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Local File Manager

Find out how to access and use the Local File Manager window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Local File Manager window

  • Manage local files for offline cataloging. Type of local files available are: 
    • Bibliographic save file 
    • Bibliographic constant data file 
    • Authority save file 
    • Authority constant data file 
  • Set options for automatically backing up local files. 
  • Create or delete a local file.
     Note: The client creates a default local file for each type (see default file and path names below). You can create as many additional files as you need.
  • Set a local file as the default
  • Assign an authorization and password to a local bibliographic or authority save file for automatic logon for batch processing that is different from the authorization/password you specify in the Tools/Options/Authorizations tab 
  • Show the number of records by status in a local save file.
  • View the most current batch reports for local save files.
  • Compact and/or repair a local file.

Access the Local File Manager window

Open from the File menu

  1. Navigate to File > Local File Manager or press <Alt><F><F>.
  2. Use the features in this window to manage local files as described in the table below.

Open from batch windows

  1. Navigate to Batch > Enter Bibliographic Search Keys or press <Alt><B><B>.
    Click Enter Authority Search Keys or press <Alt><B><A>.
    Click Process Batch or press <Alt><B><P>.
  2. Click Local File Manager.
  3. Use the features in this window to manage local files as described in the table below. 

Open when you import records

  1. Navigate to File > Import or press <Alt><F><I>.
  2. Click Local File Manager.
  3. Use the features in this window to manage local files as described in the table below.

See more about how to manage local files.

Local File Manager window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Choose File Type area
Choose File type buttons Select the type of file you want to work with:
  • Bibliographic [save file] (default)
  • Authority [save file]
  • Bibliographic Constant Data
  • Authority Constant Data
Files area
Files list
  • View a list of all local files you created of the selected type by full path and file name (if more than one local file, a check mark indicates the default).
  • Select the name of the file you want to work with.

Default path name for local files: X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db, where X = the letter of your hard drive

Default local file names:

  • DefaultBib.bib.db 
  • DefaultAuth.auth.db 
  • DefaultBibCD.bibcd.db 
  • DefaultAuthCD.authcd.db 

If you receive an erroneous message that records in a local file are in use by another:

  • In the Files list, right-click the file name and click Unlock In-Use Records.
Batch Report area
For local bibliographic and authority local files only:
  • Check boxes for batch report types
  • View Reports button
Select check boxes to view reports for the most current batch:
  • Searches
  • Azioni
  • Exports
  • Label Printing (local bibliographic file only)

Default: Check boxes are deselected.

 Note: The report(s) open behind the Local File Manager window.


Button name Click the button to...
Configure Paths Open the Configure Local File Paths window to change or designate a path name for a local file type.

 Note: You can add a path for only one file type at a time. If you want to add the same path to other local file types, under Choose File Type, you must select each file type individually and use Configure Paths for each.

Auto Back Up Open the Automatically Back Up Local Files window and select an option for automatic backup of local files:
  • Do not back up local files - Set no automatic backups.
  • Back up to same folder as original file (default) - Automatically create a backup file in the same folder with the same name as the original file, but with the additional file extension *.bac each time you change the default file or exit the client software (e.g., DefaultBib.bib.db is copied to the same folder and renamed DefaultBib.bib.db.bac)
  • Back up local files to - Automatically create a backup file in a different folder from the folder containing the original file. Select the path name and folder. The client displays the full path name below this option.

 Caution: If your setting is for automatic backup to the same folder, and you create multiple local files located in different folders but give them the same name, each time any one of the files is backed up, it overwrites the former single backup file. You lose data if the files of the same name contained different records.

Create File Open the standard Windows Open window.
  1. Navigate to a location where you want to store a local file.
  2. Enter a name for the new file.
     Note: Do not type the file extension (for example, *.bib.db). The client supplies it automatically. The extension must end in *.db.
  3. Click Open. The new file and path names appear in the File list of the Local File Manager window.
Delete File Select a file in the list and click to delete it.

Exception: The client cannot delete a file designated as the default (red check mark). You must set another file as the default and then delete the file.
Set as Default Select a file in the list and click to set the file as the default.

A red check mark (Default check mark) indicates the default file.


  • If you use multiple local files of a single type, you can access records or enter search keys for batch processing in a file only if it is set as the default.
  • You can change the default file at any time.
  • For batch processing purposes, however, you can include any number of local files, including or not including the designated default file, to process in a single batch run).
Authorization Open the Assign Authorization and Password window to assign an authorization and password for logging on (either manually or automatically for batch processing) when using the selected local file.

Available for local bibliographic and authority save files.

Default: Blank

 Note: If you do not enter an authorization and password for a local save file, the client uses your default authorization and password from Tools/Options/Authorizations to log on. 

Statistiche Open the Status List for the selected bibliographic local file or authority local file to view the number of records in the file by type of status.
Compact/Repair File
  • Remove empty space from the selected local file after you delete or move records from the file to keep file size manageable. Deleting or moving records from a local file does not remove the empty space the records once occupied, and the file size continues to grow.
  • Repair a file when you receive erroneous messages that records in a local file are in use by another (unlocks "stuck" records).
     Note: If you still cannot open records, use the follow-up procedure in the topic on managing local files.
  • Repair local file indexes.
Cancel See description above.
Apply Close the window when finished.