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Label Printing Options

Find out how to access and use the Label Printing Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Label Printing Options window

  • Select label format.
  • Select the type of label stock (sheet or continuous).
  • Define a tag containing data you want to print on the pocket label.
  • Select an option to open a prompt when you print a label to start label printing at a specified column and row of sheet label stock (unavailable for continuous stock) Print labels to a specified text file.
  • Select print offsets.
  • Define automatic stamps to include on labels.
  • Print a test label to check alignment.

Access the Label Printing Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Printing.
  2. On the Printing tab, under Labels, click Label Options.
  3. Select a Format, Print Offsets, and/or the Form for printing labels.
  4. In the Tag on Pocket Label field, enter the MARC tag of a field containing data you want to add to the label. 
  5. Select the Prompt for Options check box to open a prompt when you print labels for setting a start column and row. 
  6. Select the Output to Text File check box and accept the default file, enter a different full path and file name of another text file (file extension *.txt), or click Browse to navigate to a text file to print the labels to a file, rather than to a printer.
  7. Click Define Automatic Stamps to open the Define Automatic Stamps window to define stamps.
  8. Click Print Alignment Label to print a test label.

See more about how to print and customize labels.

Label Printing Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Format selection buttons Select a button for one of the following formats for printing labels:
  • SL4: spine label and two four-line pocket labels (default)
  • SL6: spine label and two six-line pocket labels 
  • SLB: spine label and one four-line pocket label 
  • SP1: spine label only 
Form selection buttons Select the type of label stock you use for printing labels:
  • Continuous - Prints on continuous tractor-feed stock on a dot-matrix printer (default)
  • Sheet - Prints on a single-sheet stock using a laser printer
Tag on Pocket Label field Enter a MARC tag (field or field/subfield(s)) containing content you want to print automatically following the title data on pocket labels.

Enter numbers and subfield codes with no spaces or delimiters (e.g., 999ab)

Default: Blank or the last tag you entered.
Prompt for Options check box Select the check box to open a prompt before printing labels to specify a start column and row.
  • The next time you start label printing, the client opens the Column and Row Options window
  • Purpose of window to specify the column and row where you want to start printing the first label set.

Available only for sheet stock; unavailable for continuous stock.

Default: Check box is deselected. Labels begin printing in the first column and row of the sheet label stock.

Output to Text File check box

Browse box
Select the check box to print labels to a text file (file extension *.txt):
  • In the text box, type the full path and file name of a text file.
  • Click Browse, and accept the default file or navigate to another text file. Then click Open.


  • Text files support the ALA character set used in the client to enter diacritics and special characters.
  • Labels you print to the file are automatically appended to any existing labels in the file.
  • If you change to printing to a printer, you must close and re-open the client to print to the newly selected printer.

Default: Check box is deselected. Labels print to a printer. If you select the check box, the default text file path and file name is provided in the text box: X:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db\Labels.txt (X=letter of your hard drive)

Print Offsets
  1. Under Print Offsets, in the Top and Left boxes, enter a decimal number for the amount of space to add or subtract from the top margin of labels. To subtract use a negative number such as -.1 or -.2.

    Default: 0.0 for top and left

     Caution: Do not specify the margin (total distance between the edge of the label and the edge of the label text). Enter only the amount of space you want to add or subtract from the margin.

  2. Under Units, select Inches or Centimeters to specify the unit of measurement you want to apply to the offsets.

Default: Units: Inches


Button name Click the button to...
Define Automatic Stamps Open the Define Automatic Stamps window to define one automatic stamp per holding library code to print on labels.
Print Alignment Label Print a test label to check the placement of text on the label stock.
Browse Click to open the Choose a Label Print File window, which is a standard Windows Open window. Navigate to a text file (*.txt) to which you want to print labels.
OK Save the settings you entered and close the window. You return to the Printing tab (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel any changes you made and close the window. You return to the Printing tab.