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OCLC Support

We are having trouble obtaining articles in ClinicalKey Nursing at article level but other ClinicalKey articles are fine

  • In Discovery, we cannot get the Full Text of Clinical Key Nursing articles. If we search via the journal title and drill down to the year and issue, then we can get access, so the subscription is fine
Applies to
  • WorldShare Collection Manager 
  • Worldcat Discovery

These particular journals need a different Link Scheme. Currently journals from the ClinicalKey Nursing collection use a linking scheme called “”, which is valid for most ClinicalKey journals. However this linking scheme needs to be nursing just for these ClinicalKey Nursing journals - so adjusting this to “nursing” will hopefully fix these links.

It will be necessary to update the Override Link Scheme for the journals in this collection by following these instructions:

  1. Access Metadata > Collection Manager.
  2. Navigate to the title-level settings by searching for the collection and clicking on it to open the collection.
  3. In the collection, expand the Titles accordion.
  4. Click on a title to open the title metadata.
  5. In the Linking Overrides section, edit the Override Link Scheme field so that the title link scheme will override the existing collection-level link scheme.
  6. Save and exit.

This will direct the links to the correct platform.

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