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Logon OCLC Connexion

Find out how to access and use the Logon OCLC Connexion window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Logon OCLC Connexion window

  • Log on to Connexion.

Access the Logon OCLC Connexion window

  1. Navigate to File > Log On, click Log On button, or press <Ctrl><F1>.

     Note: The Logon OCLC Connexion window also opens automatically, if you are not already logged on, when you click Search or Browse commands on the Cataloging or Authorities menu and then click the name of an online database (for example, WorldCat).

See more about how to set up communications and log on. Also, see more about how to customize logon procedures.

Logon OCLC Connexion window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Authorization box and list Enter your authorization number, or select from the list of authorizations by name if you entered more than one in Tools > Options > Authorizations.

Enter the number with no spaces or with hyphens. (e.g., 000111222 or 000-111-222).

  • Blank
  • The client fills in the default name and authorization number if you selected one in Tools > Options > Authorizations.
  • If logging on using a local file for which you specified an authorization and password, the client supplies that authorization (facilitates batch processing).
Password text field Enter your password, if blank or if different from your selected default password.
Accept the password supplied for a default or selected authorization (if you supplied one).

  • Blank
  • The client fills in the password, if specified, that is associated with the authorization you selected as the default in Tools >Options > Authorizations. The password is masked by asterisks (***).
  • If logging on using a local file for which you specified an authorization and password, the client supplies the specified password.


  • Password-protect logon: To password-protect logon, do not enter authorization and password; require entry for every logon.
  • Set up authorizations for more than one staff person: If more than one person uses your workstation, you can enter up to ten authorization and password combinations. Give each authorization a name to help distinguish them.
  • For details, see Customize logon procedures.


Button name Click the button to...
Setup Authorizations Open the Authorizations tab in the Options window without having to go to Tools >Options. Use the tab to enter up to 10 authorization/passwords (or authorizations only, if you want to require password entry for each logon).
OK Log on (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel logon.