Find out how to access and use the Macro window in Connexion client.
Purpose of the Macro window
- Create a new macro book.
- Create or edit a macro.
- Delete a macro.
- Run or record a macro.
- Open a macro organizer to work with macros and macro books.
Caution: You can use the macro organizer for duplicating and moving shorter macros to prevent the loss of data. However, if you want to duplicate or move lengthy macros, a safer technique is to copy and paste directly from one macro to another using the macro editor.
Access the Macro window
- Navigate to Tools > Macros > Manage or press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><G>.
- Use the features of this window, as described in the table below to do the tasks listed above.
- When finished, click OK.
See more about how to use Connexion client macros.
Macro window: Features and buttons
Feature | How to use |
Macros list |
Description display | For a selected macro, displays the description you assigned when you created it. |
Button name | Click the button to... |
New Book | Create a new macro book. |
New Macro | Create a new macro in the selected macro book. |
Modifica | Open the OCLC Connexion Macro Editor and Debugger window to edit the selected macro. You can edit an existing macro or create a new macro. |
Delete | Delete the selected macro. |
Organizer | Open the Macro Organizer window to work with macros and macro books. |
Run | Run the selected macro. |
Record | Record a macro. Opens the Record a New Macro window.
OK | Click to close the window. |
Cancel | Click to close the window without saving any changes. |
Note: Keystroke shortcut <F1>, normally an alternative to the Help button to open a window-specific Help topic, is inoperable for the client macro windows. |