Edit local holdings records
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You can edit an LHR in the MARC 21 editor or Text View editor to update the fields and information for a LHR.
Inserting delimiter characters in fields
When updating LHR fields, workarounds may be necessary for the inclusion of certain special characters and symbols.
- The US dollar sign symbol ($) is used as a delimiter to indicate a new subfield in Record Manager, and must be replaced by two dollar sign symbols ($$) if included as a non-delimiter. Example: To use the stylized title Ca$h in a 5XX note field, it would entered as Ca$$h.
Note: If the Check Duplicate Call Number user preference is enabled, a warning message will appear when a call number that you're adding to or editing in an LHR occurs in one or more other LHRs attached to separate bibliographic records. If the duplicate call number exists in an LHR under the same bibliographic record, there will be no warning. You can choose to save the call number anyway or cancel and adjust it.
Edit a LHR in the MARC 21 editor
- A warning message will appear when a barcode that you're adding to or editing in an LHR occurs in one or more other LHRs. The check for duplicate barcodes considers barcodes in 852, 876, 877, 878, 863, 864, and 865 fields. You can choose to add or save the barcode in the MARC 21 editor.
- From the LHRs accordion, click the Edit button (
) for the local holdings record you want to edit.
- Edit the appropriate fields and information using one of the following methods:
- Edit the content within the text box.
- Click the arrow beside the field to expand the guided entry panel. You can edit the form fields or select a value from a drop-down list in this panel and then click Done.
- Click Save. A confirmation message will appear that states that the local holdings record has been saved.
- If the record was unable to be saved, an error message will appear. Correct any errors and repeat step 3.
Open field help for a local holdings record field
- From the LHRs accordion, click the Edit button (
) for the local holdings record you want to edit.
- Right-click a variable or fixed field. The MARC field help opens in OCLC Local Holdings Formats and Standards.
- (Optional) Access the field help from the Edit drop-down menu by selecting MARC Field Help from the Field Help flyout menu.
Edit a LHR in the Text View editor
You can access the Text View editor when updating a local holdings record from a bibliographic record or the LHR editor.
- A warning message will appear when a barcode that you're adding to or editing in an LHR occurs in one or more other LHRs. You cannot save a duplicate barcode in the Text View editor.
- Some data changes are not supported in the Text View editor and must be updated in the MARC 21 editor. When trying to make unsupported data changes, you will receive an error message stating that the record contains fields that are not supported.
Edit a LHR in the Text View editor from a bibliographic record
- From the MARC 21 editor:
- Click Record and then select Open Text View from the LHR flyout menu.
Or - Scroll down to the LHRs accordion, click View/Edit in Text View.
- Click Record and then select Open Text View from the LHR flyout menu.
- (Optional) Use filters to search the copy results for the LHR you want to edit.
- Click View/Edit in the Action column for the LHR you want to edit.
- Click Edit Item.
- Edit the appropriate fields and information.
- Click Save Item. A confirmation message will appear that states that the local holdings record has been saved.
- If the record was unable to be saved, an error message will appear. Correct any errors and repeat step 5.
- (Optional) Click View/Edit in MARC 21 to switch to the MARC 21 editor. If you have made any edits to the record in the Text View editor, you must save or cancel them before you click View/Edit in MARC 21.
Edit a LHR in the Text View editor from the LHR editor
- From the LHR editor, click Record > Change Display to Text View.
- (Optional) Use filters to search the copy results for the LHR you want to edit.
- Click View/Edit in the Action column for the LHR you want to edit.
- Click Edit Item.
- Edit the appropriate fields and information.
- Click Save Item. A confirmation message will appear that states that the local holdings record has been saved.
- If the record was unable to be saved, an error message will appear. Correct any errors and repeat step 5.
- (Optional) Click View/Edit in MARC 21 to switch to the MARC 21 editor. If you have made any edits to the record in the Text View editor, you must save or cancel them before you click View/Edit in MARC 21.
Edit a LHR on behalf of another institution
You can edit a local holdings record for another institution if:
- Your institution is set up as an agent and has a list of other libraries for which they can do work.
- You have the Cataloging_Agent role assigned.
Contact OCLC Support to set up your library as an Agent.
- Search for a bibliographic record.
- Click the Other Libraries link to open the WorldCat Holdings screen for the record.
- Locate the institution for which you want to edit an LHR. The Holdings column will contain a hyperlink if the institution has associated LHR data.
- Click the Local Holdings Available.
- If the record has a single associated LHR, the LHR dialog opens.
- If the record has multiple associated LHRs, the View Multiple LHRs screen opens. Click a call number or barcode to open the LHR dialog.
- From the LHR dialog, click Edit LHR. The LHR editor opens.
- Edit the appropriate fields and information.
- Click Save. A confirmation message will appear that states: Saved the LHR for [OCLC symbol].