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Lock Linked Authority Record

Find out how to access and use the Lock Linked Authority Record window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Lock Linked Authority Record window

  • This window opens only if you try to lock an authority record in a field that has multiple controlled headings linked to different authority records.
  • In the window, select the heading linked to the authority record you want to lock and edit.


  • You can lock only one linked authority record. 
  • You can lock only a name authority record. You cannot lock, edit, or replace a subject authority record. 
  • Only NACO-authorized libraries can edit and replace an authority record. 

Access the Lock Linked Authority Record window

  1. With the cursor in a controlled heading field of a bibliographic record, click Action > Lock Linked Authority Record.
    • If the controlled heading field has only one controlled heading, the client locks the linked authority WorldCat record and opens it for editing.
    • However, if the controlled heading field has multiple controlled headings linked to different authority records, the Lock Linked Authority Record window opens, showing a list of the controlled headings with check boxes.
  2. Select the check box next to the name heading linked to the authority record you want to lock and edit.
     Note: If you select a subject heading, the linked authority record opens, but it is not locked, and the WorldCat record cannot be edited and replaced.
  3. Click OK.

See more about how to lock linked authority records.