interfaces

New codes: These may be used in Record Manager and both Connexion interfaces after OCLC announces that they may be used.

Following are all new MARC codes announced in Library of Congress Technical Notices between August 2018 and March 2019.  Included are all of the MARC Codes validated in OCLC-MARC during validation installations between December 2018 and May 2019, some of which were previously announced in WorldCat Validation Release Notes.

New Description Convention Source Codes

Description convention source codes are located in these fields:

format field/subfield
Bibliographic 040 ‡e
Authority 040 ‡e

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Description Convention Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
dcarlisnaaf Best Practices for Cataloging Artist Files Using MARC (ARLIS)

New Gender Code and Term Source Codes

Gender code and term source codes are located in this field:

format field/subfield
Authority 375 ‡2

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Gender Code and Term Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
atg Agricultural thesaurus and glossary (Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Library)

 Note: Code previously defined for usage in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes. Usage has been expanded.

New Language Code and Term Source Codes

Language code and term source codes are located in these fields:

format field/subfield
Bibliographic 041 ‡2
Authority 377 ‡2

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Language Code and Term Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
austlang AUSTLANG (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS))

New Occupation Term Source Codes

Occupation term source codes are located in these fields:

format field/subfield
Bibliographic 656 ‡2
Authority 374 ‡2

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Occupation Term Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
oscroc Occupational Standard Classification of the Republic of China (中華民國職業標準分類)

New Resource Action Term Source Codes

Resource action term source codes are located in these fields:

format field/subfield
Bibliographic 583 ‡2
Holdings 583 ‡2

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Resource Action Term Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
pdager List of German Terminology for MARC 583 "Action Note" $a "Action" (Frankfurt: Consortium of Library Network)

New Standard Identifier Source Codes

Standard identifier source codes are located in these fields:

format field/subfield
Bibliographic 024 ‡2
Authority 024 ‡2
Holdings 024 ‡2

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Standard Identifier Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
atg Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary (Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Library)

 Note: Code previously defined for usage in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes. Usage has been expanded.

cabt CABI Thesaurus

 Note: Code previously defined for usage in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes. Usage has been expanded.

emlo Early Modern Letters Online
gacsch Global Agricultural Concept Scheme (GACS)
mesh Medical Subject Headings (Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine)

 Note: Code previously defined for usage in other lists. Usage has been expanded.

stw Standard-Thesaurus Wirtschaft = STW thesaurus for economics

 Note: Code previously defined for usage in Subject Headings and Term Source Codes. Usage has been expanded.

unescot UNESCO thesaurus = Thésaurus de l'UNESCO = Tesauro de la UNESCO (Paris: UNESCO Publishing)

 Note: Code previously defined for usage in Subject Headings and Term Source Codes. Usage has been expanded.

New Subject Category Code Source Codes

Subject category code source codes are located in these fields:

format field/subfield
Bibliographic 072 ‡2
Authority 072 ‡2

073 ‡z

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Subject Category Code Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
acapub Academische publicatie: karakteristiek (Leiden: OCLC)
brclbps Brinkman’s classification for book production statistics (Den Haag: KB)
cbkcd Centraal Bestand Kinderboeken codering (Den Haag: KB)
matcdbr Brieven - fysiek-inhoudelijke aspecten (Leiden: OCLC)
matcdsof Software - fysiek-inhoudelijke aspecten (Leiden: OCLC)
nugi NUGI - Nederlandse Uniforme Genre Indeling
nur NUR - Nederlandstalige Uniforme Rubrieksindeling (Culemborg: CB)
odfysin Oude drukken - fysiek-inhoudelijke aspecten (Leiden: OCLC)
svs SVS leermiddelenclassi ficatiecode

New Subject Heading and Term Source Codes

Subject heading and term source codes are located in these fields; All are for subfield ‡2 unless otherwise noted:

format field/subfield
Bibliographic 033, 052, 055, 072, 084, 086, 257, 336, 337, 338, 370, 380, 381, 385, 386, 388, 518, 567, 600, 610, 611, 630, 647, 648, 650, 651, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 662, 690, 691, 696, 697, 698, 699, 751, 752, 753, 852
Local Holdings Records (LHRs) 337, 338, 347, 852
Authorities Canadiana 052, 072, 075, 336, 348, 370, 372, 373, 374, 376, 380, 381, 385, 386, 388, 700, 710, 711, 730, 747, 748, 750, 751, 755, 762, 780, 781, 782, 785, 788

040 ‡f

073 ‡z
Authorities LC Name 086, 087, 336, 370, 372, 373, 374, 376, 380, 381, 385, 386, 700, 710, 711, 730, 751
Authorities LC Subject 072, 087, 336, 370, 372, 373, 374, 376, 380, 381, 700, 710, 711, 730, 748, 750, 751, 755, 780, 781, 782, 785, 788

040 ‡f

073 ‡z

Below are the new codes. For a full list, see Subject Heading and Term Source Codes.

new code bibliographic citation
ausext Australian extension to LCSH (Libraries Australia)
dicgenam Callegari, Horacio. Diccionario de gentilicios americanos (Buenos Aires: Junta de Estudios Históricos de Tres de Febrero)
dicgenes Torre Aparicio, Tomás de la. Diccionario de gentilicios: toponimicos españoles (Madrid: Vision Net Ediciones)
dicgentop Dicionário de gentílicos e topónimos ([Lisbon?, Portugal]: ILTEC, Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional)
dugfr Dugas, Jean-Yves. Dictionnaire universel des gentilés en français (Montréal (Québec): Linguatech éditeur Inc.)
habibe - Nom des habitants de Belgique ([Poitiers, France]: Patagos)
habich - Nom des habitants de Suisse ([Poitiers, France]: Patagos)
habifr ([Poitiers, France]: Patagos)
habiit - Nomi di abitanti d'Italia ([Poitiers, France]: Patagos)
hrvmr Hrvatski mjesni rječnik (Zagreb: Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža)
labloc Dickson, Paul. Labels for Locals (New York: Collins)
nlksh National Library of Korea subject headings (Seoul: National Library of Korea)
periodo PeriodO: a gazetteer of period definitions for linking and visualizing data
ppluk - Demonyms of the United Kingdom ([Poitiers, France]: Patagos)
prnpdi Le petit Robert des noms propres: dictionnaire illustré (Paris: Le Robert)